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The plane ride to Texas went by too quick for my likings. Phoebe hated flying and if I was completely honest, I did as well.

When we landed, I texted Carmen and let her know that I had made it. Phoebe looked at me skeptical when I didn't move for a moment.

She sighed. "Come on sis, we then came too far to turn back now."

Nodding, I got off the plane and called Janet. She answered on the second ring and music filled my ears from her end. "Hey baby. You made it?"

"Yeah. We just landed." I lowered my voice to a mumble as I walked into the airport behind Phoebe. "Baby pray for me."

Janet's chuckle filled my ears. "Already let one into the atmosphere for you baby."

"I know you're in the studio. I can hear the music, so I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Are you sure? I can talk if you want to."

I shook my head as I adjusted my jacket. "No baby, it's okay. Really. I gotta go get my bags anyways. I'll call you tonight."

"Okay, text me when you make it to your house please." Her voice took one of worry and I knew it was because she cared.

"I will. I will. Now go make music. We will talk later."

She mumbled. "Ok, bye baby."

"Bye babes." I hung the phone up and put it in my pocket. I realized P was smirking at me and I asked. "Girl what?"

"Cuties!" Phoebe made kissy faces and I rolled my eyes as we went to the baggage claim.

"We can be cuties all day, but you know the rule once we step foot into that house. Don't bring it up."

She nodded. "You know I wouldn't sister."

Thankfully, mine came rolling out right on time and I grabbed it off the belt. P had to wait for a moment, but finally, hers did as well.

We made our way outside and I realized Phoebe didn't have any car keys. "Where's your car?"

She looked at me weirdly before sighing. "Oh. See, that's the thing. My cars at home. Embers coming get us."

"Excuse me?"

Before Phoebe could reply a silver Dodge Charger pulled up in front of us.

I watched as Ember got out of the car and came running up. She squealed and hugged Phoebe. "Hey sissy!"

"Hey Emmy Bean." P greeted back as happily as ever.

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