17. The Four Sins

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I walked backwards in shock and tried to run, but I couldn't. I was stuck in one place—I couldn't move.
Tears of frustration started to fight their way out of my eyes, as I sank to my knees, wallowing in some sort of emotional darkness.
Only one question remained in my mind: what in the hell was happening?


My legs felt stiff as the tears of frustration streamed down my cheeks.
I don't understand what is happening... The dorms are gone... And I'm stuck in one place...
I tried so hard to move my legs, but it's like I couldn't feel them. My adrenaline started to kick in, and my heart pounded in my ears.
I tried to lift up my legs to make them work, but nothing happened.

All of a sudden, darkness started to close in swiftly. It felt like I was being sucked into a black hole, slowly but surely.
I started to beat my fists on the ground with force as my cried got louder and louder.
This is it... Am I going to die? Maybe I wasn't good enough... I'm weak. Yeah, that's why.
I'm going to die with so many regrets and an unfinished life.
The walls closed in deeper, but before I could be swallowed whole...

I woke up breathing heavily, with water soaked on my face as if somebody threw a cup on me.
Then, I sat up and realized...
I was okay.

I was in Rin's bed with the whole class surrounding me worriedly.
I wiped some water off my cheek in confusion. "What...?" I mumbled, turning my head to see Yukio and Rin by my side with a relived expression.
I thought... I thought he was gone. It felt so real.
My chin started to quiver. "I thought you left me!" I exclaimed as I pulled them both down into a tight hug, and they did so hesitantly, exchanging glances.
As they pulled away, Rin then asked, "You wouldn't wake up, and we panicked."
I sat up with my back straight.
I paused, trying to register what I just experienced. "I... I honestly don't know. The dream I had..." My voice trailed off. "It felt so real. Too real. And I remember all of it, like I could live it again."
Rin and Yukio looked at each other. "Y/N, may I ask what happened in your dream?"
I explained to all of them the entire dream, getting every last detail I could remember.
Yukio suddenly squeezed my hand. "Well, you're safe now," His expression turned into anger, but he didn't show it. "Though, that's not any kind of dream. That's a demon's doing." He shot his head towards Rin. "Rin, get Mephisto." He ordered.
"On it," Rin said as he left the room quickly.
The room was soundless for a few seconds. "Yukio... Why is my face wet?" I asked in confusion, touching the stains on my face.
Shiemi answered for him. "Right. Rin threw water on you. Actually, that's what woke you up." She forced a smile.
Something's wrong... There's a weird tension in the air.
Yukio cleared his throat suspiciously. "I need to take care of business. Mostly samples. I'll call up Shura to watch over,"
And with that, Yukio left. Not even a sweet goodbye or a hug.
Everyone seems off.

The whole rest of the class stood in front of the bed awkwardly, waiting for someone to say something.
"Shiemi, what's–"
Before I could finish, I heard the door be kicked open from downstairs. "Alright kids, get your asses down here!" I heard a familiar voice call.
"How the hell did she get here so fast?" Bon sighed as he left the room and headed downstairs.
Soon, everyone followed, including me.
We found her in the kitchen rummaging through our fridge. "Jeez, do you guys even have a drop of beer here?"
"Shura, if you can't tell, we're kind of underage." Konekomaru corrected.
She slammed the fridge door and snapped her fingers. "Oh, I remember now! I have beer stashed away in my bag," She said with excitement.
She got her bag from the corner that she left it in, and few seconds later yanked out a bottle.
She held it up in pride. "Yes! I knew I had some here," She popped open the cap and guzzled some down. "Now you don't care if I get drunk, do you? I mean what—you're like, seventeen? Eighteen?"
"Well, yes. But Shura, but we still do kind of–"
She cut me off by sitting down at the chair next to me, sluggish and drunk. "Now, everything will go just dandy if y'all keep your mouths shut and wait for Yukio, while I contemplate why I don't have a boyfriend and I'm broke, alright?" She hiccuped.
Everyone sighed and took at seat at the table, looking bored as hell.
Tonight was going to be a long, long night.


We all sat in each white, crappy chair that was bound to probably break sooner or later.
Shura was passed out next to me with a drink in her hand, her drool covering her cheek.
Most of us twiddled our thumbs with an expression of boredom.
"God, I'm so bored~" Izumo complained for the a hundredth time in a few hours.
Bon retorted back, "No shit. We've been sitting around here for three hours while Yukio is doing god knows what, and Flame Kid still isn't back yet."
Everyone started to whine and argue about how bored they all were; even Shura woke up.
I was the only one who stayed sane and kept my mouth shut.
"Guys, relax. Rin is probably still searching for Mephisto, and Yukio..." I paused. "Well..." My voice trailed off.
He's not working... It's past hours. So... What?
"Aw, does Y/N miss her boyfriend? Is she scared that he's probably hooking up with some other girl doing–"
Before Shura could finish, I punched her in the arm harshly. "Shut your trap. I'm not his girlfriend. And he's probably just..." I was going to say that he was working, but we all knew that wasn't the case. "I don't know—but whatever it is... It's important." I stated, with my voice shaky.
Why am I worrying? It's not like I'm... Never mind. But maybe he's just getting vaccine? Or helping someone?
Everyone was quiet. Wordless.
For some reason, I felt that tension on the air again. "Hey, Shura?" I grabbed her attention.
She turned her head towards me in response.
"Um... The reason why you're here is because... I had this dream. And the reason why I'm telling you this is because I want to know if you have any information."
The woman raised an eyebrow. "...Go on." She nodded and to a swig of beer.
Again, I had explained it exactly like I had to the others—not a detail out of place.
"Do you know anything about that? Yukio said a demon could be... I don't know, messing with me." I said, fumbling my shirt.
Her expression turned serious. "That's not any kind of demon he's talking about," She exhaled. "Yukio said you've supposedly 'met' him before. The demon that caused that dream is called Akem Manah. And like I said, that's not any kind of demon," She pounded her bottle on the table. "He's one of The Four Sins. All of which include: Akem Manah, Bael, Duke Eligos... And Satan himself."
The name Satan hung in the air like cigarette smoke.

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