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"Shiemi, Izumo, are you done making the sign yet?" I called up the stairs as I shifted the heavy boxed cake in my arms carefully, making sure I didn't drop it.
"G-Give us a few minutes!" Shiemi called back, poking her head out from the side of the wall at the top of the stairs.
"It's okay! Take your time, alright?" I smiled back, walking back to the front entrance slowly.

The whole class was currently setting up a small "Welcome Back" gathering for Yukio coming back from his three-month trip. Rin, Konekomaru and I worked on the cake, Bon and Shima got other food and supplies, and Shiemi and Izumo worked on the big sign that would soon be hung up by the front door.

As I was deep in thought and mentally counting how many utensils we needed, I suddenly tripped with a slight gasp, but was quickly caught by no other than Shima.
"Whoa," he huffed, patting my shoulders as I collected myself. "Watch where you're going there, kay'? We don't want to be dropping anything."

I nodded firmly, gripping the cake slightly tighter.

He raised an eyebrow as I seemed to be lost in thought immensely, staring out into space and with squinted eyes. "Something on your mind,
I pursed my lips, saying, "Well, I'm not sure how many utensils we'll need. And on top of that, how will we put the sign up? There isn't a wall by the door... So maybe we'll have to hang it up from the ceiling. Oh, and–"
"Y/N," Shima interrupted me with a soft smile, ruffling my H/C hair. "Don't think about it too much. Yukio's going to love it even if it may be a little shitty, okay?"
I sighed, looking down. "I know, I know. I just want to give him a memorable welcome-back is all."
"Ooh, what are we talking about?" Rin appeared from around the corner, his bangs smoothed back with a turquoise hair-clip while holding a box of sodas.
Shima shrugged. "Nothing much," then turned to me and gave me a last pat. "Don't overwork yourself. Come find me if you need help, alright?"

I nodded with a kind grin as I saw him walk off with Rin in front of me and asking if he needed any help.
I shook my head with a smile.

I guess everyone has really grown on each other since... Well, you know.

I was glad. So very glad, in fact, I didn't think I could stop humming and smiling the rest of the time I worked to get the welcoming ready.

Time had quickly passed, now being almost past 12:00PM, and Yukio was supposed to arrive around 12:15.

As Ryuji and I both helped each other put the food out on the table, he called up the stairs for the girls.
"Izumo! Are you and Shiemi ready yet?"
"Yeah, yeah. We're coming!"

We both heard them scurry down the stairs with the long "Welcome Back" sign in hand.
The words were neatly painted in beautiful shades of blue, and Yukio's name was nicely written in cursive on the bottom along with a few complimentary designs on the sides.
"'Welcome Back, Yukio'..." I read the sign aloud with my hands clasped together, rocking on my heels with a side-smile.
"Guys! The time...!" Konekomaru sputtered out nervously, tapping his watch.

He was right—Yukio was supposed to be here in five minutes.

We all hurried and helped to get the sign up, then dusted off every part visible on us, looking quite tired from all of the work we put into everything.
Eagerly, we all waited for him to walk in.

Surely only a few minutes later, the door handle turned as we all stood in our positions.
As the door opened with a creek, a sigh could be heard as we saw Yukio.

He mumbled something to himself before looking up obliviously, clearly shocked beyond words.

As silence filled the air, I said quietly as I twiddled my thumbs, "Welcome back, Yukio..."
His eyes turned glassy as he held his hand up to his mouth, when suddenly Shiemi tackled him with a hug, and everyone walked up to him to say their warm welcomes.
I stayed behind with a gentle smile, watching him get attacked with kindness by his friends.

He glanced at me once, grinning softly and laughing with a pink hue dusting his cheeks.
Rin gave him a tight hug as Yukio returned it.
The demon said with a grateful sigh, "Welcome back, little bro."
Yukio nodded. "Thanks."
And he was pulled away quickly by everyone else.

I watched—and that was okay with me.

Once it was past dark and most of us were asleep, I decided to step out to get some fresh air on the front steps outside.

I found Yukio to be there, too.

His face was resting on his folded hands, his elbows propping himself up on his legs.
    I quietly sat next to him with a huff, looking up at the twinkling stars that were ever so bright.

"Long day, huh? Did you like everything?" I asked, nudging him lightly.
He nodded and smiled warmly. "Yeah. I really did."
I sighed, rocking back with reassurance to myself. "Oh, good. I thought I may have screwed something up."

He paused, looking up at the stars like I was, going silent for a moment's time.
    So beautiful, he was. His flaws, his everything.

He mattered so dearly to many, and I understood that more than ever.

He then added quickly, "Well, one thing was a little off."

My eyes widened, genuinely believing that I fucked something over.
    "Oh, man... Really? I didn't see anything that seemed too off... Then again, the paper plates were kind of misaligned. I mean I told Rin to dress nice, but—"
Yukio shook his head with a chuckle, indicating that everything I just said was wrong.
    He glanced at me, gazing deeply into my eyes.
"The sign should have said 'Welcome Home.'"

The heart inside of my chest aches so bad when I heard that.
    My voice softened as I muttered, "Yukio..."
He leaned close and swiftly placed his lips on mine gently, locking his hands into mine as well and making sure to keep a generous grip.

Everything was almost in place.

The only light source were the stars and the moon, and it seemed as if their light guided his kiss perfectly, and the sound of the nighttime wind told him what to do.
I wanted to stay like this forever.
I wanted to stay with him.

He sighed as he pulled away, tracing his fingers on my cheek. "I'm your home, Y/N. I want you to know that," he started tenderly, taking my hand and placing it on his heart, and then into mine, whereas if he did it any rougher, I would break. "So..." his breath hitched, and those gorgeous eyes seemed as if they said everything.
"I want you to consider being my home, too."

I smiled sweetly, my orbs getting brighter than the night sky's beautiful moon.
"I don't have to consider anything, Yukio," I insisted softly, putting my hand on his that was placed on my heart.
"Because I always was."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now