2- 56. A Snake, A Lion, And A Deal

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RECAP: oh lordy. Get ready for the next two chapters to be the last.

EXITING A/N: (Renamed chapter; 11/20/18)

But none of the smiles lasted long, for my father glared into my blue eyes, signaling that something other than another fight was about to begin.

One much bigger than the others.


Duke Eligos started for me fiercely, but was stopped midway by Satan. Eligos looked confused, but took a step back in his master's honor.
The father-like demon smirked, and now he was stepping closer to me.

"Y/N... Get behind me," Rin said cautiously, reaching out for my hand to pull me pack, but I hesitated, taking a glance at the twin's father.
I shook my head. "No," I began. "You stay behind me,"
"Are you fucking insane?" Rin hissed, grabbing my arm, but I snatched away.

Satan kept ambling along, but something was changing.
Something started to encase his body, replacing the clothes he had already been wearing with a kind of strange black skin suit. An object started to form in his hand too—slowly turning into a flaming weapon like Rin's.
He circled the three of us, making the other students stand their ground and be at the ready.
"What's with that look, Y/N?" He asked, showing his sharp teeth in a ferocious smile. "Is it fear?"
I seethed as he suddenly got close to my body on the blink of an eye, making Rin and Yukio flame.
"You don't scare me," I said, gazing threateningly into the demon's blue orbs.
Again, he was gone after a second, but appeared behind us and retorted, "I know I don't. It's not me you're fearing," he started.

I saw the twins exchange glances as Yukio put a hand on one of his guns.

"It's your disease."

And it was true.

The disease was clearly visible on me now, and I felt it painfully spread through my body quicker than expected.
I didn't know what the future of this battle held now, as each second I was to be engulfed in the demonic spreading.
"Y/N, you need to–"
"Silence!" Satan shouted, banging his weapon onto the rooftop, which made a crack in where he stood from the force exerted.

Yukio shut his mouth quickly, gulping.

"You boys step back," he said demandingly, glancing at me. "It's time for the true demons to play."
    I gagged at hearing those words be aimed towards me.
    Yukio drew out his gun. "Y/N, if you don't–"
    "Yukio," I said, glancing at him seriously. "I need you to watch over the class."
    "Y/N, I swear to–"
    "Yukio, it's my turn to protect you," I retaliated, holding my stomach as I felt the disease start to grow and grow, slowly spreading along my arms.
    "Y/N, you..." Rin started, but I stopped him.
    "Save it, Spawn," then I glanced over to Eligos. "Put a barrier up."
    Bon screamed at me, "Fuck, Y/N! You can't do this!"
    Duke smiled at me eerily. "As you wish, Dearest."
    The barrier started to form up, I looked at Yukio solemnly and took steps closer to him, making him back up.
    "Y/N, no," he mumbled, backing up faster. "Please, Y/N..."
    "Yukio," I sputtered, feeling my eyes get glassy as he, too, watched the disease grow faster and faster. "I am so sorry," I finished, pushing his weak body out of the barrier, only leaving Rin and Satan and I inside.
    Shiemi cried out, and Shima and Bon swore to hell. Yukio looked worried—abandoned, even. But there was something in his eyes that showed me trust, and I held that image in my head for as long as I could.

The disease started to get painful as everyone watched.

I couldn't find my voice as I started to relive moments of my life quickly like a slideshow in my head.
    Hana's death, meeting the class and seeing their sweet smiles, Yukio's kiss, Amaimon, finding Rin, and feeling the respect I hadn't had for myself before.

Feeling an emotion that others aimed towards me. I lived every second of it.

And I loved it as the past held me tighter than ever before.

I fell to my knees and screamed, looking up to see Satan smiling devilishly, and Rin try to escape the abyss of wordlessness.
    I stared to feel hot—uncomfortably warm as I closed my eyes and sailed as I felt pain whip through me for seconds on end, but then it had all stopped.
    The pain faded quicker than the blink of an eye, and I felt no rush through my body.

Instead I felt a sort of power—but not complex.

I opened my eyes and looked down, seeing flames engulf my hands. Not just any color—but red. The color of anger and vengeance.

The opposite color of Rin and Satan's.

Though, I wasn't vexed or mad of any sorts. I was merely full of passion.

Red was the color of love as well—and as the flames blazed brighter, I felt a kind (yet fierce) energy within my being.

It rose in me as I glanced upward to see the devil himself with an expression of capacity.
    The flames immersed me much like Satan's, but mine were brighter, as if to show youth and apprentice power.
    "Y/N..." Rin suddenly said in awe, stepping closer to me.
    "Ah! What beautiful flames!" Satan admired, making both us demons turn to him. "Finally..." his tone grew darker. "I get to face a real challenge."

I narrowed my eyes. "Before that, I have a proposal," I said, folding my arms.
    Satan sneered in return.
    "First, like the good old times, we make a deal."
    Arthur stood up quickly and said with finality, "Sir, don't–"
    Satan snapped his fingers, making him shut up.
    "I can handle child's play, Angel."

I held my arms tighter, and gazed into his furious eyes once more before saying, "Whoever wins replaces the role of their opponent."
    Arthur raised an eyebrow and said from behind the barrier, "You're going to have to be more clear, little girl."

My flames grew hotter, and my glare grew stronger.

"I mean, whoever wins gets to stay in the mortal world, and the other dissipates into Gahenna."

And so, the fight was on.

Satan became the snake, and I appeared the lion.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now