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I sat in the studio with Ramón as we listened to the final touches of Made For Now.

My head was nodding back and forth.

Terry and Jimmy sat in the seats in front of the soundboard as Terry lowered the volume a bit. "We been thinking to take the bass out right before Janet enters. It'll give it more of a mellowed out vibe. Thoughts?"

Ramón and I shared a glance signaling that it didn't make neither of us any difference before I spoke. "Let us hear it, but I don't see why not."

They nodded and Jimmy played the version he was speaking of. When my part came up, we heard the songs bass lessen tremendously and my face scrunched up. 

I shook my head. "Uh, I don't think that's it. What do you think?"

Daddy Yankee looked at me and then back at them before shaking his head. "Lo siento. Eso no es."

Terry and Jimmy both shot me a confused glance before asking. "What did he say?"

Chuckling, I translated. "He said 'Sorry, that's not it.' So if he says that then leave it how it was. Nothings wrong with the first final version you all sent over." 

"Exactly." Daddy agreed with me.

"Oh so he speak English when he not dissing our mixes. Cool." Terry joked.

Ramón, Jimmy and I laughed. I checked my clock and saw that it was running on 1 pm.

My eyes widened as I stood. "Hey, I have to go. I have to go get Eissa from school."

They all nodded me off as Ramón and I hugged briefly. I left the studio and Joey was waiting for me outside, when I got in the truck he looked back at me. "Now when I'm late, you're going through the motions, but when I'm on time your ass ain't ready? How does that work?"

I rolled my eyes. "You choose the wrong days to be late. That's why."

He shrugged. "We going to your house?"

"No. The school. I have to go get Eissa and talk to Kyrin."

Joey shot me a glance in the rear view mirror. "Ou, going see your boo?"

"She's not my boo Joey. At least not yet." I mumbled.

"Oh. I fucking knew it! I knew something was going to happen between y'all. Plus momma Kat told me that you're gay and I was like 'up, I believe it'."

I frowned slightly. "How many people is she telling? She told Tiff and you? Probably told the world."

"She called us on a group call too. Talking tea on that house phone." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Whew. That's Katherine Jackson for you."

"So what are you and Kyrin going to talk about?"

"Mind yours." I told him with a attitude attached.

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