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I sat up in bed as my eyes widened from the dream I had while I napped. My mind panicked as I threw the covers off of my body and headed to our closet. Bypassing Janet, I grabbed some sweats and threw them on. Putting my slides on, I went to rush out but stopped myself once I noticed what she was doing.

"Woman... What are you doing?"

Her hands were at the buttons of her jeans trying to close them. "Baby... I need to lose weight. These jeans are a 10, it's no way I shouldn't be able to get into these. I'm getting fat."

My face furrowed as I put my first objective on hold. Walking up behind her, my arms snaked around her waist as she watched me in the mirror.

"People gain weight baby, it's part of life. You are not getting fat, if anything that fat is going to nothing but your ass."

Janet still frowned at me as she sighed. "I don't want you to stop being interested in me though. I just— I need to get back on my diet."

"Is that what you're worried about?" I asked her softly as I swept her hair to the left side of her shoulder. Sitting my chin on her right shoulder, I spoke again. "Baby skinny, thick or curvy, you will always be my number one interest. That will be the last thing you have to worry about with me. Now I don't know what your old dudes was saying, but don't ever feel like you have to lose weight to keep me interested. I am looking at a hundred other things but that."

"Seriously?" She asked me shakily as we met eye contact in the mirror.

I nodded and it caused her to smile. "See, that's one of them. That smile pulls me in and captivates my mind every time I'm blessed enough to see it. Then to know I'm the one making it happen only boosts me to keep making it happen. Ou and don't get me started on your personality because I could talk for years on how your goofiness balances out with your seriousness and provides this real sexy vibe that I can't live without."

Janet put her head down as she blushed and grabbed at her ear. "Stop it."

"But I'm just getting started." I replied as I placed a kiss on her neck. "What I'm saying though baby, is that you have no reason to be insecure about your body. Even when you don't, you need to know that I love everything about it. I will always love everything about it. So, throw on some tights, and let's go get some burgers."

She turned in my embrace. "I'm not eating a damn burger Kyrin."

"You think you aren't, but you are. We eating a burger and fries and shake today. I've been craving Five Guys. Please baby, for me?" I pouted.

Her finger traced my cheek before sighing. "Fine woman. I'll eat a damn burger. Scratch the fries but I'll take the shake."

Smiling, I did a little happy dance. "Yes! Okay okay, we can have a little get together alright? Invite Tiffany, Shawn, and Joey and his wife and—."

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