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The doors to my classroom busted open suddenly causing me to look up from my board.

Eissa came running my way. "Butterfly! Mommy be mean."

"What? Bubba, what do you mean?" I asked.

It wasn't even 7:30 yet, and school started at 8:30. There was no reason that E should be here this early.

"She gone try to make me—."

"Eissa Al Mana, don't say anything else." A voice cut him off. Eissa clutched on to my leg quickly.

When I looked up, my breathing hitched. Janet Jackson stood in front of me in the flesh and I didn't know weather I should fan girl or shrink down a few inches.

"My child will no longer be in your class anymore." She barked out coldly.

"Wait. Huh?" I questioned. "Why?"

"Eissa has been getting bullied in this class. Have you not noticed?" She asked me rudely.

"Now Ms. Jackson, with all due respect, those kids only mess with Eissa because he's more advanced than they could ever be."

Janet scoffed. "Is that any reason to let them bullying my child be alright?!"

"You don't have to raise your voice." I lifted a eyebrow. "We are both in the same room and can have a civil conversation without you raising your voice."

"You aren't about to tell me to not raise my voice when it comes to my child! I don't know who you think you are—."

I cut her off as I replied. "Kyrin. Kyrin Broussard. That's who I know I am."

Truthfully, she was rude as hell. She didn't even give me a chance to explain, let along get a simple word out. Still, I was no ones push over.

"I could have you fired. Do you understand who I am? I am Janet Jackson. Your job could be down the drain with nothing but a phone call."

Oh. Here we go with the power trips.

I shrugged. "Well, by all means, do what you have to do. I love Eissa, and I always tell those kids something when they bother him. Now, I'm not sure what all you've been told, but I can guarantee you haven't heard the whole story."

Her nostrils flared slightly at me not being frightened by her scare tactics. "How about I do us both one better, Eissa will no longer be attending this class or school. My child has been disrespected constantly and someones been hitting on him. Show her Eissa."

Bubba lifted up slightly and pulled his shirt up. He had a bruise on his side. I bent down and sighed. "Why didn't you tell me Bubba?"

"I didn't want you to be mad at the kids." He mumbled softly where his mother couldn't hear.

Eissa was always a caring child, never one to be selfish. You could do him wrong and he'd still be your friend. He just had a good heart.

"Who did this to you?" I questioned.

E shook his head. "No, I'm not telling."

"It doesn't matter who did it. What matters is it happened and you were no where to be found!" Janet's voice entered her dialogue once again.

I stood up straight again and faced her. "I can't watch over the class 24/7. They go by themselves often. To lunch. To recess."

She shook her head. "Oh and why is that?"

"Why do we give them a certain extent of freedom? Maybe because as they grow up, they'll need to learn that everything isn't done with someone holding your hand."

Janet scowled at me before trying to pull Eissa who latched onto my leg again. "No! Momma I don't wanna go!"

It turned into a tug a war match between the two before she finally got him off my leg.

"Butterfly! Don't let her take me!" He yelled as he cried. Someway he got out of her grip and ran back to me. "Butterfly. I don't wanna go!"

I bent down as I hugged him. "Butterfly's going to see you soon. Okay Bubba?"

He shook his head. "No. Mommy isn't going to let us. Please Butterfly. Please?! I'm sorry! I wanna stay with you."

We pulled back as I wiped his tears. "You gotta go Bubba. That's your mommy. What do I say about parents?"

Eissa didn't reply but instead busted out crying harder as his faced turned as red as a tomato. Finally he stuttered. "I wa-wanna stay!"

Before I could reply, Janet had yanked him up again and this time she held him firmly. Eissa kicked and yelled as she walked out of my classroom.

I followed her into the hallway and saw that other teachers had came to watch the show.

"Butterfly!" He yelled as he hung on to the door, preventing Janet from walking out our section of the school.

"Let go Bubba!" I yelled gently. "Butterfly will see you soon."

"No! No! Mommy! I wanna stay!" He began kicking harder and Janet mumbled something in his ear. Whatever it was made him unlatch from the door and scream harder.

My eyes stayed on him until he was completely out of my sight. The teachers all turned and looked at me as I turned around and walked back into my room.

When the door shut, I wiped the tears that had fallen. Seeing Bubba cry like that hurt me.

I couldn't believe she would take him out of school like that. That was the woman everyone was scared to meet, and quite frankly I was no longer a fan of Janet Jackson. How could she just take him like that? Kicking and screaming that he wanted to stay.

The door to my classroom opened again and Carmen stood there. When I faced her completely, she opened her arms. "Aw. No. Don't cry. Come on Stink."

When I walked into her embrace, I broke down. "You should have heard him Carmen. She's a monster."

Carmen sighed. "It's going to come back on her Ky. Don't worry on it. That boy loves you, I got a feeling he'll be back soon."

I did nothing but pray that her feeling was right.

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