2- 54. His Plan

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RECAP: Holy Jimins. Almost 40k reads? This is insane! Thank you all for your amazing support on this book! It'll be a wrap in a few chapters, sadly—but not including the twin's endings. Again, thank you. This is the greatest achievement I've ever succeeded in. (and it's a fanfic lmao)

His eyes widened. "But, Y/N—!"
"Yukio, I need you to!" I said fiercely back at him, making him nod firmly and take out his gun to aim it.
Though I didn't know what the future held and how the past might have effected it, this was the one fight that would end it.

All of it.


When Bael finally disappeared, I stood my ground as I heard his laughed echoing from every corner into my ear.

I carefully scanned myself and surroundings while Yukio aimed his gun firmly, locking his eyes on our area. Though he would never show it, his eyes showed fear, and the heart he so owned beat faster than ever.

Suddenly, the bastard appeared a few meters away, and Yukio had shot, but it was too late, for Bael was gone right before the bullet could touch him.
The gunslinger didn't give up, though, he stepped closer to me—which meant closer to him.
"Y/N, I need you to move!" He yelled, still pointing his gun at every place he could be.
My head shot over to him and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why—"
"Do it!" He countered back loudly as I obeyed and stepped back a little.
He stepped only a little closer, and looked more focused than I had ever seen him. I could tell his thoughts raced, but he definitely had a plan. I knew he did.

Everyone was watching quietly, even Satan, but with a devious smirk. His mind told him something wouldn't go well, but oh, hell would rain down on him once Yukio initiated that plan of his.
Shiemi held onto Bon's muscular arm, hesitating to even watch what was going on. Izumo and Kone stood close to each other, and Shima stood his ground with Rin intently.

I stared at the the boy, who held his gun in his right hand, and slid his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the left, all while focusing on his damned, stupid plan that he had. I knew for a fact that whatever it was, it was either going to be incredible, or turn out horribly calculated.

After a few seconds of still watching, Rin decided to slowly walk to me, and pull me back further, and closer to his side.
"Rin..." I mumbled, looking deeply into those ocean-blue eyes that gazed out to his brother, and not at me.
"Don't worry about him... He's a goddamn genius," he began to whisper. "I may not seem like I know or like my supposed brother... But we definitely connect. I can feel him; he's got something on his mind..." Rin placed a finger on his heart, still giving a longing look to the gunslinger. "In here."

My eyes widened as the tension in the air thickened, and turned my head to the demon and the boy.

Or was it... The demon and the demon now?


My heart was pounding. So, so loud—but only for me to hear.
It sounded like the beat of a drum that dramatically led up to an intense part of a movie or song; the bass drop that would end it all.
On top of that, I couldn't control my sweat from anxiety as I patiently waited for the bastard to show up, knowing Satan and Arthur's eyes were dead set on me, watching—waiting for my next move or victorious plan that had at least an eighty-two percent chance of happening.
And oh, you had no idea. I was going to show everyone how smart I really was.

I breathed heavily as I went over the steps of Bael's move, and how they were going to fit into my plan.
I inhaled softly, then exhaled.
Step one.
Bael suddenly appeared a few yards in front of me and waited a split second for my gunshot, which happened a little prior to his next disappearance.
Step two.
The demon always went to whatever blind spot I had open next, and was approximately timed six seconds until his next disappearance. Though, this time, he wasn't playing around anymore.
Bael appeared directly behind me, knocked the gun out of my hand, then slashed my collarbone deeply with a dagger of his, making me wail loudly and fall to my knees.
I could just feel my father and Angel's smile spread across their ugly faces at the same time as Y/N and a few others cried out for me, but Rin held her back. He surprisingly knew what I was up to.
Step three.
Instead of using his you-can't-see-me-now tricks, he kicked my side, slumping me on my back and putting both of his legs over my torso, then leaning down, putting his dagger along my neck.
"A shame you couldn't have been put to use a while ago. You know, when you betrayed all of your friends?" He teased with a smirk, tracing the dagger's edged with his slim finger. "But I guess the time has come," he said, glancing back at Y/N screaming and Shiemi crying uncontrollably for me, then at Satan. "I don't want to kill you. In fact, I'd put that handsome face of yours to work. But–"
"You have to follow orders." I finished for him, breathing heavily.
"What a smart boy!" He threw his head back and laughed, ready to slice the dagger on my throat in a matter of milliseconds.
Final step.
I smiled weakly, and swiftly reached for my pocket, pulling out a sphere to catch him in, like the demon game we had played before.

"You have no idea," I responded, then as I saw his eyes widen and mouth open to say something, I chucked the small ball at his chest, making him disappear, watching the sphere skip onto the ground.

And just like that, I had done it.


I couldn't believe my eyes. All this time... He just needed to get closer to Bael so he could get a perfect shot.
With teary eyes, I scrambled my way out of Rin's arms and sloppily sprinted over to the brown-haired boy with all the others following, and circling around as I hugged him tightly.
"Don't scare me like that, you idiot!" I scolded, gripping the back of his shirt tightly. He winced a bit from the pressure I gave on his wound, but seemed to be alright, for he embraced back.
He grinned awkwardly and blushed. "S-Sorry."
Bon smacked Yukio upside the head and retorted, "Dumb-ass pinhead."
Shiemi still sobbed nonstop with Shima trying to calm her down as everyone smiled and sighed in relief.
"Hey," Rin said abruptly and walked up to Yukio, making all of us go quiet. The demon kid gripped his shoulder and said, "that was pretty badass."
I deadpanned.

Rin... Actually gave his brother... A compliment?
Izumo busted out in laughter, then almost the rest of us did too, making Rin look slightly confused.
Though, someone started to clap.
Slowly... And menacingly, once more.
All of us shifted to see Satan still sitting where he was, and Arthur near him as well, just... Clapping.
"Well, well," Satan started, grinning devilishly. "I see you've gotten rid of one of my men..." He sighed melodramatically, then gestured to the other two accomplice demons.       

"But let's see you try a few more, shall we?"

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