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The front door opened and little footsteps ran my way as I pulled a pot out the oven. Eissa came running towards me as I sat the pot on the stove and took the mittens off. Smiling at him, I picked him up. "Hi Prince."

"Hi momma." He mused back.

"How was school? Have a good day?"

He nodded excitedly. "I got a good color today. Oh and my music teacher is teaching me how to play Beethoven."

"Really? That's good Prince. Where's Butterfly?"

My son pointed up. "She went to sleep. Mommy was sad today momma, why?"

"I don't know Prince. Got some homework?"

"Yes ma'am." I placed him back down on the ground as he continued. "I have division."

"Okay, well go start that and I'm going up to check on Butterfly. Ok?"

"Ok." With a nod he went back towards the front and I heard him grab his backpack. Walking up the stairs, I walked into our bedroom and saw my girlfriend facing away from me in the bed.

Crawling in behind her, I placed my arms around her as my fingers ran through her curls. "What's wrong baby?"

When I peeked over I saw that her eyes were closed as she replied. "Nothing. Just tired mama. That's all."

"You sure that's all?" I asked as I kissed her forehead.

"My moms charges jumped to first degree murder." She mumbled. "My heads killing me. I've barely been able to sleep and Ember wants to abort the baby."

All of that had made my head hurt as well. I didn't blame her for taking a mid day nap. I'd need one too.

"Wait. What?"

"Yeah and then Carmen isn't helping shit. I've been working on getting Joy a classroom... it's just a lot."

"Joy?" I questioned with a heavy tone from just hearing her name.

My girlfriend opened her eyes and looked back at me. "Calm down. It's just the quicker I get her a classroom the quicker she isn't my assistant. I promised her a teaching position before all of this shit hit the fan, and I'll stick to it. Now it'll just be for personal reasons though."

"Oh okay." I let up some.

Kyrin smiled at me. "Woman you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Don't even flinch when you hear that girls name because she has nothing on you. Absolutely positively nothing. I love Janet Jackson. No one else. Well, of course Eissa and my sisters and—."

"I get it baby. I get it." I cut her off and she chuckled as she shrugged.

"Just saying."

"I'm not worrying, I just don't like that girl. I warned her the first time and if she knows like she better know, then she won't make me have to repeat myself."

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