7. A Promise

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The stars...
They reminded me of lanterns. They lit up the darkness around them and helped guide the way.

"The starts are beautiful, aren't they?"
I turned around to see a familiar face.


"Oh... Yukio. Why are you up?" I asked quietly, making sure not to be too loud, for the others were sleeping in their tents nearby.
"I could ask you the same thing." He chuckled, sitting down next to me.
I sighed, "I'm sorry. I couldn't go to sleep."
"No, it's okay. I understand."
We then sat there and looked at the stars for a few minutes. It was a little awkward, but it was only Yukio.
"So, Y/N, do you really want to become an exorcist?" The boy suddenly questioned.
I paused. "Er... I don't really know yet. All I know is that I want to stay with both of you for a while. I mean—if that's okay." I blushed.
"Of course that's okay," He smiled. "But what makes you want to stay here? Really, I can't see you liking this academy. Though, I have no right to say that."
"Well... Honestly, it's not the academy that makes me want to stay. I made a promise to my mother..." I trailed off as tears fought their way through my eyes and I mused on the past.


My mother never got well.
After eight years, she's still in the hospital.
I decided to go visit her today and bring her, her favorite homemade chocolate-chip cookies. I walked to the hospital with a smile on my lovely face, knowing that I was going to make my mother happy with the cookies.

When I got to the hospital, I walked into her room to find her reading Pride And Prejudice.
She seemed a lot skinnier and tired than usual.

I pulled up a chair next to the bed and smiled while handing her the cookies, "Feeling better yet?"

"Th... Thank you, Y/N. And... Yes, a little better." She grinned weakly.
She's lying. I've always known when my mother was lying. I kind of caught on to her expressions.
I held her hand lightly, "Good."

I lay my head on her lap as she stroked my hair. "When are you going to get better, mom? Remember those promises you made?"
She chuckled quietly. "I'm surprised you haven't forgotten. But honey, I don't know if I'll ever get better–"
My head shot up, "Don't say that! You will... I prom–"

And that's when it happened.
She started to breath heavily and lose control of her breath.
The doctors ran and but before they could take me the last thing I heard her say was, "Y/N, promise me you will find your father again. Go back to Rin and Yukio..."
They pulled me out of the room harshly telling me to get out as I screamed at them. "I promise, mommy! Please, keep fighting! I love you!"
And they slammed the door in my face as I fell on my hands and knees, crying and sobbing.

I stayed right next to the room holding my knees to my chest until they came out with a sad look on their face.
I shot up from my spot to hear them inform, "We are truly sorry. Your mother... She didn't make it."
As soon as I heard this, I grabbed the nurse by the shirt and shouted, "You're lying! She's not dead! Let me see her!"
The doctor furrowed his eyebrows. "Listen, kid, we would never joke. I'm sorry, but you can't see her–"
I let go and ran into the room only to find the lifeless body of my mother.
It can't be.
It couldn't have been.
"N–No..." They gripped me tightly by the arms and dragged me out once more.
"Didn't we tell you not to go in there?!" The nurse scolded.

"Junas, please." The male doctor put a hand on her shoulder. They started to argue loudly as I ran out of the hospital crying.
And that was it. My mother... She...
Was dead.


I stiffened at the thought.
My mind rushed with terrible memories as I stared into the stars blankly.
Yukio shuffled over to me and held my hand gently.. "What was that promise?" He questioned.
"I–I told her I'd find my father a-and see you and Rin again..." I stuttered, feeling the lump in my throat get large.
"Seems you fulfilled her wish." He smiled.
"B–but I... I want her back!" I wailed and gripped his shirt tightly, the tears forcing their way through my eyes.
The boy stayed silent and let me cry it out. He stroked my hair like my mother used to.
So... Gentle. I wonder how he turned out like this, knowing his older brother is the complete opposite.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he began, "I wish I could do something about it," He frowned. "When Shiro died, I didn't know how I could live with myself. I wasn't even there. But I realized, Shiro would want me to move on. I became an exorcist just for him; to make him proud." He explained.
He lay down and I put my head on his chest as he puts his arm around me. "And you did; I just know it. Shiro would be proud of you, too."
He shifted back up and looked me in the eyes. "And I'm sure your mother is very proud of you as well. I can't believe you came all the way to the academy just to see us... That's a huge step to take." He pushed my hair behind my ear.

I nodded slowly, wiping the stains of my tears off my cheeks.
"It was. And I never want to go back. I want to stay with the class. I want to meet the man my mother knew and fell in love with. I want to... Stay with you. And the jackass, of course." I laughed softly to the last part.
He grinned sweetly and said, "I'm sure we can arrange that. But don't you want to see your aunt again?"
"No. Never." I said quickly.
"Why not? She's the only real family you have left." He asserted, leaning back.
"She... She didn't care when my mother died. They never got along well at all and she always forced me to do things l didn't want to do; like I was her daughter. " I said quietly. "I've never seen her as an aunt or mother."
He breathed, "I'm sorry. That sounds terrible."
I shrugged, glancing away. "There's no need to apologize. It's my problem."
Apparently he didn't take that as an answer, for he made me face him in all seriousness.
"Y/N, your problems are my problems. You never have to go through them alone. I swear, I'm always here. I'll help you tell Mephisto that you're his daughter." He insisted, squeezing my shoulder lightly.
"You'd do that?" I questioned in shock.
He chuckled gently, "Of course I would. After all, I would do anything for you."
I blushed, trying to hold in a smile. "Thank you..."
He pulled me up closer to him and embraced me tightly as I lay my head on his chest. "Go to sleep. I'll be right here."

And so I did. I was out like a light. I'd never thought I'd feel happiness like this again.
Or... Maybe it was something different that I would feel sooner than expected.

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