2- 55. Disadvantage

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RECAP: Happy 2018! I hope we can all make this a good year. I'm glad I will end almost exactly a year after this was first made! I'm also very sorry updates are slow right now. I'm about to undergo major editing even though this book isn't quite done yet, but we're almost there—just at least one more official chapter. I'm also major editing because I have a new writing format and the firsts parts of IBAW need a little revising. Thanks for almost 45k as well! I hope you will all enjoy the ending, as I am still thinking about what I talked about in my previous A/N. Thanks again for all your support, it's really makes me the happiest person ever.

A/N: lmao y'all as I'm back editing this a year later, 2018 is almost over, and let me just say:

what the fuck was that

"Well, well," Satan started, grinning devilishly. "I see you've gotten rid of one of my men..." he sighed melodramatically, then gestured to the other two accomplice demons.              
"But let's see you try a few more, shall we?"


This night was by far lethal—more dangerous than any day gone through my life.
    All that was left was Duke Eligos and Akem Manah. Then the other two, which I guess you could call a final boss.
    But somebody was missing.
    Somebody I haven't seen in a long time, and right now, they could show up any second if they weren't here already, hiding in dark corners.

Suddenly, Akem Manah in his handsome human form said with an over-dramatic sigh and a smile, "I've waited a long time to see you, Y/N," the tall, black haired demon started towards we slowly, like a fox and its prey.
    "Just to think how much you've grown over this half year is unbelievable. Just as beautiful as you were in the short amount of time I saw you last," I bit my lip firmly as he twirled my hair softly and smelled it with a lustful look in his dark eyes.
Yukio and Rin stood their ground, watching the demon disgustingly stare me up and down.
"Ever since I saw that pained look on your face when I hurt you last time we'd met..." he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I wanted have you so bad."
    Apparently, he wasn't quiet enough, for Rin next to me grabbed him and sent him down with a punch only a true son of Satan could do.

It was funny, because all of the other demons on the roof stifled a laugh.
    What a sight to see, knowing that you might die in a short while.

    Akem Manah started to cackle maniacally, touching the spot on his cheek where he was hit—his eyes glowing with fury.
    "Why don't you use the sword instead, kid? Or..." He rubbed his chin with a frown, that soon turn into a devious smirk once he had found out the true meaning of why Rin didn't use his sword.
    "Can you not open it?"
The roof fell silent, and I knew Satan looked longingly at his son—but his expression showed no melancholy.
"So hell if I can't? Doesn't mean I can't kick your playboy ass," Rin spat, cracking his knuckles.
Duke Eligos snorted what he'd been holding in, and Akem Manah smirked.

"I'd rather not waste my time, but I would like to see you try."

I knew in my mind this wasn't going to go well. Two demons against each other is like fighting fire with fire—but one flame was going to burn out.

Though, it made me try and think on how their powers would clash.
For one, Rin was agile and had a punch as powerful as a ninety-pound weight. As for Akem Manah...
He could get into someone's head like a parasite, and I didn't think Rin was too good with taking on his own weaknesses verbally.

All I knew was that this roof was going to get seriously messy, and probably turn out a collateral shit-show.

Just because Rin didn't have his sword, didn't mean he couldn't use his flames.
"Yukio, come on," I said, helping him up by under his shoulders, careful not to touch the wound in his chest.
"What are you doing?" He asked tiredly as I started to walk somewhat farther away from the area.
"We can't be near those two," I began, glancing back at the two young men preparing theirselves for a beatdown between each other. "Or one of us is going to get hurt."

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