2- 49. Izumo The Employee

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My heart dropped.

And my face went pale.
"Don't look so distressed, dear. I didn't do this just for fun. I came here to notify you of something."
    I clenched my fist tightly, digging my fingers into my skin to almost make me bleed.
    "What do you want?" I asked, extremely ready to punch a wall.
    "To remind you... About that demonic disease of yours."


Those words hit me like a bus, reminding me that I wasn't at all safe. Not even from myself.
    I grumbled, showing the hatred of myself for remembering that disease.
    "... What about it?"
    He laughed almost hysterically. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten about that spreading disease!" Then, his voice grew low and resentful. "You really make me laugh, Y/N. That's cute. But let me just tell you that... The disease still spreads on your body. And quicker than it has before, mind you. So I just wanted to tell you..."
    He paused briefly.
   "You don't have much time."
    I vaguely choked on my own emotional shock. What does he mean? Am I going to die?
Only time will tell, I'm sure.
"Explain to me. What exactly do those putrid words that come out of your mouth have meaning for? And why should I believe you?" I asked, clenching my fist so hard, my knuckles were almost white.
    "Go ahead and don't believe me. That's on you. But soon you'll realize that I'm not bluffing in even the slightest, dear." He replied, sounding bored like he was ready to stop talking.
    My voice grew cold, and I yelled while pounding my fist on the ground of this pitch black, confined purgatory I was in. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!"
    He scoffed. "Throwing a tantrum won't make a difference." Then he made an over exaggerated sigh. "Ah, looks like time it up now. I must be going. But before I do, one last thing."
For some reason, I took interest in what he was about to say as my ears perked up like one of a dog's.
"Use you're last time wisely, before something even bigger than Satan comes. Chat later, Darling."
Suddenly, everything around my body started to fade like nothing was ever around me, as I screamed and cursed at him to come back soon, my figure too, started to disappear quickly.
    "Hey! Talk to me—tell me what's going on! Tell me... Wait..." I whimpered as my vision went blurry, and I felt my muscles not respond to my weakening movements.



Everything was back to normal.
I was on the couch, and my body wasn't weak or shaking anymore.
    "What the hell..." I whispered to myself, looking at my hands and skin.
    "Bad dream?" A familiar voice asked abruptly, making me jump, but not fall off the couch this time.
    I glanced over to see Yukio with a smile on his face, drinking a cup of coffee and standing a few meters away in the connected kitchen.
    "Yeah... I guess so." I lied.
    Out of nowhere, Rin walked past while ruffling my hair with only a towel on and a toothbrush in his mouth. "Relaxsh. It wash jusht a dream," he said unclearly, looking for a bottle of water in the fridge.
    "R... Rin! Put some pants on!" I retorted with a blush, looking away.
    Yukio sighed in frustration. "I agree, Rin. Put on some pants or you'll get it from me." He mumbled that last part, thinking I wouldn't hear, but obviously I did.
    The demon boy then flicked Yukio's forehead. "Ohhh. I'm sho shcared," he mocked while striding back into the bathroom to put something on.
    Yukio rubbed his temple with his thumb. "That boy, I swear..."
    I laughed and walked over to him, then booped his nose with my finger. "You know, you're somewhat like him too."
    I could tell he gasped internally, taking offense to my words. "I am not! That idiot is the exact opposite of me. I'm clearly more mature." He said proudly.
    "Mm-hm. Whatever you say, Sharpshooter." I teased.
    He pursed his lips. "Whatever."
A few moments later, the bathroom door opened to reveal a fully dressed Rin with his Kona sword in his back, and his hair a little wet.
    It made me feel strange—him looking like that. He looked... (like a snacc) Handsome.
    "Can we get going now? I want to find this girl and the rest of them now so I can kick Andy August Angelo's ass." He said, flipping his hair.
    "You mean Arthur Augustus Angel?" Yukio corrected.
    Rin ran a hand through his hair as he started to walk out. "Same thing. Let's get a move on."
Yukio rolled his eyes, then followed us both out.
Once we got in the van, I sat in the back middle and they sat in the front.
    Rin abruptly asked, "So where is this chick?"
    "The last place she was seen was in Ikebukuro," his bother replied.
    Rin almost pulled out his hair. "Agh! That's, like, five hours away!" He complained.
    "Do you want to beat Arthur's ass or what?"
    "... Just drive."
    "That's what I thought."


