2- 45. New Promises

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RECAP: I guess you could say this chapter gives me...

The Pheles.

Haha no ok bye I'll tell you when to play the music.

But I guess they didn't care.
Maybe making deals with lethal "people" was already known.
    I could see each of them give side glances to each other, then exchange them with a nod.
    "Well, Miss Y/N, w'ed like to hear what you have to say."


This is it... I can't believe I'm doing this.
Where do I even start?
"W–Well..." I stammered, thinking of what to say.

That's right... Yukio's assumption on the deal they made with Satan. What would he say...?

"Struggling, Miss Pheles?" Sir Angel commented with a devilish grin.
I shot him a glare, and Rin's hand soothed me from loosing my cool.
I cleared my throat, and decided not to let that bastard get in my way. "You see..." I looked up at all of the members, only to find them all staring into my soul. "Your Honors, ever since we had found Rin, we—Yukio Okumura and I—had noticed something drastically change about him..." I could feel the soft gaze of the boy burn a hole through my head. "And we figured out that he had lost his memory of us..."
The Grigori's eyes widened, and I knew it was time to address it.
"Therefore, yes, I am saying I have gotten mine back."

After a few seconds, the room fell pin-drop-silent instead of quiet whispers.
A few members gave each other side glances, and one questioned, "And how is that?"
I stood up straight, and decided to not undertake the current topic, and move on to my point.
"That is none of your concern. In fact, I would like to get to my point."
Another paused. "Please do."
I scratched the back of my neck and exhaled softly. "My point is... That Yukio Okumora and I had came up with an assumption that you have made a deal with Satan."
Instead of silence and whispering, the hall burst out into gasps and confusion, both on my side and the Grigori's.
Get ready to play the music and hop on the train of feels. Doot doot.
The dumbfounded council member then smashed the mallet on the desk three times.
And the hall fell hushed once more.
The lady then turned to me.
"Why must you have made that prediction? There is no proof of this deal that we had made with the devil." She retorted.
What would Yukio say, what would Yukio say...?
"Because all the questions we have answer to that deal."
"And what might those questions be?"
I thought about for a moment, and answered the "salty Yukio" way, which moreover just meant to be a smart ass.
"'Why does Rin have no memory?' 'Who could have done this?' And most importantly...." I began. "'Why?'"
The tension in the air was thick, and people had been shocked to the core.
Even I was speechless.

Had I done it? I feel proud! Maybe speaking like Yukio really—

Before I could finish that thought, the member banged her hammer on the desk twice.

"You are hereby dismissed. This case is closed from now on, and you are not allowed on these grounds until further notice." She spoke as in a matter-of-fact way, and didn't say another word until in the snap of her fingers, the guards were sent up the pedestal to drag me out.
Though, they didn't manage to lay a finger on me because of Rin's blocking hand.
"Don't touch her. I'll escort her out myself." He said softly, knowing I would try and refuse.
He picked me up by my legs and draped me over his shoulder like luggage, then started to walk out.
"W–Wait—I still need to speak to you! Forgive me, I apologize! Just... Please!" I begged as the people stared down my crazy-sounding figure."Please! Rin, put me down—I need to speak with them! You can't do this!" I shouted, banging my fists on Rin's back.
But nothing worked.
Once we arrived outside the hall, they slammed the doors on us, and Rin put me down gently.
"R-Rin, please! I need... I need to talk to them...!" I cried with my eyes glassy, looming into his teal ones.
"Y/N, stop shouting." He said calmly.
"No! Rin, I need to speak with them! Please, let me go back in there!" I wailed.
"Who are you doing this for?!" He snapped abruptly, making me go silent for a second.

The tears started to stream heavier as I wiped them away with my sleeve, barely making words out of my mouth.
"I just want you back, Rin... I want you home again, I want you to g–go back to the old you... My jerk..." I sobbed quietly.
He seemed as if he didn't know what to do, but after a few tears, he squatted down and pulled my hands down from my face, lightly holding them in his.
"What did you say to your father and my brother the other day?" He questioned, rubbing circles around my knuckles with his thumbs.
I thought for a moment.
"Th–That they won't g–get it my w–way..." I answered, sniffling in between words.
He hummed. "That's right. And no one will."
I nodded and started to cry again; only softer this time.
He stood up and wiped away my tears with his fingers. "I promise that no one will get in our way. And although I may not be the loving jerk that I was..."
His gentle hands caressed my back and he pulled me in for a gentle embrace.
"I think I love you. And I'm not going anywhere."

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