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I was sitting in my office writing my reports for the Admin building. This and these kids is what kept me sane these days. There was a knock at the door and I yelled come in.

Mia Franklin walked in with a paper in her hands. I knew what it was and I sighed. "Mia—."

"Momma K, I tried to be good today

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"Momma K, I tried to be good today. I swear I did. The bitch just keep trying me." She fumed.

Mia was a Senior, one that you couldn't tell anything to unless you were me or her father. I was one of the select few that was actually getting a chance to see the brain behind this little girl's mind. She was bright, and had no problem holding an intellectual conversation with you if you gave her the chance.

We butted heads at first until she realized two things. I wasn't the old principal and I didn't need this damn job.

"Watch your mouth Mia."

"My bad, but she don't know me to be talking to me like I'm her child."

"Let me guess, Mrs. Kade?"

"How'd you know?"

"Let me ask you this Mia, are you in dress code?" I asked her because I knew how tough Mrs. Kade was on the kids dress code. The woman cared more than me.

"No but—."

"Oh. So you know you wrong?" I replied. "That's all I needed to hear."

"I have a jacket." She pointed out as she put it on.

"Put it on. Keep it on. Why didn't you tell Mrs. Kade that you had a jacket?"

Mia rolled her eyes. "I was going to until she caught a attitude."

I shook my head. "Have a seat Mia. Hand me the referral."

She handed me the paper and I looked over it. It was dress code and the way she talked to the woman.

"Don't call my dad." She mumbled softly. "Please?"

"Who'd you take this to before me?" I asked as I saw the two day suspension where the actions taken column was.

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