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We had changed and all made it back to the waiting room. Simply awaiting the doors of Janet and Kyrin's reception to open.

All hell was about to break loose and I just stood back this time. I wouldn't say anything unless I had to. Phoebe had crossed over to where Miss Joanna and Ember we're standing. She spoke calmly. "Hey, Kyrin doesn't want you here. It's time for you to go."

"Excuse me?" Miss Joanna asked as she got offended.

"Phoebe. Don't do that. She just got out." Ember told her.

Phoebe crosser her arms together as she rolled her eyes. "My sister said she doesn't want you here Joanna. So you need to step. Now, this my second time asking nicely. The third time we gone run into some problems. Bounce."

"P, yo... why you tripping on her?" Em asked hurt.

Langston came over to me and frowned. I didn't return anything towards him because I was focused on this situation in front of me.

Miss Joanna got in Phoebe's face. "Phoebe I am your mother—."

"Sweetie you ain't shit to me. Just because we didn't inform Ember on some shit don't mean I won't tell her right now. Get out of my face. I got permission to drag your raggedy ass out of here if I have to. Don't try it." She pushed her back a couple of steps and I got in between the two knowing they were about to fight.

I was facing Miss Joanna and I spoke calmly. "Miss Joanna, maybe you should just go up to your hotel room. Talk to Kyrin after all of this is over with. She just has a certain way she wanted her day to go and unfortunately you aren't ideal for it. I'll talk to her."

Miss Joanna looked at me before nodding softly. "Fine. I'll go."

She walked away and the room was silent until Ember asked. "What didn't you two tell me?" Phoebe waved her off and Em asked again. "What don't I know?"

"I'll tell you after—."

"After I have the baby. Yeah. Got it." Ember rolled her eyes as she began walking away. "I'll see you guys at the reception. I need a minute."

A lady followed after Ember but I wasn't quite sure who she was. Phoebe smacked her lips. "She swears she wants to know but when she does find out she becomes sensitive fucking Sally. I don't have time."

"Whose that lady that followed after her?" I asked Phoebe but a man answered me.

"That was my wife." He told me but he didn't seem excited to say it.

"And her fiancé." Phoebe added and my face furrowed.

I looked between them. "I'm confused. Fill me in."

"Well this here is Janet's bodyguard, Joey. Joey is married to the woman who followed Ember, her name is Juliette. Juliette and Joey decided that they loved my sister just as much as they loved each other, so they're getting married." Phoebe gave me the run down.

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