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"She's stuck for right now." Ember delivered the worse news of my week as I sat in my office chair with her on speaker phone. "Evidence is solid. I've called in a few favors, so she's got the best lawyer in Texas, but right now she's stuck."

My phone beeped signaling another call trying to come through. I looked and saw it was Tiffany. Deciding to call her back after this call, I declined it as I responded to my sister. "Well, we keep money on her books so she can eat good and let her know that she's gonna have to sit it out til court."

"Kyrin, seriously? That's all you have to say?" Ember asked in irritation. "You haven't cried or anything. Do you not care?"

I was about to snap on her until Tiff called again, and this time I had a gut feeling something was wrong. "Ember, I'll call you back in a few. Let me take this call." Not waiting for her response, I answered Tiff. "Tiffany, what's wrong?"

"Kyrin, where are you?" She asked me and I could hear panic in her voice.

"School. It's a student holiday so I still had to come in. Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm in an ambulance, on my way to the hospital with Eissa."

I stood up and began grabbed my wallet and keys as I placed the phone to my ear. "Tiffany, what's wrong with my son?"

"We've been calling Janet, but she isn't answering—."

"Tiffany!" I cut her off. "What is wrong with my son?"

"We were eating and then he just started holding his throat. He turned red and we thought he was choking but he wasn't. It might be an allergic reaction."

"What hospital?" I asked as I walked out of my office.

"Raegan." She answered and I heard another paramedic say something in the background. "No— no the Children's hospital. We're going to the Children's hospital."

"Alright. I'll be there. I'll get Janet." I hung up and quickly called my girlfriend. She didn't answer and I walked to the front desk where Joy was. "I'm away for today, my son is on the way to the hospital. So close my meetings and schedules. Tell Carmen if it gets to the point where somebody needs to represent the school. I gotta go. Thanks Joy!"

As I walked out I heard her yell back. "No problem!"

I rushed to my car and when I got in, I called Janet again. It rang and went to voicemail and I sighed. "This is not the time to not answer the phone Janet." I dialed Shawn's number and I was sent to voicemail by her this time.

Not budging, I dialed it again, and this time she answered. "Kyrin, we are in practice. Wassu—."

"Put my girlfriend on the phone." I cut her off in all seriousness as I got on the highway.

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