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We rode in the car for Friday had come faster than anticipated. Ember was tagging along since she never got around to telling us whatever the hell she had to tell us.

"Tell me again why we had to take my car?" Ember asked Phoebe who was driving silently.

I looked over at her from the passenger seat as she answered. "Tiffany don't know this car."

"Tiffany?" I questioned. "Bitch! Are we on a stake out?"

P nodded as she growled out her next statements. "Hell yeah. I found some messages in her phone and if I know like I think I know, her ass in this club booed the fuck up like Ella fucking Mai."

My eyes swiped over Phoebes attire and she had on some cargo pants, a cute shirt and her Timbs. Her hair was pulled back in a bun. Her hands were wrapped with tape. This bitch came to fight.

"We fighting aren't we?" Ember asked what I had just confirmed in my thoughts.

"Yes ma'am and if necessary we clearing this bitch out." Phoebe muttered. "Kyrin, I got a pair of Nikes and socks in the pack for you. I knew your ass was gone come in some heels. Ember, sweats in the back for you, I thought Kyrin was gonna dress up but instead you did. So let's get it, get to changing." Phoebe instructed us.

I looked back and grabbed the shoes from Embers hands. Shit, when my sister said we were fighting, then we were fighting.

After I put them on, I asked. "Anybody got a scrunchy?" Phoebe gave me one from her wrist and I pulled my hair into a messy bun as I spoke out loud. "Janet's going to kill me if she finds out."

"So don't tell her." Ember suggested as she changed in the backseat. It was riding on 10 pm, so it was dark as hell on the road.

"No," I cancelled that idea. "We don't do that. Speaking of telling Ember, what the hell did you have to tell us?"

Ember sighed. "It's about the house and momma and some other stuff."

"Start with the lesser and get deeper as it goes." I suggested.

"Mommas not getting convicted if we can get her a good lawyer. Langston said he knows someone but he said they require a lot of funding." She mumbled.

"Or a lot of pussy." Phoebe injected into the convo.

I looked at her and found her looking at me. "Bitch bye, I will hand Ember cash for that damn lawyer before I go sleep with my best friend."

"You did it before." P replied.

"And bitch I got pregnant! It was nothing worth doing again. And aren't we on the damn highway right now to go find your girlfriend doing the same shit you just suggested I do?" I asked in disbelief.

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