2- 31. A Late Visit From Amaimon

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The room was filled with silence as I felt Yukio lightly stroke the back of my head.

His gentle touch made me feel safe and comfortable, for I felt somewhat overwhelmed with information.
"What happened after that, Yukio...?" I asked quietly.
He stopped petting  my head and pulled his hand back.
"You were furious."


There was a long pause. The tension in the air made me uneasy, and I felt somewhat ill.
    "I... I don't understand what you mean." I said quietly, holding my knees up to my chest.
    "You have a reason not to," He exhaled softly. "It's a lot to take in."
    "No, not that. I'm talking about... I mean, getting angry. I know that Rin died, but... What is there to get mad about? And Satan...? I'm not really sure what to believe, Yukio..."

Turns out, underestimating his words was a bad idea.
    "Satan, Y/N. Satan was the one who was the cause of Rin's death." He began, standing up and taking the dishes to the sink and leaving me to watch him. "If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. When you get your memories back, I'll just be the one to say 'I told you so'." He said with finality as he stood up and went to his room to get something.

I heard drawers opening, shuffling noises, and footsteps, until he walked out from the room and tossed me a F/C oversized T-Shirt to sleep in.
    "You can either take my bed, or the couch. It doesn't matter to me." He pushed his glasses up.
    "I... I'll take the couch." I mumbled, gripping the shirt tightly.
    Yukio shrugged. "Fair enough," he started as he ambled back into his room, ready to close the door. "I'm going to sleep. Wake me up if anything bothers you."

And with that, he shut the entrance and the apartment went silent.

I really shouldn't have asked about Rin.

I was left alone in the dark, and the only source of light was the balcony glass doors that had moonlight shine through it onto the hardwood floor.
    I wasn't very afraid of the dark, and since I'm almost seventeen, I've kind of grown out of it.
I mean—the dark? Right, try demons at the...
    My thoughts paused.
It was strange.
    I felt as if I remembered almost everything about True Cross, but I didn't, and I thought about it smoothly at first without a second thought.
Yet, the memories of my mother and aunt were all I had. When I touched that blue flower and that photo in my pocket (that I haven't dared look at yet), it's like they all happened just yesterday. Her death is so clear... It makes me mad.
I couldn't do anything about it.
    Maybe, just maybe, if fate had changed, I wouldn't be here right now. But... I best not think about it at this time. I'd just give myself a headache.

I hopped on the couch and took the blanket that was hanging on it. Because it was a little hot, I decided to keep it off a bit.

Since I was facing the balcony doors, I could clearly see some neighboring buildings. Office buildings, company buildings, and apartments with lights in the windows switching on and off every few seconds.
On, and off. On, and off. On, and...
Then just like that, a feeling of sleepiness washed over me—drifting me off to a safe place in my mind.


I opened my eyes only slightly, to realize that it was still nighttime.
I felt the feeling of my hair being lightly tousled with, and I turned my head wearily to see what it was.
    To my surprise, there was a very greenish looking guy just leaning against the back of the couch, playing with my hair.

I gasped in shock, making me fall off the couch clumsily.
    It made a loud THUD! sound, in which it could've possibly woken up Yukio.
Unfortunately, I had a feeling it didn't.
    Before I could scream his name, the green male keeled down to my level and held his hand over my mouth.
"Jeez, clumsy as always." He whispered, as if he knew me well. "Make any noise, and I tear your shirt to pieces and throw you off the balcony." He threatened with finality, narrowing his eyes.
I nodded vigorously, feeling afraid and confused.
He cautiously unclasped his hand over my mouth and stood back up.
    I turned around to fully see his face, only to find him sucking on a blood red lollipop. His clothes were torn, his eyes were a dead yellow, and his hair was spiked.

To many people, he may have been scary or agonizing to look at.
    But to me...
    He wasn't so bad.

"Wh–Who are you? And how long were you there for?!" I hissed, covering my upper half

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"Wh–Who are you? And how long were you there for?!" I hissed, covering my upper half.
    He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Huh. You really have forgotten everything. Even me..."
Our eyes met, causing me to blush as he held the gaze firmly.
He's just so...
    I–I don't know. I can tell that he's really laid back and reserved...
"I'm sorry... I don't understand." I apologized quietly.
    But at the same time, he carries a dangerous aura.
He stood up straight, as if he was about to introduce himself. "I'm Amaimon. Somewhat related to Satan."

A/N: Remember guys, you are not related to any of the boys. Like I said, PM if you have any questions...
He put his hand out for me to shake it.
    I hesitantly placed my hand gently in his, and shook it.
    "So... Were you part of Yukio's class too? Though, I can't imagine him taking a liking to you. N–No offense." I said, as I analyzed him up and down.
    "None taken. He's never liked me. Nor was I in his class. I have some beef with the other punk, anyway." He retorted as he placed his hands behind his head.
    I could only assume that the "other" person he talked about was Rin.
I stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking of what to say.
    "So..." I glanced into his eyes before looking away. "Amaimon... Who... Were you to me, anyways? A friend maybe, or..." I mumbled, expecting him to finish.
His frown turned into a slight, soft smile. I found it was nice.
"You hated me. But I didn't hate you. I really liked you and your personality. Especially your kindness... And beauty. And I regret the things I did to you, and never got to say sorry." His chirpy grin turned into a stressed expression. "And I found out about you through Shiemi and Bon. I asked them about you, and what happened after–" he noticed my face turn sad.
    A little lost, even. He seemed nervous, and didn't know what to do. "Oh—right... Sorry if I upset you." He scratched his head awkwardly.
"No, it's okay. It's just... Not remembering the important people in my life really makes me... Have mixed emotions, I guess." I reassured, hugging my legs.
He stayed quiet, as if he was thinking.

Then he lent out his hand and said, "Come with me, I want to take you somewhere."

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