10. A Gentle Kiss

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All of a sudden, his hand slipped into mine and we locked fingers.
For some reason... It felt different holding hands with Yukio this time. I've never made a big deal out of holding hands with him before but... I felt something.
Something that I felt with my mother... A certain word that I just can't put my finger on.


I awoke to a familiar voice, screaming.
    That sounded like it was coming from the shower rooms.
   I scrambled out of bed and ran to the showers with Isamu's summoning papers in hand. I didn't care if I was only in a bra and silk shorts, I knew something was wrong.

I opened the door to find Shiemi hiding behind lockers in a towel with her wet hair in a ponytail, looking frightened for her life.
    I gave her a completely confused expression, and she signaled to behind the lockers and put a finger to her lips.
    I quietly and slowly walked over to her and stuck to the rusty lockers. I poked my head with out to look behind the lockers, and knew she definitely had a reason to scream.
     There was a demon that looked like a dead goat or ram—very boney with sharp teeth and a suit.
    Right before he could turn his head to see me, I swiftly moved back behind the lockers, putting a hand to my mouth.
    Wait a minute... That's Akem Monah one of the four demons that Mephisto mentioned. I recognize him from skimming the demon book as well.
   Why is he here?
    Shiemi started to whimper and cry, but I covered her mouth. "Shiemi, get out of here and get help. I'll be fine." I whispered, looking into her eyes seriously.
    "But I can't just–"
    "Shiemi, now." I insisted with demand.
    She obliged, nodding her head firmly and headed out as quietly as possible.
    I suddenly head the demon laugh in a deep voice, "I know you're here. I just want to talk, I mean you no harm."
    Should I show myself? Maybe he won't come around the lockers because he knows I'm behind them.
    Or maybe... Gah, screw it!
    I revealed myself from behind the lockers to face him.
Damn, this guy is terrifying. Just don't show fear, Y/N. You've got this.
    I clenched my fists. "If it's me you really want, you didn't have to scare my friend." I spat.
    The ram frowned.
    "My apologies. I didn't mean to scare her. Frankly, I thought she was you, but now that I see it, you are definitely the one I need to speak to."
    I scowled in disgust. "What do you want to do, have a tea party? Just tell me what you want and leave."
    He shrugged. "Very well. My boss, Satan, wanted me to tell you that..." He paused for a minute, then smirked.
    "You're such a let down. Such a pathetic girl," he began.
    Is this some kind of joke? Is this what he wants to tell me?
    "I'm not following. Is this what you–"
    "You'll never be good for Yukio or Rin. And don't even bother trying to save yourself from that poison—you're too weak."
    I looked back down at my bandages and gazed at them longingly.
    "And Mephisto? He never loved your mother or wanted a little brat like you." He glimpsed straight into my soul with his yellow eyes.
    What if he's right? I'll never be able to cure or save myself.
    And Yukio... For all I know, he doesn't even like me. Then... Rin? Does he just use me?

All of a sudden, I heard the door slam open and the whole class appear in the doorway.
    Yukio told them to stay put while he got out two guns and stood behind Akem Manah a few yards away.

"Don't listen to him, Y/N. He's trying to get into your head!" Yukio loaded his guns swiftly and pointed them at the demon.
    Akem Manah scoffed. "Ugh, what annoying pests. Can't you see we were having a lovely conversation?" The ram teased.
    I glanced down at the ground and thought about what he said.
    "This is what he wants, Y/N! Snap out of it!"
    Yukio was right. I'm so sick of people discriminating me—looking down on me for what I'm not.
    "I'm not weak," I said abruptly. "Look who you're talking to, you bastard!"   
    By then, everyone's eyes widened.
    I yanked out one of my familiar's pieces of paper, "So don't make me summon my familiar, or I'm going to give you Hell. I won't hesitate to kill you." I threatened.
    The ram chuckled, "Foolish little girl. Demons can't die. Your little Rin over there, he can't die. You know why?" He pointed to Rin.
    I wasn't ready for what he'd said next.
    "Because he's the spawn of Satan."
    My heart dropped.
    There was just absolutely no way.
"N-No. That's bullshit!" I screamed.
I refuse to believe it. Rin is not the spawn of Satan... That just can't be.
"Yukio, shoot Rin with a holy water bullet. It won't hurt if he's not a demon, right? So do it!" I demanded, stomping my foot on the ground.

