23. Gahenna Gate

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    "Y/N, I promise that we'll find him. First, tell us what's going on, okay?" His put his hand gently on my head for reassurance.
    I paused. "He made a deal with a demon. To... To save me."
    Everyone's eyes widened in shock.
    Though, there was absolutely no chance he'd save anyone.


After I told them everything, they all stiffened in confusion and revelation.
"I know... It's a lot to take in..." I put my head in my hands.
"I–I can't believe it..." Shiemi said, barely under a whisper. The poor girl looked like she was about to break down.
Bon put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Right now, we just need to figure out what to do." He comforted, rubbing her back.
It's weird seeing everyone like this— especially Bon... He's never usually like that.
"Any ideas of where he could be?" Izumo asked with her arms crossed.
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I... I don't have a clue. "Honestly... I don't know. I think we should split up. Go different directions." I suggested.
"That sounds like a plan." Rin said with a bit of confidence, but also worry. "How about Izumo goes with Shiemi, Konekomaru with Nemu, Shima and Bon, and then you and I–"
I cut him off by putting a hand on his chest. "Rin... I'd like to be alone when we split up. You can go with Shiemi, Izumo can go with Konekomaru, then Nemu can join Bon and Shima's group." I corrected.
"Yeah, right!" He spat, stepping closer to me. "Like I'm letting you go alon–"
I interrupted by grabbing him by the shirt and shoving him back.
"Rin, I can handle myself. I don't need a bodyguard." I said coldly.
After the tension in the air grew thinner, I calmed down.
"Listen, I'll call you if I need help, okay? And I'll call the rest of you if I find Yukio." I stated as I began to walk out the door.
Before I could leave, someone took me by the wrist. I turned around to see Rin.
"Be careful, okay?" He said with concern in his tone, now putting his other hand on top of mine.
I smiled reassuringly. "You too," I said as I left the building swiftly.
I knew it would be quite a while til I found at least one thing.


Six hours. Six. Hours.
A whole six hours have passed, and the sun is was setting. I sat grass of the school park and watched the sky turn all sorts of different colors while the sun got swallowed by the Earth's edge.
My H/L H/C hair blew in the wind behind my face, giving my eyes a clear view.
Yukio. He promised, didn't he? Or was that all a lie?
I sighed.
Who the hell even knows anymore.
My phone suddenly disrupted my thoughts by it's noisy ringing.
A huff escaped my lips and I picked up. "Hello?"
I heard Rin answer quietly, "Y/N, we found him."
My eyes widened, and I got on my feet, holding the phone to my ear firmly. "Rin, where are you?" I asked eagerly.
"On the roof of the dorms." He answered, barely making a whisper.
I jumped off my feet and sprinted for the dorms. We found him, we found him, we found him... But why do I have a bubbly feeling in my stomach?

Once I got there, I slammed open the entrance and rushed up the stairs to the roof doors. Before I could step foot on the roof, I came across the class leaning against the doors in silence.
    I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you guys–"
    Before I could finish, Rin pulled me to his chest and put a hand over my mouth. He signaled outside the window as an explanation.
    Sure enough, Yukio was out there; along with what seemed to be Akem Manah.
    He seemed to be in human form; and let me just say, there was no doubt he was extremely handsome.
    He had long black hair, with dark horns and feathers on his clothing. His eyes were a piercing yellow, as if they were glowing.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now