8. An Awkward Fall On Rin

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RECAP: (BTW, this is sort of a fill in chapter. The next one will be regular. Thank you!)

    He pulled me up closer to him and embraced me tightly as I lay my head on his chest. "Go to sleep. I'll be right here."

And so I did. I was out like a light. I'd never thought I'd feel happiness like this again.
    Or... Maybe it's something different that I would feel sooner than expected.


"Oi, Four Eyes and Stripper, wake up!" I heard a familiar voice yell—knowing now that it was Ryuji.

I opened my eyes slowly to find everyone crowded around us, including a person I didn't recognize.
    Her outfit was very revealing, and she had blonde-and-pink-mixed hair.

We were still in the same position we were when I fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes to see Yukio looking confused and realizing what happened last night.
    "Looks like Yukio's got a girlfriend." The woman with pink hair teased.
    "It's not what it looks like—really." Yukio sweat-dropped, waving his hands.
    "What did you do to her, Yukio?!" Rin suddenly retorted, grabbing Yukio by the shirt and pulling him up.
    "Rin, stop it!" I hollered, trying to shove him away—but alas, his unbelievable strength couldn't be gotten passed.
    "Well, answer me!" The black haired boy yelled, making sure everyone heard his ignorant shouting.
    Though, Rin didn't heed what I said, which really pissed me off somehow.
    Out of annoyance and anger, I punched Rin with all my might, sending him to the ground.
    "Whoa. That was badass." Pink Hair whispered to herself with wide eyes.
    "What the hell, Y/N?" Rin asked rubbing the bruise on his cheek like he hadn't done anything wrong.
    "Nothing happened last night, you asshole. Don't just assume things." I scowled, crossing my arms.
    He got up slowly and wiped the blood of his lip, giving me a stubborn glare. "Whatever. I'm going to put away the tents."
    All the boys had then followed to help him.
    I turned to Yukio asking, "Are you alright?"
    "Yes, thank you for that." He replied sincerely, fixing his collar.

"That was pretty awesome. What's your name?" The strange woman suddenly asked, now gesturing to herself with pride, "I'm Shura."
    "I'm Y/N. Yukio and Rin's old childhood friend." I bowed with a side smile.
    "Ah, they told me all about you," she began, looking me up and down.  "Anyways, want to help me pack up the stuff on your tent?" She questioned, hands on her hips.
    "Sure, if you don't mind, that would be great."

We took all the stuff out of each tent and placed it near the dirt path, in which the ugly limo would drive up.
    Shura dropped the last bag of many exhaustedly and breathed with a huff, "Damn, I'm tired."
    "Me too." Shiemi and Izumo agreed in sync.

Shura instantaneously remembered something and shot me a look.
    "So what really happened with you and Yukio?" She asked abruptly with a smirk.
    "Yeah, tell us!" Shiemi and Izumo exclaimed.
    "Seriously, we just talked. Nothing to get exited about–"
    "Did he kiss you?" Shura interrupted.
    "Wha—n-no! It's... It's not like that." I rubbed my neck awkwardly, shifting my feet.
    "Sure." The girls winked. I rolled my eyes and sat on the grass as Shura checked her phone.
     "Our ride back should be here soon," the woman said.

We waited for about ten minutes until the hideous pink limo pulled up on the dry dirt road.
    Mephisto hopped out and greeted with delight, "Hello! Are you ready to leave?"
    Everyone sighed a tired, "Yes."
    A few minutes later, Rin pulled out the silver ball that carried Bael and handed it to Mephisto.
    "I got him. Here,"
    "Perfect!" Mephisto exclaimed quickly and examined the ball as we all went and took a seat in the limo.
    I accidentally sat next to Rin.
    He smiled at me proudly, but I looked away and frowned. He put his hand on mine and I wanted to pull away, but I couldn't. I took his hand and we locked fingers as I looked out the window pretending like it was no big deal.
    I could feel everyone staring at our hands, especially Yukio.
    "I'm really sorry, Y/N. Can you please forgive me?" Rin whispered, grinning apologetically.
    I successfully held in a smile and looked at him seriously.
  "Yeah," I started, "just... Don't be an ass like before, got it? Especially towards your brother."
    "Yeah. Deal, Stripper." He smiled cheekily.
    Apparently everyone had overheard our conversation and laughed at Rin for calling me an old nickname. We all started a conversation, and the whole limo was filled up with laughter.


