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Whew Chile, I been slacking on these updates. Works been kicking my ass, and I'm the Godfather of my team in this mafia at our school but I'm finna update tonight! ❤️🤪

 Works been kicking my ass, and I'm the Godfather of my team in this mafia at our school but I'm finna update tonight! ❤️🤪

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"Mom!" Eissa yelled out.

"Yes Prince?" I called back from my bed.

"Momma!" He yelled again.

This time my response changed. "What boy?"

"Mommmm!" Somehow he yelled louder as he got closer.

"Eissa Al Mana, I swear before Christ if you yell my name one more time..." I gritted as he walked into my room.

My son giggled at me. "I didn't hear you momma. Sorry."

He climbed into my bed and laid on Kyrin's side. "What's up Prince?"

"Can I ask something?"

"Of course."

"When's mommy coming back?"

I hesitated before answering. "Soon. She just had to go see about her mom."

"I talk to her today. Auntie Tiff let me call her." Eissa frowned. "But my teacher said she quit."

"She didn't quit, she's just going work at the big school from now on."

Tiffany walked into my room holding a bowl and some milk. "Have you seen—. Oh there you are. Come on Eissa. Janet, Momma Kats heading up the stairs right now."

My eyes widened when my mother turned the corner and entered my room. She glanced at Tiff. "Thank you for the warning that I advised you not to give her. Gone head Tiffany, before I don't spare you of my words."

Tiffany chuckled. "Love you too Momma Kat. Come on EE." They both disappeared from the door way and my mother closed it.

"Where is my daughter in law?"


"Why is my daughter in law in Texas?"

"To see about her mother."

"Okay..." She shook her head. "Apparently I'm going to have to announce the fact that I know. I know what happened—."

"Who snitched me out?" I asked in shock. "Tiffany?"

"Nope. Don't worry your little heart about who snitched you out, just know that you got snitched out. So what are you gonna do about it?"

"She asked for space mom. I'm going to give her space." I replied in a wee bit of annoyance.

"She ask you to jump from a bridge, you jumping?" I had to refrain from saying 'Well duh, that's my girlfriend.' My mom noticed and backtracked. "Well never mind apparently so because you sure are giving her space."

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