22. Missing

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I knew now that there was a difference between helping somebody for their safe benefit, and being selfish.
Yukio was nowhere in between.
Instead, he lacked consideration for others in being a kind of vigilante that both breaks a humane way of life.
He had no idea how it would effect others rather than himself.


He stroked my hair lightly and asked, "Do you want to go back to the dorms?"
    I paused. "Mhm..."
    He held my hand and had me close to him as we walked back, clearly not wanting to let go.
I stayed silent and looked at the ground.
    It feels too sudden. What do I say?
   "H... Hey, Yukio?" I breathed.
    He stopped and turned to me. "Yes?"
   "I'm not leaving your side until we get this situation figured out. You won't leave... Right?" I asked quietly, glancing at him for a moment.
    He hesitated, then finally said, "No. I won't." He smiled.
   For some reason, I felt my stomach flip. "Okay... Promise?" I held up my pinky.
    He grasped mine with his. "I... I promise."
    I grinned weakly and held his hand tighter.
A few minutes later, I yawned out loud and rubbed my right eye.
    I only realize now I have literally gotten no decent amount of sleep recently. My bad.
    "Tired?" Yukio questioned abruptly.
    I nodded in response.
    "Get on my back," He offered, getting low.
    My eyes widened and I shook my head, waving my hands in front of me. "I'm probably too heavy..."
    "Y/N..." He mumbled, glaring at me in disagreement.
    I sighed, "Alright, alright," and positioned myself at his back.
    "One... Two... Three." On three, I jumped on his back, making him wobble a bit.
    "Yukio, if I'm too heavy, then–"
    "Do I look like I'm struggling?" He turned his head to me, probably feeing annoyed that I kept on pushing insults at myself.
    "Then just go to sleep. It's going to be kind of a longer walk; and the sun is already setting. Don't worry; I don't mind." He reassured.
    I sighed exhaustedly and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my head on the back of his shoulder and closing my eyes.
    "Sleep well," I heard him whisper, only I had drifted off immediately after that.


Once I got there, the sun had already set. The only thing that guided my way was the moonlight and the stars. Though, maybe it was my ability to be able to walk around this place accurately if I was blindfolded.

I knocked on the dorm door, only to be greeted by Shima.
    "Hey, Lover Boy~" He teased. "Now, where were you all this time? Don't tell me that you guys were–" Before he could finish his sentence, I shot a hard glance at him.
    "No, we weren't. And don't call me that." I retorted, walking up the stairs with him following.

"Well, sure seems like you two like each other," He commented, shrugging his shoulders.
    "I do," I said, arriving in Rin and I's room. "I love her, but..." I continued, placing her down on my bed. "She's not ready for that yet."
    As he leaned against the door frame, we kept on talking.
    "Well, I know that Rin's definitely hit on her before." He chuckled quietly, making sure not to wake up Y/N.
    "I'm aware," I mumbled, watching her peacefully sleep on her side. "I think we both love her equally as much."
    Shima stayed silent for a moment, watching me watch her.
    "She looks pretty, huh?" Shima smiled, crossing his arms.
    I glared at him. He laughed softly, "Relax, it's not like I'm going to hit on her. She's all yours," he started to walk out. "You know, you don't have to be so overprotective of her. She can handle herself," he said.
    Before he could walk out of the room, I grabbed the back of his collar, making him turn back to me.
    "Do you think..." I began slowly, "do you think that she loves me back?"
    A warm grin formed on his face.
    "Does the earth revolve around the sun? Do I have pink hair? Is Bon an idiot? They're all questions with the same answer." He chuckled.
    "So... Yes?"
    He turned back around to leave. "It's obvious." He stated as he left the room, walking to his own dorm.
    I glanced back at Y/N to see her sleeping soundlessly like before, having not moved a muscle.
    I pulled up a chair next to her and admired her innocence, then put my hand on her cheek and pulled her hair back behind her ear.
    I whispered in regret, "I'm so sorry..."



I woke up slowly, feeling sleepily.
    I heard the birds chirping outside, and saw the sun shine through the window, swinging my legs over the bed, only to find that there was an empty pulled up chair next to it.
    I wonder... Did Yukio sit there? More importantly... Did he watch me sleep?
    My crazy thoughts made me blush and shake my head.
I quickly got dressed into a comfy outfit, and didn't care if I looked like I just got hit by a truck.

Sluggishly, I walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen, only to find the whole class with worried looks on their faces.
    Most of them turned their head to see me.
    "Somebody' die or something?" I asked tiredly.
    "Yukio's missing," Kone said quickly, making my eyes go wide, and my heart miss a beat. "We can't find him anywhere; he won't even pick up his phone."
    He promised.
    My legs felt weak as I walked back dizzily, slamming into the wall.
    Izumo ran up and asked, "Y/N, are you okay? Do you know where he went?"
    I balled my hands into fists. "Goddammit..." I muttered angrily. "Goddammit—he promised!" I cried, pounding my hand onto the wall.
    "Y/N, we'll find him. It's going to be–"
    I cut Rin off and yelled, "He promised he wouldn't leave! We need to find him..." My mind trailed off into anxiety, thoughts pacing over each and every one.
    Rin put his hands on my shoulders and gazed seriously into my eyes.
    "Y/N, I promise that we'll find him. First, tell us what's going on, okay?" His put his hand gently on my head for reassurance.
    I paused. "He made a deal with a demon. To... To save me."
    Everyone's eyes widened in shock.
    Though, there was absolutely no chance he'd save anyone.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now