2- 39. Small Talk

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"But Yukio, how did he get back into our world then?" I asked, genuinely concerned.
    "Well, I guess that's simple," He began.
"Satan struck a deal with the Vatican HQ."

I tried to process what he had just said, and couldn't register why he would do that.
"But... Why would Satan 'give back' Rin?" I questioned.
"Your guess is as good as mine. My inference is that he did something to him and didn't want him or need him for anything anymore–" Yukio had cut himself off by realizing something I did not. "Rin..." he turned his head suddenly, pointing to his red case. "Activate your blue flames."

For once, Rin did as he was told, took a deep breath, and pulled on his sword cover.

Nothing happened.

He pulled harder and harder, but still, nothing.

"What the hell?!" He said with struggle. "I can't opened my sword!"
Yukio snapped his fingers.
"That's just it. Satan took his powers, and gave him back to the Vatican HQ with a catch. His memories would have to be erased, and he had to be placed somewhere where the council needed to find him again. They need you, Rin. They need your skills. And as we speak, they're probably searching for you right now. But... I don't think it's only your skills they want." He began cautiously.
"They want to experiment on you. I've always heard that they've been interested in you ever since I became an exorcist."
Rin was clearly shocked.
"But... I'm not going to let them get to me. They can't do that. I'll kill all of them before they could lay a finger on me." Rin spat.

I'd never seen Rin like this. Usually he wasn't violent... But not having his memory... He seems like a totally different person.

I wonder... Was this how Yukio felt for me?

"Y/N, are you okay? You look pale." Yukio questioned.
His sudden words made me jump out of my void of thoughts. "Yeah. I'm fine," I reassured with a fake smile.
"Well–" before Yukio could say anything more, his phone rang, and he picked up like it was the last phone call he would ever get. "This is Yukio Okumora."

I heard muffled hearing behind the cellphone, and Yukio listened in, then said,
    "Okay. I'll be there soon."
    Yukio hung up with a frustrated sigh.
He licked his lips. "Fuck." He cursed, gripping his phone and turning to me. "The team needs me. Y/N, I'll be back soon. I won't be long," he gave me a peck on the cheek before eagerly strolling out of the small apartment, leaving only Rin and I.

We both stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"So..." Rin breathed, leaning against the wall. "You and Four Eyes, like, together or somethin'?"
I let out a tiny gasp before folding my arms and turning away with a blush. "N–No. That is not the case whatsoever."
He made his signature laugh. "Yeah, right. He looks like he swoons over you every time he even lays eyes on your–"
"Let's change the subject." I cut in.
He scoffed and made his way to the fridge, nonetheless, only to rummage through it. " Ah... Do you have any good food in here?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

I strolled over to him and yanked him up by the back of his shirt while closing the fridge door with my heel.

"Don't touch the food. We don't have a lot of money, so we—uh... Like to savor it."
Nice excuse, Y/N. Though... I do like to raid that ice box for when I'm on my days.

Only then did I notice that Rin was staring right at me, straight into my eyes, looking like he was observing me—moreover, pondering something.
Honestly, I felt a little uncomfortable, but I realized that I haven't looked into Rin's eyes in almost... A year.

"You know..." he began, as he leaned close into my face, making our noses almost touch.
My face went sixty shades of red just from him looking at me.
Only to make it worse, he put his hand on my arm, and scanned me closer—if that was even possible.
"Uh, Rin...?" I muttered nervously, my breath hitching.
"Why do I feel so strange around you? It's like your my old crush from first grade or something..." he mumbled, tracing his thumb over my temple.
I forgot how straightforward he was.
"M–Maybe because y–you recognize me...?" I suggested, feeling my back bump into the wall from stepping back.
"No, not really..." he leaned in even closer making our lips almost collide, until he snapped his fingers and remembered something. "That's right! You look exactly like the cashier at that store I was at this morning."
I felt dumbfounded and disappointed, making me turn away swiftly.
Tonight is going to be a long night babysitting this jerk.


Rin and I were both bored out of our minds, currently watching TV and slowly letting the compassion for our lives deteriorate each minute.
"I'm going to get some fresh air," I informed abruptly, walking out to the balcony and closing the door behind me.
The curtains covered the glass to look outside, so Rin couldn't even see anything on the balcony.
I sighed and sat on the rail that kept me safe from falling off the small platform.

"Hey, Beautiful."
A voice suddenly said, startling me, then making me fall off the thin fence and onto the balcony back–first.
    I familiar face stood over my stunned figure.
Goddammit, Amaimon.
"W... What are you doing here?" I asked, getting myself to my feet again.
"The usual."
"What do you mean, 'the usual'? You've never given me an answer to that question every time I ask."
"Then do you expect me to give you one now?" He fired back.
I huffed in defeat, knowing that this conversation got nowhere but Amaimon being a smart–ass.
Both of us went silent and admired the illuminated city below.
"So," he began. "Rin is in there, isn't he? You found him."
I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Yeah... We did."
He paused. "Are you happy about it?"
I knew where he was getting at, but someone had to ask it eventually. "For some reason, not really. I feel like he's a different person."
He breathed softly. "That's how most people felt when Yukio found you. Though I hate to say it, we were lucky Mephisto came here. That's how you went back to normal."
I hesitated to say something else, but it never came out. "I think there's a way Rin can get his memories back. I'm sure of it. Just like I did, he can get his back too."
Amaimon shook his head. "Don't get your–" before he could finish his sentence, the glass door slid open and Rin poked his head out.
"Yo, Y/N, I found this–"

He was interrupted by the green demon's presence. "Who the hell are you?" He questioned, sounding not confused, but unsurprised.
Amaimon glanced back at me. "I'll talk to you later, Y/N." And with that, he leapt off the balcony and into the city streets, not to be found by my eyes.

"Ah... Did I miss something?" Rin asked, walking forward to me.
I sighed.
"So much."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now