3. The Bridge

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Rin put his arm around me and whispered, "Sorry, my brother is an idiot."
"I noticed. You are too." I mumbled, looking away.

Yukio said it would be a long car ride, so I wanted to sleep it out. With Rin's arm still wrapped around me, I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.
I knew he blushed, but so did I. I just never wanted to move out of that position.

And with that, I fell asleep peacefully in the silent limo, waiting to get to our destination.
Little did I know, there was so much more to come.


I awoke to Rin poking me on the forehead.
"Hey, sleepyhead," he smiled, ruffling my hair.
"Are we there yet?" I muttered exhaustedly, rubbing my eye.
"Mhm. Come on, let's get out of the car." Rin held out a hand, so I took it.
He lead me outside where the boys were setting up the tents while the girls organized everything.

"I'm going to go help with the tents," he smiled as his hand slid out of mine gently and walked off to assist the other boys.

Shiemi strode up to me and grinned.  
    "He's so sweet, isn't he? You guys are adorable."
"Shiemi! I don't think it's like that!" I blushed furiously, and luckily he didn't notice... This time.

Though, I decided I wanted to turn the tables and be a little evil.
I smirked and poked her arm, "I think it's pretty obvious he likes you." I teased.
She flushed completely red.
"No way!" She shook her head. "He definitely likes you. He talked about you while you were sleeping. So was Yukio!" She countered.
"Y–Yeah, well...! L–Let's change the subject!" I crossed my arms.

What did they even talk about? I'm not that interesting.

"Whatever you say, sleeping beauty." She shrugged teasingly and walked off.
"Sh–Shiemi, wait!" I called out and sprinted for her.


I watched Y/N run off to Shiemi with a curious stare.
I don't know what this feeling was. She's gotten so pretty over the years, I just couldn't help but... Look at her.

My eyes drifted to her chest from afar, but Bon noticed and whacked me upside the head.
"Quit drooling over Y/N and help us, you asshat." Bon retorted, rolling his eyes.
I muttered, "Yeah, yeah, whatever," and got back to work.

I then glanced to my left to see that the limo was still there and so was Mephisto.
    He leaned against the car and talked to Amaimon, supposedly in deep conversation.

Now's her chance to tell him... I should get her attention.

I looked over to her to see that she as well was looking at him as well, but with nervous, longing eyes.
Why isn't she doing anything?
"I'll be right back..." I notified the boys.
I walked up to Y/N and whispered, "Why don't you go tell him?" I signaled slyly to Mephisto.


"I'm..." I glanced at my father before looking down at my feet. "I'm scared." I muttered in embarrassment, holding my sleeve.
He tsked, "Don't be. Now go tell him." He slapped me on the shoulder, urging me to go.
"I..." I looked back up, puckering my lips. I wanted to show him I could do it. "Fine, fine,"

I strode cautiously to my father.
Without warning, he said quickly, "Greetings again, young lady. How may I help you?"

He looked straight into my eyes.
It was so intimidating... I didn't know if I could do it. He was kind of hard to look at, given how his appearance would be menacing to a toddler.
"Your father... Was amazing."
I heard my mother's words in my head as if she was there, right next to me.

Only then did I notice that he was twirling a beautiful blue flower in his hand.
    "He always gave me these blue flowers from a garden far away."
She said that with a beautiful smile on her face. I couldn't forget it—but this prick made it disappear.
He disappeared.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now