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When I woke up, my head was pounding as if I was hung over but I knew that I was not. Feeling around the bed, I didn't come up with Kyrin and I frowned before opening my eyes to nothing.

Voices came through the bedroom door and I realized Kyrin was probably entertaining her sisters and Joey.

Sliding out of the bed, a groan left my lips as I threw my hair up into a bun and headed for the bathroom. I began brushing my teeth when my girlfriends voice greeted me. "Morning gorgeous."

I looked over and threw her a toothless grin before answering dryly. "Morning."

Kyrin made a face at me. "What's wrong with you? Cause that was dry. I'm a little offended."

"I'm sorry, my heads just killing me." I replied after I washed my mouth out.

She chuckled at me and pointed over to the nightstand. "Had a feeling with how you went out yesterday it might hurt. I sat some there earlier this morning."

"Thanks baby." I mumbled as I went to go get it and she pulled me back into her arms.

Kyrin leaned down and pecked my lips before letting me go. "I just wanted my good morning kisses."

I smiled at her before going get the pills and taking them. Taking a deep breath, I let my eyes close for a moment before grabbing some sweats to wear today.

"Joey said that you're flying out tomorrow morning."

"We're flying out tomorrow morning." I corrected her. "You are coming with me. Right?"

I threw the sweatshirt over my head and when I looked back at my girlfriend she was shaking her head. "I was going to stay a few more days... just to settle some things."

"No, you're coming back to LA."

She sent me a look. "Bae, it's only like two or three days."

"Kyrin, what did I just say?" I asked seriously. "We're leaving tomorrow. It wasn't up for debate."

I wasn't leaving her in Texas by herself. Not with her unhinged ass father here. It just was not happening on my watch.

My girlfriend chuckled at my tone. "Don't get all dominant on me now." Rolling my eyes, I ignored her for a moment as I put on my sweatpants. Before I could get them up all the way, her arms snaked around my waist as she whispered. "Dominant you is sexy though. Gotta let that come out more often."

Laughing at her softly, I pulled her arms from around me so I could pull my pants up all the way. Once I finished I walked back into her arms. She swayed us for a while, and I relaxed in her embrace.

"Kyrin! Janet! Breakfast is here!" Phoebes voice shouted from our door.

Kyrin kissed the top of my head before mumbling. "Food awaits us. Come on baby."

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