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Kyrin pulled into my driveway and smiled once she noticed me standing there with my hands behind my back.

As she got out the car and walked over to me, I pulled the flowers from behind my back. "I got you some flowers."

"Aw. Thanks. You didn't have to." I watched as she counted the burgundy roses and looked up at me. "12 burgundy roses. Why burgundy?"

"You should really focus on the number of roses, but we will discuss it later. Come on. Joeys waiting for us." I motioned towards the truck, where Joey leaned against it looking annoyed.

Kyrin laughed and asked him. "Boy, what is your problem?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Nothing." He rolled his eyes as he opened the back door for Kyrin and I. We both got in and Joey walked around, getting in the drivers seat. "Ya know..."

I sighed as I mumbled. "Here we go."

Joey continued. "I just find it funny how, we got this long ass drive and people wanna take their sweet precious time getting here."

Kyrin made a face. "Oh please, I don't even know where we're going so you can save the long drive speech. Plus, I'm not running on anybody's time except my own. Thanks though."

He pointed the finger at her. "I'm done speaking with both of you all at the moment."

Before I could say anything, the partition was lifted and my mouth dropped agape. Kyrin began laughing as she shook her head. "He's so damn sensitive."

"Tell me about it." I replied chuckling.

She laid her head in my lap as she looked up at me. "Tell me what the number of roses symbolize. I'm all ears."

"I'll tell you what the color means first."

Kyrin's eyes narrowed a bit before nodding. "Okay, I'll take what I can get. Tell me what burgundy symbolizes."

"Burgundy roses have a very specific connotation of unconscious beauty. In the Victorian era, deeper rose colors signified deeper passion. Per this schema, burgundy roses signify a very deep passion, even beyond red roses."

She smiled at me. "Aw, that's deep and beautiful. You're into flowers?"

I nodded. "Yeah, well more like the deeper meanings into the flowers. Everything symbolizes something."

"Never thought about it that way. How long of a drive is it to wherever we are going?"

"A drive."

Kyrin smacked her lips. "Fine. Be like that, but do we have a lot time?"

Looking out the window, I realized we had a 20 minute ride left. "It depends. What are we doing?"

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