15. It's Only The Dawn Of It

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To get me to relax, he told me to lay down as he squatted next to the bed and stroked my hair.
    "Close your eyes, Y/N. Relax." He muttered kindly, making my whole body feel weak.
    The sweetness of Yukio's words made me sleep, but the danger I knew Rin had kept me awake internally.


I woke up to the feeling of quiet breathing filling the room.
I opened my eyes slowly to find Yukio laying his head in his arms on the side of the bed, sitting in an uncomfortable position.
I blushed as I looked at him, though tried to think of how I could leave the bedroom without waking him up.
If you didn't know; Yukio is the heaviest sleeper under the sun. You could blast Death Metal music in his room and he still wouldn't wake up.
I smiled gently and put my hand on his hair for comfort, then slid off the bed soundlessly.
I huffed in relief, thankful that it didn't wake him up.
Walking out and shutting the door softly, I found Shiemi standing in front of me, frozen in place.
My eyes widened and I blushed massively, thinking about what she pondered about, and why I came out of Yukio and Rin's room.
She pointed at me, looking like she was about to faint.
"Y/N... Did you–"
I quickly bolted over to her and covered her mouth before she could finish what she would have said.
"No, I didn't, I swear! Please don't get the wrong idea!" I whispered.
She pulled my hand from her mouth and laughed cutely.
"I believe you. And I won't mention it to anyone if you don't want me to." She grinned as she walked off to head downstairs, but I caught up with her.
"God, thanks. At least it wasn't any of the boys who saw me come out of their rooms," I cringed.
She nodded. "Tell me about it. Though I don't think Konekomaru would tell anyone." Shiemi defended.
"That's true. I guess–"

Before I could complete my agreement, I was cut off by the presence of Arthur Aguste Angel and Mephisto Pheles at the bottom of the stairs.
The whole entire class surrounded them, asking and complaining about why there were in the dorms.
Shiemi shot me a confused look as we stood in the middle of the stairwell obliviously.
The blonde man's gaze suddenly landed on me, a small grunt escaping his mouth.
"There she is. I told you she was here!" Arthur drew his sword and pointed it to me.
"Whoa, what the hell, man?!" Shima retorted, concern filling his tone.
"Rin... What's going on?" Shiemi squeaked in fear over my shoulder, now hiding behind me as she gripped the back of my shirt.
"I don't know, I just got here!" Rin stated, gesturing to the two men, though making sure he didn't make the slightest of eye contact with me.
"Miss L/N," Arthur began. "I believe you have poisoning on you?" He inquired.
"What the..." I mumbled to myself, still making sure I decided Shiemi before myself.
I scoffed. "What does that have to do with anything? And why are you here?!" I asked angrily, signaling to Mephisto.
"Miss, lift your shirt up." Arthur demanded.
Rin balled his fists, seeming after the man. "There's no way in fuck I'm letting you–"
I cut off Rin's unwanted defense and lifted my shirt up swiftly, showing the spreading poison. "Is this what you wanted to see?" I growled.
"I knew it," Angel shoved the sword closer to me, almost piercing through my skin and possibly a little too close to Shiemi.
"Watch who you're pointing that at, bastard!" In insulted, lowering the sword down harshly.
"Arthur," Mephisto suddenly butt in, putting a hand on his shoulder. "That's quite enough." Mephisto said. "I presume it's time to tell them what we are here for." He justified.
"Yeah, no shit." Bon added, crossing his arms.
"You see, demons have been entering the academy somehow. And we checked that there is no tear in the 'force field' surrounding this school. The only other way that they could get in, is that someone has been poisoned, made any kind of contact with one—and is—or becoming one," he explained.
"Oh, yeah? What about the jackass over here?" Izumo pointed to Rin.
He glared out her, but figured that she was right to ask that.
"Simple. Rin is half demon, half human."
"But... How did the demon that poisoned me get in here before? I wasn't even poisoned yet." I reclaimed.
"That's a good question. Either someone purposefully tore the force field, is also poisoned, made contact... Or we have a demon of our own in this academy." The room fell silent when everyone heard those words.
"B–But who would it be? I mean... There's so many students in this academy, it would take weeks—no, months to find out who it was!" Konekomaru affirmed.
The clownish man rubbed his temple. "I never actually said that there were, so don't get too ahead of yourself." Mephisto reassured.
"But... What would happen if you did find the guy?" I asked, standing my guard. "Then what?"
Both Arthur and Mephisto paused and shot each other a look.
"We'd have to kill them." Arthur asserted. "That's why we're taking you for... Testing," he looked back at the door and called out, "Guards, now!" A few bunch of soldiers came in marching and walked towards me. Two of them grabbed my arms harshly.
"Hey—hands off!" I retorted, trying to pull away, but they were too strong. Way too strong.

The class started to argue and help me, but it was no use. They kept and kept on trying to push through.
"Hey, if you're taking her, take all of us!" Bon defended, snatching one of the guard's arms.
"Let go of her!" Unfortunately, Rin was incapable of using his flames at the moment.
"Stop it, please!" Shiemi begged, running after me with tears eyes.
Nothing worked. No pity or change of decisions.

All of a sudden, I heard the sound of a gun load from behind me.
I turned my head with the soldiers still holding my arms to see Yukio with two guns pointed at Mephisto and Arthur.
"Put her down, or I'll shoot." Yukio  justified, gazing at the two incredibly phlegmatically.
"Goodness. Way to crash the party, Mr. Okumora." Mephisto teased, putting a finger to his lips.
Arthur wasn't having it.
"You're bluffing. You wouldn't shoot the head of the knights." Arthur claimed with assurance in a warning stance.
Yukio pushed his glasses up in doubt.
"Try me."
"Would you, now?" Out of nowhere, Arthur kicked me in my upper abdomen, making the pain worse from the poison. I screamed in agony and flopped down on the ground, holding my side.
Christ, why the hell did it hurt so bad? It was just a kick, but...
It's like somebody had jabbed a knife into my body!
"Hey, stop hurting her! She did nothing!" Shiemi tried to help me, but Arthur pulled his sword out to his left and blocked her path.
"I–I'm fine Sh–Shiemi... He d–doesn't scare m–me one... Bit," I said weakly, cracking a small incompetent smile to reassure her.
"Is that so?" He snickered.
The man threw his foot at my center back; the most sensitive part. I bellowed in pain with tears forming quickly.
Yukio glared at him and put his finger on the trigger, almost pulling it back all the way.
Mephisto put a hand on Arthur's shoulder and said, "Sir, Mr. Okumora doesn't bluff. I know that for a fact. We should be on our way now. We shall tell the council that we will get her later. Right now, the demons are our problem."
Arthur huffed and stepped over my limp body to leave.

Before he could walk out, he kneeled down next to me and held my chin up. "Now, I suggest that you visit the council soon to discuss that poison," he leaned closer and whispered, "Isn't that right... Miss Pheles?"
I scowled and head-butted him, making him stand up and wince in pain.
"Don't ever address me as that, bastard." I spat.
"Mephisto was right; you are a stubborn one." Arthur commented as he left the building with my father and his guards by his side.
Right as the door slammed, the class rushed over to help me up.
"Are you alright?" Shima asked with concern.
"I–I'm so sorry we couldn't do anything!" Shiemi apologized, squeezing me tightly.
"It's not your fault," I began, sighing slightly and patting her shoulder. "Though... I have a feeling... That wasn't the end of any of this."

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