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My alarm woke me up and I groaned. I turned it off and looked at the time, it was 5 am.

When I tried to shift, I realized that Janet was laying on top of me. I eased her off of me slowly, and succeeded in not waking her.

Making my way to my restroom, the throbbing between my legs let me know that more than likely I had a limp going.

Even though I held my own very well last night, Janet still got her rounds in with me and now Carmen was going to know it.

I brushed my teeth and went and turned on my shower. Getting in, when the hot water hit my body, I couldn't help but moan out in delight.

My thoughts began to circulate. What in the hell was going on? Janet and I never had a conversation about anything.

Grabbing my washcloth I lathered it with my body wash. I scrubbed my body, and when I went to washing the soap off of my body, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

Smiling softly, I spoke. "Morning."

"Morning baby." She greeted back in her morning voice and I prayed that she didn't see the goosebumps that rose on my skin at her saying that.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I slept amazing. I'm pretty sure if your second alarm didn't go off, I would still be sleeping."

Chuckling, I turned in her arms. "Sorry, I forget I set so many. I'm just not a morning person sometimes."

"I was made to be one. So it's no biggie."

"How are you feeling?"

Janet shook her head as she broke eye contact with me. "I don't wanna talk about that right now Ky."

I placed my hand under her chin and tilted it back up. "Don't hold that in alright? Whenever you want to talk about it. Whenever you need to talk about it. You can always count on me to listen. Alright?"

"I know baby." She mumbled as she traced my collar bone. "Can I have another kiss?"

Rolling my eyes playfully, I connected our lips. It was easy for us to get carried away, and that's exactly what we did. I cupped Janet's ass as she began sucking on my neck. "Mm."

She guided me to the wall and when my back hit the cold surface, I snapped back to reality.

Pulling away, I spoke reluctantly. "J... I gotta go to work. Don't start nothing we can't finish."

She smirked at me. "Who said I was trying to start something? Maybe I just wanted my kisses. Shit, I'm already limping."

"Same. Hey, now that you know about Spongebob, you gotta put my Eissa on." I told her. "He can't grow up and not know about Spongebob."

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