"Well, I best be on my way. I'll be back soon." And with that, Akem Manah disappeared. I didn't care if he just left, I was focused on Yukio shooting that damned bullet.
"Do it!" I repeated with the same harsh tone I had used prior.
Yukio pointed the gun at Rin. Rin looked afraid, but then realized something that I did not. The lowered his gun slowly, gazing at me yearningly through his glasses.
"It's true," he began, "Rin... Is the spawn of Satan."
My legs felt wobbly and my body was shaking all over as I fell to my knees.
     Rin walked over to me slowly and put a hand on my shoulder, but I shoved it off harshly. "Don't touch me!" I retorted, standing up on my feet. "You've done..." with one last look in his hurt eyes, I finished, "More than enough."
I walked out of the shower rooms, shoving my way through the class. I felt everyone watch me as I stormed out slowly.

I then heard Yukio's heavy steps behind me, suddenly grabbing me by the wrist. "Y/N, can we please just–"
I turned around and landed a punch on him, hearing everyone gasp. "I've had enough from you, too."
I started to walk again and leave everyone to have their eyes locked on me.
"And don't follow me." I spat, before finally strolling out of the building and into the forest with tears streaming down my face.
I can't believe they didn't tell me.
None of them did. After all these years... I thought they trusted me.


I ran and I ran until my lungs ached and I could barely move. I had at least ran a mile, finding myself in a small part of the forest with lots of flowers and the sun shining through the lime–green trees.
The flowers were all blue and a dusty white.
     I collapsed from exhaustion in the patch of flowers and put my hands over my face.

I pondered for what felt like an hour until a familiar voice filled the silence in the area.
"Wow, you're a fast runner. I thought I'd never catch up." They laughed.
It was Yukio. He emerged from the trees with a relieved smile.
"Didn't I tell you to not follow me?" I mumbled in anger, sitting upright with my arm resting on my knee.
He walked over to me and we stood in the middle of the flowers.
"Yeah, but I didn't listen. I thought I told you told you to stop doing that?" He shook my shoulder.
I didn't want to face him, so I looked to my side.
I felt rguilty for running off and punching him. I probably shouldn't have snapped at Rin, either. "Is... Is your face okay? I kind of... Punched you."
He took my hand lightly and placed it on his cheek, "Now it is." He smiled.
I just wanted to break down and cry... I don't know why. I just needed to.
I held in it, but I rambled on and on. "I'm sorry for punching you. I mean–I didn't mean to, I was just angry and–"
He pushed me off lightly to face him and looked deeply into my eyes before...
He leaned in close and kissed me gently.
The wind made flowers dance under our feet and the trees sway with joy. The kiss was perfect.
I kissed back hesitantly and closed my eyes like I wanted to moment to last forever. The sun beamed down on us before he pulled away slowly.
He put his forehead on mine and said, "I love you, Y/N. That's why I worry and care because... I have feelings for you. It hurts when you're angry at me, or you're sad."
Tears fought their way through my eyes. I jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his neck making us both wobble, but maintain balance as he too embraced back.
"You idiot..." I sniffled unto his neck, then burying my head in his chest as he held my waist tightly.

A few minutes passed by, staying in our warm position.
"So... Now what?"
"Just... Don't tell anyone about this. They would flip out." Yukio replied. "But do you want to be together? Lovers?" He stroked my hair lightly.
"Uh—wha!?" I waved my hands swiftly with a blush. "Um... I don't know yet... I've never been in a relationship." I sputtered, as Yukio let go of my waist.
"Well, that's alright. I'll give you as much time as you need to think about it, okay?" He smiled sweetly and held my hand as we started to walk back.
"Yeah, that sounds good." I mumbled, trying to process what I truly wanted.

And we walked back together, hand in hand.
All I knew now was that... I may had been falling for someone.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now