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A/N: heya loves. sorry this is late, I've been........... busy. (reading King's Maker and watching Jojo cough)

❗️: OH ALSO, I've decided to add a little love and put in two couples! I hope you don't mind :) they're not blatantly obvious but... you can probably figure them out.

oh and, u know those old waterpark OVAs? I'm bringing them back baby. FUCK YEAH

(ps. follow my art insta: @ _mi12._ ) !

After the dangers of the academy had finally come to an end, months had gone past, and some of us had gone our own paths.
Although, we decided that our lovely group of chaotic, childish exorcists (and fair share of demons) would never come to a closure. And thus, Bon had come up with a genius plan.

A trip to the waterpark.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Rin questioned oddly, a bit too loud.
All of us stood outside the locker rooms, gazing at this scenery that glowed upon us.
There were long, blue slides coming from laddered perches, colored diving-boards along the ginormous pool, a lazy river split in the middle of the park, and so much more.
It was as if the gods of water were actually just architects for enjoyment—and believe me, after seeing this huge place, I wouldn't doubt it.
Small children's voices rang in my ears as fellow teenagers and young-adults pushed each other in the waters playfully, while the older people watched their children or devoid their souls of work and sleepily lay in a tube, floating in a lazy river.
This place was so glorious, so colorful and friendly—I'd never seen anything like it!

"What?" Izumo questioned, putting a hand on her hip, dressed in a slightly-revealing violet bathing suit with an opening in the back (in which, I had to admit, she pulled off well). "Has Devil-Man never seen a waterpark before?"
Rin pouted as he glanced to the side in embarrassment. "Well..."
"Well," Yukio cut in swiftly. "It... It seems I haven't either," he said, very, very quietly—almost as if he was ashamed to say it.
Shiemi gaped, grasping her yellow-striped one-piece dramatically. "Yukio! Do you even know what 'fun' is...?"
Konekomaru put a hand on Yukio, seeming left in the dust like the other two. "I... Haven't... Been to one either..."
Shiemi, Izumo, and I all gasped simultaneously.
"You uncultured swines..." I mumbled, secretly just teasing them.
"Enough already! Can't we just go?" Bon complained, throwing his head back.

I had to admit, we did look like a whole group of trouble-making rats. With Izumo and Bon's scary aura, two small goody-two-shoes, a demon (or... two), a pink-haired playboy, and a literal student-teacher, we were basically a package.
Although... I think some of our bathing suits were a little... Less intimidating than expected?
Konekomaru was basically decked out in too much gear, in which I guessed his mind just jerked and assumed the seemingly limitless dangers and possibilities of a family-loving waterpark. Rin wore a (flame friendly) pair of checkered swim-trunks, Yukio wore Hawaiian-decorated trunks, Bon (being the OG towney he was) wore his iconic beads around his neck, with swim-shorts that almost exactly matched Shima's. Just an ombré orange and red—except Shima's was pink and blue.
     Lately, Bon and Shima seemed to have become... Closer. Like, real close. Coincidence? Maybe. You never know.
"Would you quit staring around? Let's go!" Shima encouraged, waving me over with the rest of the group.
I smiled, shaking away my thoughts and heading over to where they were going.

I smiled and laughed with them as we ignored the pretentious "No Running" signs and mace our way over to our first stop: the high-dives.
    Surprisingly, Bon was the first one to chicken out, and unsurprisingly, Shima stayed behind with him.

The line was long, but it didn't take much for it to be our turn. Rin seemed to be a little nervous, but I guess Yukio thought the same—because the younger one slapped his brother's back and reassured him. Not in a nice way, though; more like a "if-you-don't-man-up-I'm-going-to-tell-everyone-your darkest-secret" kind of way. Which was, in a sense, endearing and terrifying at the same time.
    Nonetheless, Rin climbed the ladder and contemplated all of his life choices (I assumed) and jumped like his will to live had disappeared.
    We cheered and laughed, and once he came to the surface, he gave us a thumbs up and grinned.
    I knew today was off to a good start.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now