2- 27. Familiar

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He looked straight into my E/C eyes. "'They?' The council. The Vatican HQ. Whatever you want to call them..." He strolled into my house liked he owned the place, seeming to be tense as he paced the floor.
"Hey, hey! You can't just–"
He stopped in his tracks and said abruptly, "Y/N, you've completely lost your memory."


I felt a little dizzy, and my stomach flipped quickly.
    "L–Listen... Guy. You must have the wrong person–"
    "No." He said with finality. "I know I have the right person. You're name is
Y/N. Your favorite color is F/C, and your least favorite food is LF/F." He stated.
    This guy...
    Suddenly, I stumbled onto the kitchen wall, feeling sick as hell. I put a hand over my mouth and exhaled, trying to make myself feel better.
    "H–How... Did you know that?" I questioned, barely under a whisper.
His eyes widened, like he just realized something.
"That sounded really strange, didn't it? I'm sorry, my current intention is not to–"    
    He tried to put a hand on my shoulder, but I slapped it away.
    "Sorry my ass, you creep! Now," I put my hands on his shoulders and started to push him out of my apartment.
    "H–Hey, wait! Maybe if you—I mean we just...!"
    Before he could finish, I slammed the door on him. I could hear him sigh on the other side, as did I.
    "What a creepy guy... But..." I looked out my large window, out into the city with a pretty sunrise. "He kind of looks like..."
    I paused, my train off thought slipping of it's tracks.
    "... Ah. Never mind."


It was the next day, and I woke up late for work. I threw on comfortable clothes and didn't bother to do my hair.
    I ran out of my apartment in a rush, only to be greeted by that weird guy again.
"There you are!" He exclaimed, as if he was surprised.
    I grumbled in annoyance. "You again?!" I checked my watch. "Never mind you, I have to go." I pressed the down button for the elevator.
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four...
"You know what—screw this!" I sprinted for the stairs and headed down swiftly.
     I pushed open the door quickly and walked passed the check in counter, not bothering to say hello to Mr. Michaelis at the desk like I normally do.
As I ambled out of the building, I heard someone call my name. "Y/N, please wait up!"

Ugh! Would he quit following me?
For some reason, I stopped, and did what he asked.
    "Wh... Why do you keep following me?!" I questioned with concern.
    "Because I need to talk to you! Please, just give me three minutes!" He pleaded.   
For one reason or another, I saw a hint of sadness and hope in his eyes.
They were beautiful, like the color of the ocean in the sun.
    I hesitated. "Fine. Your 180 seconds starts now."

He sighed and took a deep breath. He quickly explained everything to me in under two minutes as if he had no time to waste.
Some boy named Rin, a classroom, demons, and some other crap. He said that he used to know me.
    "Tsk..." I scoffed. "Like hell I believe you!"
    His face turned soft and his expression faded into failure and hopelessness.
    "I figured as much... I'm sorry for the bother." He apologized, seeming hopeless now.
    "Yeah, your three minutes is up. Goodbye," but before I could walk off, he stopped me one more time.
"Wait, Y/N. One last question."
    I turned around in response.
    "What did you do two days ago? The day before I showed up to your apartment. Name something that you did that day."
    "Well, I..." I hesitated.
    What did I do that day?
    "Um..." I tapped my chin.
"Have you caught on yet?" He took a few steps closer. "You can't remember anything."
    "Th... That's not true." I corrected, crossing my arms.
    "Fine then. What's your parent's names?"
    I... I have no clue.
    "Uh... I... I don't know." I answered nervously, twiddling my fingers.
    "Exactly. Do you believe me now? That you've lost your memories?"
    What do I even make of this?
    "I... Don't really know what to think. But..." I paused. "Should I believe you?" My expression turned innocent and soft.
    He nodded, a pinkish color tinting his cheeks as he looked away and cleared his throat.
    "You damn well should, because it's the truth."
    I puckered my lips. "How do I know that you're not a lying psychopath?"
    "Because I would never do anything to hurt you. The old you I'd once known is still in there, and I'm going to get her out, no matter what it takes. Just please... I need your help getting your memories back..." he hung his head, rubbing his temples.
For some reason... I had to believe him. It feels like I've known him for a long time; like an old friend.
My frown turned into something more gentle.
    "You must have really loved the old me, huh?"
    He took a long pause.
    "You have no idea."

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