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"Janet. We need you to come off the stage."

I glanced at my best friend but did not move. I had decided I would not move. Not as long as I had to face my wife's wrath if I did move. Maybe I'd stand here for hours, days, weeks. It didn't make me any difference but I knew that I wasn't moving. People were moving around me, and most didn't even glance in my direction. They knew how I was when I didn't want to be bothered. Yet two people approached me, my best friends who deemed themselves un-fireable when it came to my wrath. Gil and Shawn could careless of what I wanted to do, they just made sure to let me know that I needed to get off this stage.

"J, look, you need to face the music. It's time to move off this stage." It was Shawn's turn to try and talk me into making a movement. "You're going to have to face the music sooner than later and I'm pretty sure if you don't move off this stage she'll—."

"Come to you." My wife cut Shawn's statement off as she stepped on the stage. "You don't move off this stage and I'll come to you." My eyes shot to Kyrin's but I still did not move causing her to chuckle. "Janet Damita, you got two choices."

I sighed as she continued. "You can get your ass off this stage and into that dressing room or we can have it out in front of every single one of your employees." I didn't reply and she decided for me. "Let's go." She began walking and I simply watched her. When she noticed I didn't move she rose her voice. "And it wasn't a question!"

Gil and Shawn shook their heads as they walked away from me. I turned and slowly began walking until I noticed my employees seemed to be looking at me. As I took my microphones off, I asked, "Who mic'ed her?"

Everyone in front of me footsteps stopped including my wife's as one of the tech guys asked. "Huh?"

I spoke louder. "I asked, who mic'ed her? Who mic'ed her in mid set?" I watched as the tech manager, Todd, shrunk down in front of me. "You mic'ed her?"

He nodded. "Y-yes but I thought—."

"You're fired." I cut him off coldly. Being a bitch was the only thing I could do right now.

"Janet come on now, he—."

I looked at Gil and spoke. "I don't care. He's fired. I did not stutter."

"Janet shut your salty ass up. I made him give me the mic." Kyrin rolled her eyes. "Todd you aren't fired. She's just upset. Let's go Superstar. Firing the man isn't going to make this conversation go any smoother."

Rolling my eyes, I followed behind my wife. When we got to the room, Sarah stood up. "I'll be talking to... someone. Anyone. Just not in here with you two. Good luck."

She left out after telling me that and I faced my wife whom was glancing at her phone. It was silent until I shut the door and locked it. Thinking hard, I tried to flip the blame on her, it was all I could think about doing to get this to go in my favor some. "You seriously walked up on my stage?"

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