20. Eavesdropping

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I paused. "Why in hell would I ever join The Four Sins? I'm no demon; I'm a human. A mortal. What benefit could I ever have?" I looked down at Y/N's beautifully sleeping face.
"I'd know exactly why."
I glanced back up at the big man. "And what is that reason?"
"Because if you don't," He pointed to
Y/N and whispered, "She'll be gone. Forever."
The word "forever" echoed inside my head for minutes on end.



My E/C eyes opened slowly to an abyss of darkness. Once my eyes adjusted to it, I sat up slowly, rubbing my left eye.
    I only just realized that Yukio sat in his desk, directly next to the bed, writing something in a book.

"Yukio, what are you doing up...?" I looked at the alarm clock and made out the numbers on it. "At..." I squinted at the time. "2:20AM...?" I asked exhaustedly.
    His head shot over to me, as if I startled him. "You... You're up." He scratched his head.
    I got off the bed tiredly and kneeled next to the desk. I turned on the small lamp and asked wearily, "What are you doing...? And what are you writing?"
    His eyes widened as he shut the black book closed, and swiftly put it in a desk drawer trying to seem casual, but was obviously hiding something.
    All I knew was that prior, I had fainted. It was unexpectedly strange, but nothing too suspicious. Besides, lately, I was almost over-exerting myself.
    "Nothing. And... Just my journal." He avoided eye contact. "Anyway, are you feeling okay?" The boy put a hand to my forehead, trying to change the subject.
    "... Yeah. I guess." I mumbled.
    What is so important that he doesn't want me to see? And what was he really doing?
    My eyes drifted over to the drawer that he put the strange book in.
    "Well, I'm glad you're feeling alright. I was really worried when you passed out at the bridge." He breathed.
    And then it hit me. Before I had fainted, he'd said the whole, "I can't fall in love" thing, the tears, followed along by feeling dizzy, and then darkness.   
    That's all I remembered, unfortunately. Thinking about it gave me a knot in my stomach.
    "I would have been, too. I'm sorry if I worried you." I apologized.
    He put his warm hand on top of my head and stroked my hair. "It's okay. But you should probably get some more rest, alright?" He suggested.
    "What about you? It's almost half past two," I then looked over to Rin's bed to find it empty. The covers were neatly made, which I found odd.
   "And... Where's Rin?" I questioned, signaling to his bed.
    He glanced at the abandoned bed. "No idea." He said bluntly. "And I'll be fine. Just go to sleep." The boy insisted.
    I stared at him with a soft expression, but he didn't return it with a smile like he usually does.
    Hell, he didn't even look back at me.   
    Maybe he was still a little shaken from hours ago. I don't blame him, though.
    "...Okay." I muttered quietly. "But I want you to get sleep, too." I placed my hand on his, but his hand slid out of mine in rejection.
    I sighed and stood up slowly.
    I didn't even bother talking after that.
I lay back on the bed and left the covers off me.
    Not long after, I drifted into a peaceful and quiet slumber.


My eyes opened sleepily. I was falling slowly, and I was freezing.
    I realized that I was in water.
    I looked up to find some kind of broken glass above the liquid, as if I had fallen through it like ice. My hair flowed in my face, and I hugged myself with my arms trying to keep myself warm, but it obviously didn't work.
I kept falling and falling, until it got darker and darker. The light from where I fell in got smaller and soon disappeared out of sight, leaving me in the pitch black abyss.
    My lungs started to give out.
    I panicked, but I couldn't swim up. My arms and legs wouldn't move.
    I tried to breath for air, but it only made it worse. Soon enough, I–


I woke up, gasping for air, and coughing harshly as if I'd just swallowed a whole gallon of water.
   There was no one in the bedroom except for me.
    That dream was like the other one. None of my limbs could move an inch...
   I huffed and swung my legs over the bed.
    It's just another nightmare. Relax.

I stretched and stood up carefully with a groan, my muscles feeling weak.
    I looked in the mirror next to the bed and thought, Jeez. I look like I just got mauled by a bear and then ran a mile.
     I put my hair in a ponytail {and put on your glasses if you have any}, but didn't bother to change. My lazy clothes were enough for now.

I exited the room to hear faint sounds of talking from downstairs in the kitchen such as whispers and arguing.
    I walked down the stairs silently and stuck against the wall to eavesdrop.
    I probably shouldn't be doing this.
   Y/N, no.
    My conscience was seriously beating me up, but I knew I had to do it. Stealthy was my middle name.

"Shura, I already told you, no." I heard Yukio state irritatedly as I peeked behind the wall, seeing both Shura and him facing each other.
    "Why not? I can't even begin to think why you would pass up this opportunity." The woman said, concern in her tone.
   "I have other business. Nothing that you would understand either way." Yukio commented, leaning against the counter like he'd said nothing wrong.
    "Bullshit, Yukio!" She hissed. "I find this 'other business' hard to believe. Does it have something to do with Y/N? You know for a fact that there's no cure for that poison, you don't need to teach until summer is over, and you certainly don't have a girlfriend to attended to. So what is it really?" I could hear her slam a beer bottle on the counter.
    He didn't respond.
    She laughed softly in disappointment. "Christ, Yukio. I don't know what the hell is going on with you lately, but you need to stop acting like an asshole."
    She stood up straight and I could here her start to exit the kitchen. "You've got to stop thinking about yourself, or else somebody's going to get hurt." She began. "And you know exactly who I'm talking about."

Shura left the room and went the opposite direction to leave the dorms.
    Luckily, she didn't see me.

I waited a few seconds to put on an act and pretend like I was exhausted.
    I waltzed into the kitchen and yawned with a stretch, "Morning, Yukio."
    "... Good morning." He greeted as if the conversation between him and Shura never happened.
    What was she talking about? What was this "opportunity"?
    "Did you get sleep last night?" I asked, propping myself on the counter.
   "Yes, I did. Didn't I tell you to not worry about me?" He said in annoyance.
    Don't scoff, Y/N. Just pretend like he's acting like him normal self. Give him space like he needs it.
   B"You did, but I didn't listen." I faked a lovable smile. "You know that I have to worry about you, Yukio. It's only natural if you worry about me, too." I poked him.  
    He was not having it.
    "Anyway, anything happen lately?"   
    Y/N, you dunce.
    Yukio hesitated. "No. Why?"
    "Um..." I stuttered.
    Idiot, idiot, idiot!
    "B... Because you seemed a little tense last night. That's all." I said.
    "Well, I'm fine," He began to exit. "I'm going to take a shower. Rin will probably make breakfast when he wakes up."
    And just like that, he left.
   I was going to need a plan to find out what he was hiding.

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