I felt a poke on my cheek as my eyes stayed closed from me not being fully awake.
    "Y/N, get out of the car." Someone said.
    I turned away and groaned, "Ngh... Stop it..."
    The person speaking tucked my hair  behind my ear. They must have thought I was half asleep, since I felt them get closer to me.
    Just let me sleep...
    But before my thought could finish, I felt a light peck on my cheek.
    My eyes fluttered open as I shifted my body to see Rin standing outside of the car with his hand on the edge of the seat I sat on.
   Was that him—?
   "D-Don't think anything of that. I was just trying to wake you up from your nap." He mumbled while looking away with a blush.
    I was about ready to throw a huge dictionary at him. Agh! He just...
    I took my shoe off then chucked it at him. "Hey—what the hell?!" He winced.
    "O-Of course I didn't think anything about it! Because let me see—when was the last time you took anything seriously?! Ditz!" I insulted while picking my shoe back up and storming past him to Yukio, who was in front of the van.

I knew it was unnecessary to lash out like that, but I was just so done with his attempts at trying to be a jerk.
We were somehow parked in a small alleyway-looking part of Ikebukuro, and to think that the streets and cities were right in front of me was surprising.
    "Hey, Y/N. Did you have a nice nap?" Yukio questioned with a bright smile.
    Ever since we were little, Yukio always made me happy. Especially after that dipstick did something irritating.
    I smiled back gently. "Yeah. Thanks."
I could hear Rin grunt from behind me.
"Anyways, we should start looking for her separately. I want to get this over with," Rin retorted as he stared to walk, but purposely bumped shoulders with me.
    Yukio cut in and grabbed his shirt. "Wait a second. Splitting up isn't a good idea. The Vatican is our for us, so they could easily pick us off one by one," he informed. "It's also dangerous for Y/N to walk the streets alone, especially in a huge crowd."
    The demon scoffed. "So what?"
Yukio looked damn pissed now. And I mean it.

"What the hell's your problem? You act as if you don't care if Y/N gets hurt or lost. Maybe even worse!" The gunslinger pushed his brother harshly.
    "Shut your mouth. What do you know, anyway?" Rin remarked, mocking Yukio's previous action.
    "A lot more than you do!" Yukio called back.
    "Just... Shut up!" I yelled, grabbing not only the twin's attention, but a few other commoner's as well.
    Instead of waiting for them to tell me not to interfere, I snatched both of their hands and started to walk swiftly through the crowed, glancing in every shop and alleyway I saw to get at least any trace of Izumo.
    "Y-Y/N! You're walking too fas–"
    Oh, that's it!
    I quickly turned around and snapped, "You know what?! I'm tired of hearing you both argue! I don't care who started anything—I'm just so tired of hearing it!" I yelled with a lump in my throat from frustration, and feeling the relief of having to finally admit it.
    Yukio and Rin exchanged side glances.
    I gasped and covered my mouth from what I just almost screamed. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean–"
    But Rin wasn't having it. "Tch. Whatever," he said, striding past me and his brother to walk ahead.
I sighed. You've done goofed once again,
Though, Yukio seemed to have not mind at all. He put a hand on my shoulder and grinned sweetly. "Sorry about that, Y/N. I guess you're totally right, huh..."
    His grin made me do the same. "Yeah... Maybe." I nodded, totally proud of my savageness.
    "Let's catch up with Rin," His fingers then traveled down my arm and he took my hand cautiously. "Is this okay? I just don't want you to get lost..." he asked, barley under a whisper.
    I smiled lightly. "You don't have to ask, Yukio."
    After that, we followed behind Rin and looked in every corner and shop for that hell-of-a girl.


It was getting around mid-evening, and I was starting to get a little exhausted from walking so much.
    I yawned.
    "Tired, Y/N?" Yukio asked curiously.
    I nodded slowly, rubbing my eye.
    Rin surprisingly whipped around and said, "I'm going to punch a damn wall if we don't find this chick in–"
    "No, I told you to stock up the shelves and then you could take a break!" We heard a man shout.
We turned to see what was going down, and sure enough, Izumo stood in front of a store manager in a uniform, listening to the elder reprimand her for probably not doing her job right.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now