2- 35. Demons Can't Die

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It was some sort of gold locket, and Amaimon seemed to know what it was.

His eyes went wide as he yelled, "Y/N, don't—!"

I decided to open it, but soon realized that, that wasn't the best idea.
Every single memory come flowing back to me all at once, as I feel onto my knees and screamed.

Everything at once—playing in my mind like a rapid slideshow of my life. Every moment, every memory...


FLASHBACK (Reliving Memories)

I held Rin's hand tighter as he took his last dying breath. My tears dropped into his chest, making marks on his shirt.
Yukio pulled me back and said quickly, "Y/N, we need to go, right now–"
I shoved him off me and wailed, "How could you say that?! He's your own brother for god's sake! I–I'm not..." My features darkened and I stuttered in between sobs. "I'm not leaving him here! A–And I'm not letting it end like this!"

The entire class watched me from behind the barrier in extreme shock and emotion.

"I'm not letting this go down without a good fight."

The three demons snorted and laughed together, while Satan stood by their side with a devilish, yet utterly pitiful smirk in his face.
Akem Manah then ambled up to me and traced my jawline with his thumb and index finger.
    Being freakishly tall, it made him look more powerful and stronger than I was.

There's was no doubt he was.

"Oh, my... But you are so fragile. So..." he looked deeply into my eyes before whispering in my ear, "So pure and in innocent. And it would be a crime to let that beautiful body of yours go to waste in a cold-blooded fight."

I could feel Yukio's jealously from behind me, and my face flush red.
    Don't let him get into your head, Y/N.

Right where he and I stood, I slapped him on the spot. The other demons couldn't contain their laughter, and let it out.
    "I don't think I ever mentioned sweet talk, Goat Boy." I retorted, shoving his shoulder with anger.
He touched my hand mark on his cheek, and his expression turned from offense to fury. "You shouldn't have done that, Y/N." He grumbled as he used his magic to levitate me in the air, and start to choke me.
"Put her down!" Shima yelled from behind the barrier.
"Y/N, hang in there, please...!" Shiemi sobbed as she pounded her fist on the magic wall.

The class started to protest and shout, while Bon and Kone began to say verses to try and break the barrier.

"Ah... I'll give you a deal!" Akem Manah said with pride, snapping a finger. "If you can break the barrier in ten seconds, she'll live." He announced, choking me harder each second.
Yukio started to shoot his bullets, but were fired back by a shield that Akem Manah created for himself.
"Would to two hurry up?!" Yukio yelled at Kone and Bon in frustration, reloading every chance he could get.
Thy started to say the versus faster and faster, but it was no use.

    Yukio shot him a glare.
    My vision was fading.
    Darkness was closing in like walls.

All of a sudden, Satan put a hand on his shoulder and said dominantly, "Akem, that's quite enough. Put her down." He demanded.
Without hesitation, Akem Manah dropped me to the floor, letting me wheeze for air.

Obedient bastards.

Satan glared at him for him to leave.
"How pathetic," he scoffed as he walked away next to the other demons, fiddling with flames he summoned in his palm.
Yukio ran up to me and held me close. "Are you alright, Y/N? Fuck—that scared me to death..." he worried, holding my hand tightly.
"Yeah... I–I'm okay." I exhaled reassuringly.

"Aw, how adorable." Satan cooed sarcastically as he kneeled down next to us and told Yukio, "You don't know this, but when you were born, I told you that I'd be there to see you fall in love and grow." He began, making Yukio scowl. "It also seems that my eldest son loved you as well. Quite a love triangle isn't it, Miss Pheles?" He teased as he stood back up, glancing at Mephisto, who seemed somewhat amused, yet disgusted.

We both got back up on our feet, and Yukio put himself in front of me while pulling out his guns.
"Y/N, run. That's an order." He demanded as he loaded his guns, pointing them at Satan.

But the barrier... I'll be able to go out, but I can't go back in.
    I paused.
    Go out...
I stepped in front of him and put my arms out. "Yukio, I am so sorry."

His eyes widened, knowing what I was about to do.

I shoved him out of the barrier, making him not able to enter again.
    The class yelled and screamed at me in protest, but I didn't care.

I stepped closer to Satan and told him, "Your fight is with me, not them. If you do as much as touch them, you're going to get what's worse than what's coming to you." I warned angrily.
"Aw, what is Miss Pheles going to do about it? Call for her father to come and help? Well, it's to late," he remarked sharply while pointed to the clownish man still standing on my fence by one foot.

That horrid nickname made me snarl.

"Who needs him when you got a whole group of friends on your side?" I signaled to them as I backed up slowly.
"They can't help you." He corrected with finality.
"Oh, but they can. All I need is their love and support within me. Though, you can't say the same when you don't have anyone on your side, and you know it." I pointed to the three pitiful demons.

His eyes look right through mine even though I was a few yards away. "You're right. They're not on my side," he began. "I control their actions. They can't escape from me. Nobody can, really," he said as he got into battle stance. "And that's why I'm not letting you or your little side people get away."
"They're not my 'side people'. They're my friends, and they are relying on me do beat your ass, and you bet hell I will." I retorted, shooting daggers through my eyes.

He clicked his tongue and chuckled, "You might have their love and respect, but I do have the power of eight of the most powerful demons." He summoned a sharp dagger and cut across his hand, making the blood drip onto the floor.
It made some sort of small satanic circle around him as he started to say spells.

"Asag, Beleth, Bael, and Akem," he began as his featured darkened. "Buer, Agares, Eligos, Paimon, lend me power to not only defeat, but kill for the good of man kind,"
     All of a sudden, his ears grew, along with his entire body engulfed in blue flames.
I looked back on every single bible verse Bon, Shima, and Konekomaru taught me back a while ago from their home temple, and told me to only use it for emergencies.

This was worse than an emergency.
I don't know if this will work, but it doesn't hurt to try.

I put my palms together and started to say them to myself. "For every god and human friend that I have, I vow to protect thee and be willing to risk my life for one," I began. "And for my loved ones, I give myself to danger in order protect you, for I am eternally grateful for not only you, but you're being."

And that was only verse one. I had a lot more to go to defeat this bastard.
Before I could continue my next one, he stopped me.
"Miss Y/N, I do recall telling you something important that I might have to repeat right now before we get into this 'fight'."
I stayed quiet for a response.
"Demons can't die, remember?"

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