16. Everything, Gone

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Right as the door slammed, the class rushed over to help me up.
"Are you alright?" Shima asked with concern.
"I–I'm so sorry we couldn't do anything!" Shiemi apologized, squeezing me tightly.
"It's not your fault," I began, sighing slightly and patting her shoulder. "Though... I have a feeling... That wasn't the end of any of this."


With my arms wrapped around Rin and Shiemi's shoulders, they dragged me up the stairs and to Rin and Yukio's bedroom and set me down on the Rin brother's bed gently, with the class following behind.
    Yukio told them to step aside so he could look at my wound.
    He pulled my shirt up enough to see almost all of it, revealing some of my undergarment, but I could care less if he saw or not; I was just in so much pain.   
    Suddenly, he got pulled out a syringe and positioned it at my side abdomen.
"Y/N... This might hurt. A lot." Yukio warned, furrowing his eyebrows with apology.
    My eyes went wide. "Now wait–"   
    Before I could finish, he jabbed the needle inside of my skin, making unbelievable pain shoot through my veins, having it feel like I just got severely electrocuted.
    I screamed in agony and thrusted my hips up, only to make it worse.
    "Are you okay?" Rin asked worriedly, squeezing my hand.
    I took a deep breath as the pain died down at a decent pace. "I'm fine," I huffed drearily, putting my wrist to my forehead.
    Yukio then said, "That vaccine is going to make you really tired. It will help with the pain, but I'm afraid it can't cure it. You should get some rest," He insisted, putting the syringe away.
    I nodded my head in agreement.
    "Y/N, I hope you feel better." Shiemi said as she walked out of the room.
    "Yeah. Get well, alright?" Bon followed.
    "I'll check on you soon. I need to follow up on samples of your virus at the academy." Yukio stroked my hair once, then glanced at Rin.
    "If I find out that you–"
    Rin elbowed Yukio's side.
    "Shut up. She'll be fine with me, promise." He huffed.
    Yukio nodded once and shot a wry smile I me, before striding out the bedroom door.
    I smiled as they all left.
    The only person who stayed behind was Rin, making me feel somewhat warm and safe, knowing that he was there to watch me.
    He pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed.
    I lay down on my side and faced him. "Go to sleep, okay? I'm not going anywhere." He promised sweetly, taking a lock of my hair and twirling it gently.
    I hummed in response and closed my eyes, only to fall into a deep, peaceful slumber.


I stood in the rain, dressed in black, in front of my mother's grave.
    I looked down at my feet with blurry vision. Everyone was gone by now.
    I was left on my own.

I knelt down in front of the grave and stroked it carefully, tracing over the carved in letters on the rock that stood in honor of her.
    "Mom..." I sniffled as my lips went aquiver, and I dropped the small umbrella to let it blow away in the wind, and disappear into the fog.
    "You... You promised m–me so many th–things..." I whined.
   As my hair started to soak and my clothes got wet, the cold droplets made it through my clothes like tear stains.   
    "But..." I wiped my eyes, shifting my weak sitting position. "Now it's my turn." I pulled the blue rose that I picked from my jacket, placing in front of the grave.
    "I promise that I'll find dad again, and I promise that I'll see Yukio and Rin again. I promise that I'll... I'll... I'll Never forget you." I sobbed, crying out to the sky.
    "That's a pinky promise...


My eyes shot open, only to get used to the darkness surrounding me.
    Rin still sat in that chair next to the bed, but with his head propped up by his hands, and appeared to be sleeping quietly.
    The room was pitch black, except for the moonlight that shone through the window.
    I supported myself up with my elbows and sat up a bit, admiring the ghoulish boy.
    I smiled sweetly and took his free hand in mine.
    It was so warm, and I felt safe when I held it.

He opened his eyes slowly, making my face flush a crimson.
    "Well, I see that you're up." He muttered tiredly, looking over to our locked hands in surprise.
    I slid my hand out of his quickly. "Sorry–I didn't mean to..." When his eyes gazed into me like that, it made my shoulders weak.
    "Um..." I blushed.

He squeezed hand and held it lightly with both of his.
    "No... I like it that way." He held my hand up to his cheek and placed it on softly.
    Pink tinted my cheeks, and I looked away in embarrassment.
    He took my chin and made me face him again. He caressed my hair and asked, "Can I tell you something?"
    Is it something cute? Dirty?! I'm not ready for that!
    "Uh—um... Sure." I nodded.
    He leaned in closer with a sly smirk, "Your breath smells."
    I deadpanned. Are you f–
    "Idiot!" I hissed, smacking him upside the head with a furious blush as he laughed, pinching my cheeks.
    "But I love you, too." He said in reminder, ruffling my hair.
    My embarrassment level hit over a ten, and I couldn't help but burn up.
    "Y-Yeah... I know..." I mumbled, fumbling my shirt.
    He sighed drowsily as I lay back down.
    "Go back to sleep. It's the middle of the night."
    He didn't have to tell me twice, for I was already out like a light before he could even finish.


I woke up to the sound of nothingness. It was a perfect day outside, too. Just a clear blue sky.
The chair that Rin sat in beside the bed was empty, and so was Yukio's bed.

I checked the time to see it be 6:59AM.      
    I slid out of bed and stood up, but this time without any pain.
    I found it strange, but didn't bother checking.
    I walked done the stairs sluggishly to find... No one. Not in the kitchen, the bedrooms, or anywhere in sight.   
    "Hello?" I called out suddenly, hearing my voice echo, bouncing off the walls.
    Something... Was off.
    And it wasn't just nobody being there—no, no—it was different. Some sort of strange vibe swallowed me whole.

The whole entire dorm was as silent as a corn field in the country side, making my normal breathing sound like a dragon's roar.
    I walked out of the building and onto the bridge, finding absolutely nobody.
    No guards, or hideous pink limos—no birds, and no students.
    I lifted up my shirt to see every inch of poison gone. No pain and no spreading—absolutely nothing.

I turned around to go back inside, but the whole entire dorm building was gone.            
    Not just the building, everything that stood at the end of this bridge. Nothing. Nada. Disappeared.

I walked backwards in shock and tried to run, but I couldn't. I was stuck in one place—I couldn't move.
    Tears of frustration started to fight their way out of my eyes, as I sank to my knees, wallowing in some sort of emotional darkness.
   Only one question remained in my mind: what in the hell was happening?

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now