24. Satan Himself

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"You don't understand!" He laughed quickly.
    But it wasn't the sweet laugh with a smile that I always knew; it was an evil and menacing one. One that would come from only a demon itself.
    "You're right—I don't!" I said, whisking my hand through the air. "So explain it to me!"
    Akem Manah cut in abruptly.
    "To put it simply..." He snickered wildly, gesturing the the satanic circle on the rooftop. "We're opening the Gahenna gate, once more."


The whole roof fell silent, and my mind went fuzzy.
    "Rin... What do they mean by 'once more'?" I questioned slowly, glancing back at him swiftly.
    "Oh!" Somebody chuckled. "How ungentlemanly that is not to tell her what happened not long ago," A familiar voice said. I looked to my left to see Mephisto, standing on black fence of the roofs perimeter.
    "What the hell do you mean?" I asked angrily, not caring wether he'd only shown up now.
    He snorted. "What I mean is that right where you're standing, once lay the Gahenna gate. Mr. Okumora's class was there, too. You see..." He jumped down from the fence and started to explain. "Satan took over Mr. Okumora's body. It wasn't a pretty sight, as you can imagine." He began. "He fought back well. So well in fact, that he got Satan out of his body. But..." A smirk spread across his face. "Something was left in his system that day. Not a new trait or personality... More like... A whole new person—or demon, I should say. It's not just Rin that's a demon," He pointed to Yukio. "It's also his brother."
    I stomped a foot irately. "Shut up. That's not true! Yukio... He's not–"
    "And the best part is..." Mephisto interrupted. "He's poisoned, too!" He laughed malevolently, holding his stomach.
    My legs felt wobbly, and my head was spinning. My heart... Was shattered.
    I wobbled back and put my face in my hands. It all makes sense... The overprotectiveness, the flirting and romance, and his leadership... It was almost like he couldn't control himself.
    I was pulled back by my hair to see Akem Manah standing tall beside beside me.
    I groaned in pain as he said teasingly, "Looks like the lost lamb found it's way home," He traced his finger on my jawline. "But it's only the beginning." He whispered, shoving me down harshly, gripping my hair tighter.
    "Get your hands off of her!" Rin warned, charging for Akem Manah.
    His blue flames glowed on his body so brightly, it almost made my eyes hurt. Before his sword could pierce him through his heart, he stopped in his tracks.
     Rin dropped the sword on the ground and fell to his knees. Out of nowhere, he held his palms to his ears and screamed.
    I gasped and ran over to him, tripping over my feet. "What the hell did you do to him?!" I cried.
    "Simple," Bael said, holding up a blue string, "It's the thread. I got hold of his DNA and bound it to this," He began. "If you rip or tear it even slightly, unbelievable pain runs through the victim's body, making them stop what they're doing all at once." He held up a whole bunch of multi-colored thread from the inside of his cloak.
    "In fact, everyone in this class is bound to one; except for you, unfortunately." He ripped the bunch of thread only a smidgen, making screams and cries of agony come from the class.
    "Stop it!" I demanded loudly.
    Bael looked at me deadpanned, but soon snapped his fingers, making the thread piece together and again. The screams stopped and all that could be heard was moans of pain.
    "And why should I?" He questioned in annoyance, getting ready to tear the thread again.
    "Because..." I glanced over to Yukio. "Because I'll do anything you want me to. Anything."
    The three demons exchanged looks, and Duke Eligos said, "Fair enough..."
    "On one other condition." I added quickly. They all turned their heads towards me. "You take me instead of Yukio."
    Akem Manah's frown turned into a devilish grin. "I say... It's a deal."
    "I can tell that you'll be so much more useful than Okumora, my lady." Bael stated.
    "No, Y/N! Don't–"
   All of a sudden, Rin got cut off by the shaking floor. There was something rising from the roof ground.
    It was the Gahenna gate.
    "It's happening..." Duke Eligos began. "The time has come. Our master is here."
    Master? But... That's just the gate.
    Once the gate finally came to the roof, everything fell quiet. No nightly cicadas; not even trees swaying.
    For one reason or another, the three demons exchanged looks again. Duke Eligos began, "We now open the entrance to Gahenna gate to summon our one and only master, Satan..."
    "We hold these sins to ask upon all gods in existence to help Satan cross the border lines that separate the living world from our home, Gahenna..." Bael continued.
    "I beg of you," Akem Manah named various types of gods so fast, it sounded like a mumble. "To lend us your faith and power to summon Satan himself!" He finished.
    The second after that, the sky grew pitch black, almost like a blanket was covering the Earth.
Suddenly, something started to arise from the gate of Gaheena. As it slowly rose up, I began to make out what—or who it was.
    A humanoid figure appeared to be covered in a slick and greasy looking black liquid like ink.
    Everyone's eyes were dead set on the person—or thing.
    The liquid started to fall down them like they were draped in a giant cloth and slipped it off them. It slowly revealed its appearance.
    A male with long white hair, pale skin, pointy ears and a slim body. The class's mouths dropped open at the mesmerizing sight. We all stood for a few seconds, frozen in place.
    They opened their eyes to show piercing, bright blue eyes, exactly like Rin's.
    The demon put his hands behind his back and casually walked off the platform of the Gahenna gate.
    He stood in front of all of us and said, "Well..." The man grimaced, holding out a hand.
    "Aren't you going to greet your father properly, Yukio and Rin?"

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now