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"Eissa.. how long do you plan on ignoring your own mother?" I asked as his back was facing me.

It was almost 7:30 in the morning, and he had yet to speak a word to me since three days ago.

He laid in his bed crying, yet again, for the second week straight. As time has progressed, he's completely stopped communicating with me.

"I want Butterfly." He mumbled softly.

That's another thing he keeps doing, mentioning this Butterfly person. When I thought it was a real butterfly that he was asking for, I took his to the butterfly room in the zoo downtown.

Turns out, it isn't a real butterfly that he's asking for at all. It's a person. Maybe his friend or something.

"Well, Butterfly isn't here E. Come on, you gotta stop crying prince." I tried to get him to look at me by grabbing his chin, but he only moved his head further in the pillow beneath him.

Eissa was never one to be this down in the dumps for so long. I had tried everything. His favorite foods. Ice cream whenever he wanted it, but all had come to no avail.

"You mean mommy."

I couldn't help the face I made. "And please explain how mommy is mean again."

"You were mean to Butterfly. You yelled at Butterfly. You took me from Butterfly!" He raised his voice as he spoke and I was completely taken aback. "I want Butterfly!"

I rolled my eyes, and was thankful that he couldn't see me. "Eissa, where is this Butterfly person at?"

"School!" This time he shot his head up and pointed at his backpack. "You were mean to Ms.Broussard!"

His teacher? Was all of this really because he couldn't see his damn teacher? She didn't even see about his overall welfare at that school anyways!

Sighing, I asked. "All of this is over your teacher Eissa Al Mana?"

He mean mugged me harshly. "She's nice to me! She helps me learn! You took me from Butterfly!"

"She let you get pushed Eissa. That's not nice or helping you learn."

"I didn't tell her." He replied to me clearly. "I didn't want the kids to get in trouble with her. I'm her favorite student and you— you were mean to her!"

I facepalmed myself for a moment before asking. "Ok Eissa, what do you want mommy to do?"

"I want to see Butterfly."

Shaking my head, that option wasn't on the table. "That's not a option Eissa. Anything else?"

"I want to see Butterfly!" This time he yelled again and when I didn't say ok, he put his head down on the pillow again. "Fine, I'm not talking to you then."

"Eissa..." I trailed off.

He shook his head as he looked elsewhere. "I'm not talking to you. Not until you go fix it with Butterfly."

"Well what do you want me to say? I already unenrolled you from the school, E."

"Go say sorry or I'm not talking to you. I want to see Butterfly."

I knew he was done talking because he closed his eyes and pulled the cover back up on his body. Getting up from the bed, I headed out of his room and called my mother.

Eissa knew that he was spoiled and that I'd do anything to make him happy. Even if it meant sucking up my pride and going talk to this Butterfly woman.

When I suggested that my mother come over and watch Eissa, she was more than excited to, saying that since schools started she's seen less of her grandson.

So I sat in the living room and waited until she made it to my house. The door bell rung a short spell later and I went and opened it.

Katherine Jackson stood on the other side with her hands full. One holding toys and the other holding food as she smiled from ear to ear. "I'm here for grandchild time. You go do what you have to do. I'll be here!"

She pushed me to the side and went into the kitchen as I grabbed my keys and followed her instructions. The less she asked, the better I felt about having to go talk to this teacher.

My drive to the school was kind of short, they didn't have a lot of traffic this early in the morning.

When I made it to the school, it was barren except for the teachers cars. I took a deep breath as I walked in. The front office let me through and I found my way back to the third grade hall.

Walking up to the woman's door, I knocked. "Come in." Her voice shouted and I opened the door and entered.

Her face dropped when she saw me and she turned around and kept writing on the board as if I wasn't in the room.

"Look, I just came here to apologize for how I acted." I mumbled.

She chuckled as she placed the marker down and looked at me. "Let me guess, he's not talking to you right now?"

I didn't answer right away but when I did speak up, I asked. "How'd you know that?"

"I know Eissa and how petty he will be. I wasn't lying when I said that I loved your child. He was the first student that caught my attention. He stayed to himself and didn't bother anyone. We've bonded over these 5 months."

"He calls you Butterfly. Why?" I questioned. "Just out of curiosity."

She shrugged. "From what I understand he doesn't like saying Broussard or B. So he says Butterfly when the other kids aren't around. What's up? You just came here to apologize?"

"Well, my son won't talk to me unless he sees you."

"Oh. So that's why you aren't being a selfish compulsive ass right now. Got it."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

As she chuckled again she didn't break eye contact. "Honestly, from what I've seen and noted, you're an asshole. You drug your child out of this classroom kicking and screaming. After you threatened to have me fired of course. So, I don't know weather you need dick or what, but to be crystal clear I'll go see Eissa for his benefit and not yours."

I sucked my teeth. At least she wasn't a pushover. "Just be outside after school lets out." 

After stating what I had to say, I walked out of her room. Her opinion meant absolutely nothing to me.

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