1. Back Again

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NOTE: Enjoy, and don't forget to vote and share! Also, read the author's note at the end. Seriously. Do it.

*Also, I use female pronouns in this. If any males/others have questions about it or would like me to change something, feel free to ask me over PM!



I sat in the passenger seat of the car while my mother's best friend drove the car.

I propped my head on my palm and looked out the window with a solemnly as the rain drops splashed softly on it, my mind racing with thoughts.
We were both silent the whole ride until she abruptly said, "So... Yukio and Rin, huh...? Your mother told me about how much you missed them over the passed five years."
"Mmm." I hummed, tapping my fingers on my cheek.
"What are they like?" She asked, not daring to make eye contact with me.
Just the thought of seeing them again made me smile. They had their weird personalities that I still remember.

"Well... Yukio is the genius and Rin is a troublemaker," I responded quietly, watching the road swiftly as if it moved past.

After that, she just went sort of wordless. Nada. Nothing.

Though, I didn't blame her; starting a conversation after weeks of grieving wasn't the best idea.
Especially when that person to you... Was the person who protected you and cared for you, and you didn't give really a damn.


Eventually, we got to the church.

For some reason I felt so empty and lifeless when I looked at it. Or it was a strange sort of feeling—one that held emotion.
Something wasn't really right, or maybe it was just me.

"You got it from here, Y/N?" My kindred driver questioned nicely.
I nodded with a half-hearted smile. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the ride," I waved goodbye as she left, and then walked up to the church.

I wanted to be polite, so I had knocked.

One man suddenly opened the door with a frown.
"Hello..." the man eyed me with question. "How may I help you?" He asked curiously.
"I'm here to see Rin and Yukio. I'm an old friend," I explained, holding one hand with the other in anticipation.

The man raised an eyebrow, looking at me as if I was stupid.
    "Sorry, kid. They left a while ago for True Cross Academy. Thought' everyone knew about it...?" He informed, saying the last part to himself and seeming a little down as he said it, leaning against the large door frame.

Wow. They're almost seventeen now.

It's been... A while.

"I see..." I frowned, looking down and shuffling my feet. "Is there any way you can take me there?"
He shrugged. "You need to be applied to enter there."
Here we go...
"Listen, Sir. I really need to see them," I pleaded, bowing as much as I could and trying to come out up with deals and excuses to take me where they were.
Abruptly, another man ambled up to the door with an eyebrow raised and a cigarette, seemingly overhearing our conversation.
"Hey, kid, what's your name...? I might be able to help," he claimed, breathing out some smoke.
"Y/N L/N," I answered quickly.
"Oh," his eyes widened as his cigar fell out of his mouth. "We are truly sorry," he hissed and backhanded the other man, narrowing his eyes. "Wait here a moment," and he left, hurrying out with the other.

A few minutes later, he came back with a red, sealed envelope and gave it to me.

"Shiro knew you would come back some day, so he made this just for you as a plan. It's a form for True Cross Academy. It gets you in automatically."
"Oh!" My eyes fluttered. "Thanks," I smiled, looking at the envelope with happiness. "I'd like to go there now, if you wouldn't mind."
"Sure," he nodded, immediately calling up someone quickly, and to my surprise, they arrived just minutes later. "Just get into that limo, and you're officially into the academy."
I waved goodbye with a bow, and said thank you again.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now