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I sat on the swing of our porch, as it rocked back and forth. The front door opened and when I glanced up, I was met with my sisters.

They sat on either side of me as we stayed silent for a while.

"Where's Janet?" Phoebe asked out of nowhere.

"The hotel with Joey. I convinced her that it wasn't enough room here and that I'd come meet her later."

Ember looked at me. "You two are more than just friends eh?"

Nodding, I sighed. "Yeah. We are. Which is why it was Phoebes duty to keep her away from Texas."

"I tried, but her tone heightened and I wasn't about to die on the hands of you. Plus, when I told her you had left, I didn't think she would just pop up in Texas."

"Well where else did ya think she was gone pop up at? The Hawaiian islands?" Ember asked sarcastically. "Janet's your first girlfriend yeah?"

Phoebe pointed the finger as I mumbled. "Yeah, first and last. If she doesn't work out then I'm going back straight. Janet doesn't know that dad and Joanna are... ya know..."

"Homophobic? Girl it's not a cuss word. Say that shit." P scolded me. "They too damn old to do shit like that and they know it. It isn't right."

Em shook her head. "Why are they like that? I mean mommy had a whole conversation with Janet yesterday and she seemed to love her."

"She probably did, but once it's brought to light that I'm Janet's girlfriend, they'll act like the damn world is going to end. Well more like daddy is going to shit his bricks and momma ain't gone say shit about it."

Phoebe agreed. "You not lying. Let's not forget how they did me over—."

"Jessica in the 10th grade." We all spoke simultaneously.

"Called the priest to the house to pray the evil spirits out your soul because you knew that you were gay." Ember muttered as we swung. "Shit, come as you are. Ain't that what the pastors say?"

My parents were hell bent on being Catholics and living and breathing the Bible. I didn't see how, cause my mother was the biggest sinner of them all— but hey, that might just be my thoughts.

I over looked at Phoebe. "You haven't dated since Jessica either."

She nodded. "Exactly. They told me I couldn't be gay under their roofs, so I got my own place where I could be myself. I wasn't about to force myself to go straight for anybody. Period."

"No tampon." Ember added in causing me to look at her weirdly.

"Alright. Let's not repeat that, but I have a question."

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