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Lmao, after you guys read this one, thank Joss! 🤪 It's her birthday paragraph so we had to come through with a banger for a chapter. ⚡️ Happy Birthday J! 💓

 ⚡️ Happy Birthday J! 💓 xoxoshoshanaxoxo

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It was another Friday and oh how I thanked God for it. This week was one of the longest, with the principal giving us hell, and then the kids turning around and doing the same.

I grabbed the third and fourth books for Diary of a Wimpy Kid from the librarian who had just scanned them. "Kyrin, who you using these books for girl? You've checked these books out back to back."

Throwing a fake smile, I replied. "None ya."

That woman knew that I didn't like her messy ass. I was not the type to pretend I did either.

Collecting everything, I walked out of the library and to my car. Every Friday, I would go and see Eissa. We would spend our Friday's together since my week days were so hectic with me teaching.

This had to be the third or fourth week of us being in this routine and I don't think I'd ever get tired of spending time with Bubba.

When I arrived at the house, I parked and got out. Afterwards, I grabbed my purse with my books and went to the door.

Janet hated when I knocked or rung the door bell because she knew that I was coming over anyways. This time the atmosphere was different when I entered though.

Totally, utterly, and completely different.

The aura that entrapped the home made me want to turn around but I stuck through with it. Hearing something pouring in the kitchen, I followed the noise.

When I rounded the corner, I saw Janet standing in the corner of her kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine.

"Hey." I greeted softly for I hadn't witnessed Janet drinking before and didn't know how to take this.

She jumped at the sound of my voice as her hand went to her chest. "You scared the crap out of me Kyrin."

"Sorry. Where's Bubba?"

Janet looked down at the glass as she swirled it around slightly. "He's with his father, Wissam. Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"Oh it's cool." I took in her posture and asked. "Are you ok, Janet?"

She chuckled but it held no sense of humor. "We just argued before he left. The usual."

"Well, I don't think drinking will solve anything right now." My voice went toneless so she wouldn't think I was catching a attitude. "Plus, you drinking and upset isn't going to help the situation."

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