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My head rolled back as Janet drilled inside of me slowly. My words had long and got caught up in my throat because I could feel her in my stomach right now. She would pull out slightly only to come right back in but somehow deeper than the time before it. My mouth was open even though moans just weren't able to flow right now. I laid on the bed with a deep arch that I was beginning to lose as she picked up speed.

When she hit my spot repeatedly, all the moans that were stuck came flowing out as I clawed at the silk sheets beneath my body. My eyes rolled back. "Fuck! Daddy wait! Shit!"

"Oh, I'm Daddy now?" Her voice followed after and over my cries. I knew she was smirking by the tone of her voice. "I think I like Daddy."

I couldn't respond right away for all I could do was cry out as the strap went mercilessly inside of me. How deep inside she was made the pleasure mix with slight pain. "Baby wait! Shit! Slow—." My sentence stopped when Janet picked my leg up and threw it over her shoulder as she began going almost impossibly harder and faster.

"You gone quit ignoring me?" Nodding was all I could do at this moment. "Nu uh, I need an answer. Are you going to quit ignoring Daddy?"

Fuck! I regretted catching a attitude with this woman earlier. Why Kyrin? Why?! The only thing I was focusing on was the fire and pressure building up inside my body right now.

My words got stuck again and Janet nodded. "You still going to ignore me? Okay." She pulled out and slapped my thigh. "Turn over. All fours."

I took too long and Janet popped my thigh again but harder that time to get me to move quicker. Getting in the position she requested, I realized that she wasn't about to spare me tonight. She slid in easily for I was wet as hell, my juices still flowing down my thighs from when we first began.

She didn't give me time to adjust before she was pounding inside of me as I screamed out. "Shit!" My screams and the sound of my skin smacking against hers and the strap was enough to take me over alone but her voice made me hold out for a moment.

"Answer my question Kyrin, you gone quit ignoring me?" It came out in a growl like form as she grabbed my hair and yanked my head back as her other arm took its place around my neck.

Words shot out quickly once she did. "Fuck! Yes Daddy!"

"You're sorry?"

"Y-Yes Daddy." I moaned out as I felt it hitting me full blast. She slapped my ass cheek causing me to cry out even more. "Fuck baby! I'm about to cum."

I felt myself clench onto the strap as my climax took into place. My arms got weak as I laid my upper body flat on the bed. Janet slowed her strokes down immensely as she held my bottom half up. Her voice got soft as she began laying kisses on my arch. "Daddy loves you. You know that right?"

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