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It's my big sisters cake day, so without further or due— let's get into her birthday chapter! Happy Birthday Brooke! Love ya whore! <3 BJGnovellas

It's my big sisters cake day, so without further or due— let's get into her birthday chapter! Happy Birthday Brooke! Love ya whore! <3 BJGnovellas

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"So... This baby, can not happen." I announced to my sisters suddenly.

Kyrin looked up at me from her desk quickly and Phoebes head shot up from her phone. Ky stuttered. "E-Excuse me?"

"Baby inside of me." I pointed to my stomach as I shook my head. "Not happening."

"Are you saying what we think you saying?" Phoebe asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I am. I never wanted kids, you guys know that."

"Okay. Wait." K put her hand up. "I need you to think this through. You are killing a baby, that Joey and Juliette will probably lay a red carpet out for. I understand that it will be your first child and you're scared, but you are nothing like our mother nor your father. You will bet those damn odds. Plus it's not always worth it E, I had that abortion and I've never had a successful pregnancy since."

"I agree with Ky, you could want a child later on and not be able to conceive. Lord forbid, but what if you and Joey and Juliette don't work out and you move on to someone else. Maybe you'll want kids then. I just think you shouldn't jump the gun right now."

My mind was made up about it. Joey and Juliette wanted this baby but I didn't. I didn't want this baby. I couldn't raise a baby... I barely had good role models! I had to raise my damn self dang near.

"Ember look, I know you're strong minded and it's probably no changing your mind... but sis, that baby deserves a chance." Kyrin mumbled.

"You didn't give yours a chance." I shot out.

Phoebe interjected. "Now that's not fair and you know it. Don't do that Em."

Kyrin shook her head. "No... it's okay Phoebe. Let her say what's on her mind. Continue."

"I'm just saying Kyrin, you didn't give yours a chance."

"You think I had a choice?"

"You didn't?" I questioned her.

She scoffed softly. "Sis, if I had a choice, my child would be right here with me today. I didn't have a choice in that. It was mind over matter. Common sense kicked in before anything else. I was raped, it would be hard looking at that child but I knew I could do it. I just didn't know if I could look at my child and tell them that I didn't know exactly who their father was. It would be hard because daddy was working— barely keeping us fed and with a roof over our head. Momma wasn't doing much at the time. We had to fend for ourselves half the time... and adding a baby to that wasn't a good thing. I thought mines out. I had no choice."

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