Since everyone was talking loudly except for Mephisto and I, I decided to help out Y/N by arranging plans to meet up in his office tomorrow.
    "Mephisto?" I grabbed his attention.
    "Yes, Okumora?" He questioned, side glancing at me.
    "I need a favor from you," I pointed to the girl laughing and had her fingers locked with Rin's. "She needs to talk to you tomorrow. Since it will be Saturday, I hope you don't mind meeting up in your office at noon. It's very important,"
    He grinned, leaning back to the seat. "Alright, tomorrow at noon then."
    I sat back and relaxed in my seat as well.
    That's a relief. I'm glad I get to help.
    I could only hope it well.



We eventually got back to the dorms and put all our stuff away. After I helped Shiemi out her stuff away, Rin opened our door and asked me for help to move his stuff upstairs.
    I agreed and moved his backpack and bag upstairs.

I then opened the door to their room, only to be surprised at how clean it was.
    "Wow. Your room is pretty nice," I complimented, placing the bag down.
    "Thanks. But usually Yukio does all the cleaning." He laughed.
    I jumped on Rin's bed exhaustedly and lay down on my back. "I'm not surprised." I breathed with a smile.
    He sat down on the bed as I sat up. "I'm... I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning... And the days before. I didn't mean to upset your or anything." He apologized once more, gripping his shirt.
    I shrugged.
    "It's okay. I'm over it. Just promise you won't do it again?" I asked, propping myself up with my arms straight.
    He grinned, "Promise."
    "Good. Now we're even." I punched him in the arm, finally letting myself give a goofy smile to him.

Rin stood up from the bed and onto his rolling-chair opened the window above his desk and complained, "God, it's so hot in here. Mind if I take my shirt off?"
    "No, it's fine." I told him, looking to the side.
I mean, I've seen him half naked and fully bare when we were little—though I don't remember, obviously. Surely my mind is already used to this stuff...
    He took his shirt off and threw it on the floor, feeling my eyes drift to his gorgeous abs.
    I didn't expect that.
    Though it seemed as if he had a semi-scrawny figure at first sight, under all of that (I now figured out) was ripped.
    Do I feel a nosebleed? Oh man. I need to get out of here.
    I stood up from the bed and stretched.
    I was about to leave, but before I could Rin warned quickly, "Y/N, watch out–!"
    When I turned around to see what he meant, he immediately fell on top of me, sending us both to the floor.
    That's what he gets for using a chair that rolls and spins.
    The position we were in was extremely awkward. Like, really awkward. That kind of awkward when you hug someone and pull away to quickly while they're still hugging you.
    Let's just say, his hands accidentally landed on my breasts. I lay under him, stiff and furiously red.
    "Oh..." his eyes then widened, now processing what was happening. "OH—I'm so sorry!"
    Just then, I knew every single god known to existence hated me.
    Yukio strolled in and saw us in our awkward position. Both of our heads shot towards him.
    Yukio at first looked completely violated, but realized what he thought was happening and stomped over to Rin, pulling him up by his hair.
    "What the fuck are you doing, Rin?"
    I stood up slowly and covered my breasts with my arms in embarrassment as Rin said, "I-It's not what it looks like–"
    "You bet hell it isn't!" Yukio flamed. He threw the older boy to the side and walked over to me, asking with panic and scanning me all over, "Are you alright? What did he do?"
    "I-It was an honest mistake, really. He fell of the chair and landed on me." I explained quietly.
    Yukio pushed his glasses up and glared at Rin.
    "If I ever see you touching her, or looking at her where she doesn't want to be looked at, you'll feel my wrath, got it?"
   "Y–Yes! Sorry again, Y/N.  I didn't mean to touch your b–"
    "Um...! It's okay." I stopped him in humiliation of the word, clearly accepting his apology.
    Yukio cleared his throat.
  "Y/N, would you mind leaving me and my perverted brother alone for a second?" He questioned calmly.
    I left the room and closed the door behind me, immediately hearing arguments and fighting, so I decided to leave them alone.
    Well, that was awkward.
    And... There's probably more to come.

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