2- 47+48. Pink-Haired Boy / Tracking An Exorcist

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RECAP: Like I said, two chapters in one. Enjoy!

2- 47. Pink-Haired Boy

"If you count this as 'okay', then yeah, everything is just dandy."
The words held up in my face were bounties.
Bounties on Shiemi, Bon, Izumo, Konekomaru, and Shima.
Even Rin and Yukio.
But the highest bounty...
Was me.


I almost threw up at the sight of those words, and my face went pale as a ghost.
"Who... Who did this?" I mumbled angrily, not making eye contact with the green demon.
He out his phone back in his pocket at replied, "Take a guess." He said, getting ready to be on his way.
Arthur A. Angel, huh? The sick bastard... But what does he want with the rest of he exorcists? They have nothing to do with any of this!
"Amaimon." I called out softly before he could leave.
He turned his head. "Hm?"
I smiled softly. "Thanks."
He shook his head and kept walking while he said, "Anything for you, Y/N. Just don't go doing any crazy shit, alright?"

But before I could even say anything back, in the blink of an eye, his figure was no where to be seen in the corridor.

I sighed and walked back into the tiny apartment, only to see that Yukio and Rin had been waiting patiently for me.
"How did it go?" Yukio asked curiously.
  "Oh..." I pulled out my phone and showed the twins exactly what Amaimon had showed me. "Everything was just... Swell."
Yukio froze, and Rin's mouth dropped.
"Bounties? And why are you the highest one? Who did this?!" Rin snapped, snatching the phone away and taking more of a good look at it.
"Obviously the only one who would put bounties on us, Rin." Yukio added.
"That blonde headed bastard?! I'll show him what he gets for this..." Rin mumbled that last part and grabbed his sword that he undoubtedly still couldn't open and started to leave, but only before I put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

He turned to face me with his expression vexed, but instead of exchanging it, I gazed at him with calm eyes.
"Rin, believe me, he'll get what's coming to him. But right now, we need to find the rest of the exorcists and warn them. As we speak, people are probably looking for us, and we can't take any chances. This is what he wants. He wants us to look for him right away, but that's the last thing we have to do."
Yukio butt in, "She's right, Rin. We need to find all of them first."
The demon boy shook my hand off and retorted, "Fine. But the second we do find all of them, I'll bring him hell."
Yukio rolled his eyes. "You don't have to tell me twice. Just let me ring Shima really quick and tell him to call up everyone."

So he did, and put the call on speaker.

"Well, well. Look who decided to call." Shima answered.
"Yeah, yeah. It's me. I need to talk to you and the rest of the crew. You think that–"
"I can't do that."
Yukio and I exchanged glances as he asked, "Why not? Did something happen?"
He paused for a second. "I'll explain everything at your place."


Us three waited in silence until finally, a knock made us all jump.
I walked over to the entrance and opened the door to reveal the one and only pink-haired Shima.
"Shima... It's really good to—" but before I could finish my sentence, he immediately gave me a tight hug. "... See you again." I finished, embracing back with a silly grin.

There was a tense and jealous vibe that came off of Rin and Yukio, but I didn't bug them of it.
"Hey," Shima pulled away. "You remembered my name..."
And at that point, I had just remembered that I didn't tell any of them I got my memories returned.
I rubbed my neck awkwardly while saying, "I may or may not have gotten my memories back..."
He ruffled my hair and laughed. "That's great, Y/N! It makes me really happy to hear that."

"Okay," the blue-eyed demon groaned. "Whoever you are, just tell us what's going on." He commented in frustration.
Shima's eyes widened, already knowing exactly what was up with Rin, seeing that it happen to me, too. Though, he didn't say a word about it.
"Right," he said with the tone of fake happiness and sat on the living chairs as we followed.

Yukio sat next to me, already dreading what Shima was about to say.

Shima sighed. "Yukio, the reason I can't get all the others together with us is because I've lost touch. I have no clue where they are. I'm sorry."
Rin stood up swiftly and tried to leave with his sword. "Well, my work here is done."
I grabbed the demon's shirt quickly and pulled him back. "Rin, don't get ahead of yourself."
He grunted angrily and went back to his spot.
Yukio abruptly asked, "Shima, is there any way to find them?"
He shrugged and leaned back. "Who knows, man. I haven't seen them in a while."

Yukio looked extremely stressed, and had no clue what to do until I out a hand on his shoulder and reassured, "Hey. Don't worry, okay? We'll find them." I smiled sweetly.

The room went quiet until one of us decided to speak up again.

"You know, Yukio," Shima grabbed his attention while he stood up. "Those bounties aren't going to take down themselves."
He... He knows? But how?!
"Whoa. How do you know about that shit?" Rin questioned and put a hand on my back, raising an eyebrow.
The pink haired boy chuckled. "I immediately knew it was the reason why you needed all of us. It was pretty obvious. Plus, those things are almost everywhere online and in the streets; who wouldn't notice them? But anyway, that isn't the only reason why I came."
We all listened in.
"I came here to tell you that I'll help you kill them. Both of the bastards. Arthur A. Angel, and Satan." He smirked.

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