2- 30. Like Father, Like Son

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"I was kind of..." He stopped for a moment. "Close with you." He leaned back.

I stayed silent for a minute. "Hey Yukio?"
He looked up. "What is it?"
"Can..." I hesitated. "Can you tell me about the past?"


He immediately choked on his food for a second, as if he was surprised.

"Oh gosh! I–It's okay... You don't have to! Pretend I didn't say anything...!" I panicked, waving my hands.

He slowly relaxed himself and said, "I just... A lot of it will be hard to explain." He stated bluntly.
I'd already come this far.
"Please, Yukio? If... If it's not too hard to remember..."

He gazed deeply into my eyes before he sat up and took our empty plates to the small kitchen.
    "I can't." He replied, barely under a whisper.
I gripped the hem of my shirt in anticipation. "Why not?"
"It's a bad idea." He replied carelessly.
"Why? Do you think that I wouldn't understand or something?" I say irately, standing up from the small table.
"It's not that..." he mumbled, rubbing his temples with a sigh.
"Then what is it?!" I retorted temperamentally.

His expression turned soft to angry, and he sighed, seeming annoyed.
    "Listen, I'm not telling you for your sake. It's already caused you pain that you don't need to feel again." He stated.
"Then how do you expect me to get my memories back? I—It really seems like you don't even care. You're... You're not even trying!" I shouted, stepping closer to him.
    I hated all of this yelling. It gave me a bad feeling, but I couldn't help it.

For some reason, it made him snap.
"You have no right to say that!" He put his hands on my shoulders and held them tightly, making me jolt. "Im trying my god-fucking hardest to work all of this out! I'm not telling you because I care about you! I don't want what happened last time to happen again..." his grip on me loosened, and he relaxed himself.
I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I held them back as best as I could out of frustration.
    "Yukio..." I muttered softly, his gaze turning back to me in response. "I want to understand... But I just can't."
"I know–"
"No—no, you don't!" I snapped, with fluid threatening to leave my eyes. "I want to be aware and understand what happened so badly! I want to remember everything. Those people... They seem so kind. And even though they know me, I clearly don't know them. I could see right through all of them..." I continued, "None of you have a damn clue of what to do." I guilted quietly.

His expression turned soft, like he knew that he was done for.
    There's no way he could win this argument. But then again, it wasn't him versus I.
    It was us versus the problem.

"You're right... We don't have any idea. We can't do anything because it's hopeless. So... Maybe telling you wouldn't effect anything." He said quietly, as if glass would break if he said it any louder.
"It... It really wouldn't." I said, holding my arms.
He sighed, getting ready to explain everything all at once.

He started out with us being childhood friends, and worked his way up to True Cross Academy.
Exorcists... I never would have guessed. Did I want to become an exorcist?
    I have I feeling that I wouldn't want to...

And then he brought up a boy named Rin.
Rin... Why does it sound so familiar?

He told me that he was his brother. They went through a lot together. His father Shiro, moving, adaption, and becoming closer as brothers.
    Then he started to talk about me.
    He said that I was a strong, an independent girl. That I could handle myself, and take care of my own problems.
"You're... Different. But beautifully," He complimented, looking away with a hint of pink tinting his cheeks. "And you'd always nag at me for being an idiot, or doing something stupid..." a small smile formed on his face. "And that's why I care for you. You were always there for me, even when you had your own problems to solve. I lov..." He choked on his words.

His smiled turned into a frown, and by the looks of it, he realized something.
    He paused for a moment.
   "If... I tell you this, will you promise not to freak out?"
My heart skipped a beat when he said that. "Uh... It depends." I scratched my cheek awkwardly.
He exhaled loudly, probably regretting what he was about to say. "Rin..." he started, "Was a demon."
"Yukio, you're not fooling anyone." I smiled nervously.

He gave me a dead serious look.
    "I'm telling the truth. He's the spawn of Satan. He's... Well, we're... His sons."
I felt my face go pale.
Oh. He's not lying.
I could tell when someone was lying, and Yukio surely wasn't.
"I, uh—um... That's kind of—well..."

Hard to believe. Impossible to take in, was what I was going to say. But I didn't.

"Don't worry... I'm not a demon—a–at least I don't think. It was just Rin that inherited Satan's powers." He said calmly.
"Oh... I totally thought that you were going to have to kill me after you told me that..." my lips gave out a small and weird laugh.
"I would never hurt anybody. Especially you." He took a step closer, making our bodies almost collide.
I felt my cheeks go red, and I tripped over myself while I took a tiny step back.
"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean, I just... I'm not..." I sputtered nervously, feeling the need to apologize.
"N–No! It's okay. I didn't mean to get so close." He said with reassurance. "You're old self didn't like that too much, either..." he scratched his head with an embarrassed smile.
I covered myself, pursing my lips. "Then why try it now?"
He deadpanned for a minute, then realized that the whole thing was misinterpreted. "Ah... Ah! No! That's not what I was trying to do at all!"
I glanced away. "Right..."

I could tell he mentally slapped himself. Hard.

"I'm sorry. I sound like Rin... He used to do that kind of stuff to you all the time. B–But he was a good kid." He said, then realized that sounded bad again.
    "I mean, he, ok—that's not—"
I looked him in the eyes. "So... Where is he now?"
"... Who?"
I furrowed my eyebrows, and narrowed my orbs. "You know who I'm taking about."

He paused, hesitating to answer.
    "He..." his voice grew low and trailed off into sorrow and pain. "He sacrifice his life for both of us."
A sharp pain shot threw my chest.
    "A demon... Who sacrificed his life for humans? That... Doesn't sound right."
"He wasn't just a demon. He was a demon who had a human heart and true feelings. Feelings for... For you." He replied with his tone filled with jealousy, but at the same time, regret.
I held my chest. "I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."
"No... Its okay. I would have told you

The room was filled with silence as I felt Yukio lightly stroke the back of my head.

His gentle touch made me feel safe and comfortable, for I felt somewhat overwhelmed with information.
"What happened after that, Yukio...?" I asked quietly.
He stopped petting my head and pulled his hand back.
"You were furious."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now