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The door to my hotel suite sounded from being knocked on. I got up and rushed over as I looked through the peephole. Quickly opening the door, I came face to face with my girlfriend and her two sisters.

"Oh baby... what happened?" I asked softly as I studied her appearance.

Her eyes were blood shot red and her nose was too. I knew she had done some crying. Her curls almost looked like they were dried up and hard.

She didn't reply, but she was looking at me or maybe through me.

"She hasn't spoken since the whole thing happened." Ember mumbled.

I moved to the side. "Come in." They walked inside but Kyrin stayed where she was. "Baby... you gotta say something. Anything."

When I reached out to touch her, she flinched back before shaking her head and just walking past me. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't hurt by her actions.

Sighing, I let the door shut behind me as I turned and followed her into the living room, watching as she sat down and simply stared off.

Joey stood when he saw her. "What the hell happened, Kyrin?"

No one spoke and I asked, "Can everyone give Kyrin and I a minute?"

They looked at me and nodded as they stood up. Joey spoke. "We can go wait in my room. It's just across the hall. Take all the time you need."

Everyone left the room and I went and kneeled in front of my girlfriend. She looked into my eyes as she whispered. "I chose you."

"You chose me?"

She nodded softly as another low whisper came greeting my ear drums. "He made me choose and I chose you."

Not truly understanding, I asked, "Baby, talk to me. What happened?"

Kyrin broke the eye contact as her eyes watered again. Her voice came out a bit stronger this time.
"M-my parents are homophobic J. I know I should have told you, but I ju-just didn't know how to. H-he snapped. That wasn't my father. I don't know who that man was, but i-it wasn't him."

She broke down and I embraced her as she did. My arms made their way around her body as I rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry that he did that Kyrin."

"I'm giving up everything for you. I'm throwing in everything, for you. So please Janet, don't leave me in this by myself because I don't have anyone to fall on. I don't mean to sound needy but I need you." 

"And you have me baby. I got you. Whatever you just had to leave with your father can be replaced and then some. I'm sorry that he even gave you that ultimatum, but I'm here for you. No matter what. Just tell me what you want to do and we'll do it." 

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