RIN'S ENDING - Hair Clip

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"Three tablespoons of salt...? That seems like a lot..." Rin mumbled to himself as the pot of bubbling liquid was being stirred by himself.

The summer sun beamed on me as I lay on the wooden planks of the third-floor balcony near the kitchen lazily in a tank top, feeling the small fan plugged into the wall whisk cool air into my face even though that was the wind's job.
"Hnn..." I groaned, feeling a rush of heat wash through my body as the wind stopped blowing from outside.

It was different with Yukio and the class being gone.
    No genius ideas to keep cool—no witty remarks to chuckle at, and no sass to feel frustrated from.
Though, Rin was kind of the package that included all of the above. Expect for the genius part. That was Yukio, and Yukio only.

They were all currently doing their own thing.
    Yukio was called in by the grigori—god help him—for a favor, Ryuji and Kone returned to their village for some time since yesterday night, Izumo was somewhere in Ikebukuro, Shima was visiting his family in The States, and Shiemi was back at her own place to visit her sweet mother.

The only two left were Rin and I.

Yukio thought to invite me for the favor, but felt as it wasn't such a good idea remembering that I wasn't the best of friends with them. He just made sure Rin promised to look after me and vise-versa.

It wasn't hard; Rin was fairly lean.

We had kind conversations, and he always made the effort to make me laugh and feel comfortable, knowing that I felt strange living with a boy—being Rin—for as long as a week.
Although he would sometimes get a little out of hand and aggressive with some of his words, he never meant them towards me. I enjoyed his company completely.
"Rin..." I huffed in melodramatic agony, flopping onto my stomach. "How are you not boiling?"

He grinned, leaning on the counter with one arm and facing me, making sure he didn't go overboard with the heat on the stove.
"I've got my own flames I deal with," he said, putting his hand to his forehead. "But sure. Not to worry you, but I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm hot and feel like I'm going to die." His expression changed quickly, seeming as if his soul was being drained from him. I knew he was sensitive to heat ever since we were kids—still not aware of him being a demon—but I never put much thought into it until now.
shot up to my feet and panicked. "You should have told me, Rin!" I scolded, then a lightbulb went off. "I'll be right back."

I swiftly made a stop to Yukio and Rin's room to grab a hair clip, then told him to face me.

"Y/N...?" He mumbled with question as I lifted myself on my tip-toes and pushed his hair back, placing the clip carefully in his hair and snapping it closed, then taking his short sleeved and rolling them up gently to his shoulders.
I huffed, puffing our my cheeks and squinting an eye, making sure everything was even, which it was.
"There," I muttered, nodding surely.
He patted his head once, feeling the red clip I put in his dark locks. "You used to wear one while you helped Shiro cook, and when you cooked by yourself..." I said quietly, holding the side of my arm.
Rin tilted his head, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. "Shiro, huh? And I used to cook?" He muttered to himself, exhaling sweetly and glancing over to the pot. "I guess some things never change, then."
"Yeah..." I mumbled, twiddling my thumbs with my head down.

We both stayed silent for a minute, until Rin decided to break it.

He ruffled my hair, saying softly, "Remember what I said, Y/N?"
    I puckered my lips and looked to the right with an awkward side-smile. "You say a lot of things..."
    He took my hand and placed it on his heart. "I'm still your Rin, Y/N. I always will be, even though I'm not the same. I'm still me."
    I nodded, gazing up into his sparkling eyes, then glancing away with a blush.
    "I... I know that. I actually..." I began, pursing my lips. "I haven't thought about the old you in a while. I mean—! I, you know... That doesn't matter to me now. You almost haven't changed—all it is, is some memories, s—so..."
He tightened his grip around my hand that lay in the place of his heart.
"I may not remember them... But I can feel what I felt at the time. And I know... I've kissed you before..." he continued, making my face go red as I could barely find words to say. "And it felt really good. And I... I want to feel that again." He said serenely, leaning in closer to me as I shut my eyes tight out of nervousness.
    "Y/N... Can I kiss you?" He questioned quietly, moving his lips near my neck. The loud fan could be heard from a few feet away, and his breath hitched for only a moment. I could feel his hot breath close to me—his lips barely ghosting my skin as he looked back up and gazed into my eyes.
I bit my lip, hesitantly nodding without a word.
He quickly placed his sweet lips on mine gently, tracing both of his thumbs on my jawline and holding me close.
    I felt as if I was melting slowly, feeling our emotions clash as if they were colors.
He took a deep breath and pulled away, simpering kindly. "I said I wasn't going anywhere, remember?"
    I nodded again, putting my fingers to my soft lips where he kissed ever so nicely.
    "Because you're mine, and I can't leave you. Not ever, alright?"
    As soon as I heard those words, my heart ached for a moment's time.

His words were lovely, as was he.
I pulled him down for a warm embrace, burying my face into his neck with a smile, mumbling, "Thank you, Rin..."
    Time had stopped, for it was only us.
    "And I love you."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now