13. A Walk With Rin

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I walked up to the run-down building hesitantly, before knocking on the door lightly, awaiting for whoever was inside.


I could hear shuffling and whispering before the door finally opened.
Of course, I was greeted by Yukio.
"Y/N..." He smiled sweetly, his eyes wide.
     Out of nowhere, he embraced me like it was a last goodbye. I didn't say anything as I hugged back, but then gently pulled away and turned my head to break eye contact.
I don't know what to say. It's just been too long. It's been... A while.
All of a sudden, I heard loud footsteps come down the stairs. Everyone pushed each and shoved each other, making people trip or fall.
The whole class came running in with... Excitement...?
And... Just kidding.
I was wrong.
"Oh, it's only the demon magnet." Bon retorted, crossing his arms and pulling Shima back by his shirt.
"Aw man, whatever. I'm going back upstairs." The pink haired boy sighed.

Before anyone could step foot on the stairs again, I called out to them shakily.
"Wait," They then all stopped to face me, giving me a sour look, except for Shiemi. She looked afraid to say something, like someone would backhand her if she did.
"Just please, let me explain–"
"Gosh," somebody groaned from my right, walking down the hall from the showers. "What's with all the..." Rin walked in with only a towel on his lower half and wet hair, but was soon stunned by my presence. "Y/N... I..." his eyes showed pure shock, yet another kind of elatedness. "I didn't think you were actually coming." He said doubtfully, scratching his head.
"Uh..." I looked away with embarrassment. "Yeah. Neither did I." I replied, shifting my feet.
I could feel Rin stare into my souls with his dead eyes, yet he looked like he was... Checking me out, which wasn't the most comfortable thing—especially just arriving back.
"I'll... I'll be right back." He informed, seeming oddly shaken and distressed—though probably going to change as well.

The entire class scanned me with vexed expressions, waiting for me to say something.
I cleared my throat. "Anyway... Just give me a minute to explain."
They all gave me an annoyed look or a huff expect for one.
"Thank you..." I began quietly. "So, I know you all probably hate me right now... But I'm sorry. And I know that sorry probably doesn't cut it, but there's nothing more I can do to win over your forgiveness. I just want you all to know that..." looking down at my feet, I continued. "I just want us to be friends. We don't even have to me that; we can be... Basic acquaintances. I really care about all of you... And if I were to do something that would hurt any of you, I'll leave. So..." I bowed swiftly at a ninety-degree angle. "Please, accept my apology."

Their frowns were gone, and Bon sighed irately. "Whatever. Don't screw it up this time."
Now knowing the terms were neutral, Shiemi bolted over to me and hugged me, squeezing me with all of her limited might.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I want to be friends again—really, really good friends...!" She said sincerely, turning her head up to look me in the eyes.
I patted her head with a gentle smile.
"Okay. Let's do that." I hugged back with a sigh of relief.
"Well, now what?" Izumo said. "It's already–"

Before Izumo could say anything more, the door slammed open, revealing a clownish looking man.
Mephisto Pheles. What a surprise.
"Y/N," He began, looking me up and down.
Something about the man was strange—and not generally. His aura gave off a strange vibe that I'm sure everyone felt. "It's been quite a while."
Everyone stayed silent and stared at him, not looking too happy.
"Mephisto..." I mumbled, facing my feet towards him. "It has been a while, old man." I agreed.
Yukio clenched his fists and put a hand on one of his guns. "Mephisto, I told you. Don't you–"
I put my hand on his chest to be quiet. "Yukio, I want a word with him. Alone." I said, barely over a whisper.
He grunted and went upstairs or out of the room, taking the class with him.

Once everyone was gone, I asked, keeping my guard up, "What do you want?"
He paused, giving me a quiet stare. "I came to give you something. Amaimon told me that he took you back here," He pulled out a gold circular charm with a flower from his pocket and placed it in my hand. "Do not open it until necessary."
He turned around to leave, though I stopped him.
"But, when is 'necessary'?" I questioned in confusion, gripping the locker firmly in my hand and taking a step towards him.
He stayed silent for a moment.
"You'll know when to use it. The time will come." And with that, he waved his hand in the air and walked out, leaving me alone to hold the charm tightly.
But what time? When will it come? Why was this even relevant...?
"Y/N, what's that?" Yukio appeared behind me, making me jump.
"Oh... It's a charm necklace." I traced a circle around a petal of the flower with my thumb.
"Here," he took the necklace out of my hand and spun me around.
He placed it around my neck and connected it, making me hear the gentle click from the action.
His hands rests on my shoulders with myself still facing the opposite way. It felt calming to be like this—but strange as well. It seemed as if the world stopped spinning for a moment.
He leaned close, making me feel his  warm breathing down my neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist while his hands traveled up it slowly, kissing the back of my neck sweetly only once.
I quickly shot around and blushed, feeling slight panic and embarrassment.
"W–What were you doing? I... I know we... But–but I'm..."
"Oh!" He said quickly with a furious blush, rubbing his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing. I just can't control..." He cleared his throat before he could say anything more, making me nevertheless confused. "Never mind. I didn't mean to scare you. Pardon me." He apologized sincerely. "But..." He took hold of my hands with a sheepish kind of smile. "I... I hope we can one day."
I stood, squinting my eyes for a moment. They widened after a few seconds of registering what he just implied.
"Oh! Um... I'm not really..." I blushed and looked away in embarrassment, fiddling my fingers.
He chuckled, ruffling my hair. "I'm just kidding," He turned around to leave the room, but said, "Kind of." And left.
I felt the blood boil in my cheeks.
I paused, trying to process.
Did he just hint at... My mind trailed off into certain places and thoughts, before a certain someone saved my from my void of embarrassment.
"Hey, Y/N." I turned around to find a now fully clothed Rin behind me.
I scratched my head. Oh dear. He came at a strange time. "Uh... Hey."
We stood in awkward silence until he asked, "Want to go for a walk?" He signaled his thumb to the door.
I agreed and we ambled out.

We strolled along the bridge, getting a good view of the academy and sunset. I couldn't believe it was already the evening; time had flown by. That was probably only because just this morning, I was in my house, sulking nonchalantly.

He put his hands behind his head to relax, and I locked my hands behind my back.
We walked for a few minutes before I decided to stop and look over the wall of the bridge, feeling the warm wind blow the hair out of my face.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to take it all in.
"Y/N?" Rin grabbed my attention.
"Hm?" I turned my head.
"I want you to be honest with me." He started, gazing into my orbs keenly. "Don't lie, okay?"
I nodded, shifting to face him.
He pursed his lips, musing wether he should go on or not.
"Do you accept me for who I am? Actually, scratch that—do you care that I'm a demon? You were... Upset when you found it out."
I thought for a moment and closed my eyes, then mirrored his deeply touching actions he had done onto a minute ago.
"Rin... I don't care wether you're a demon or a human," he grinned at my word thankfully, though I wasn't done.
"But... I'm still not happy that you didn't tell me earlier. I'm sorry that I was upset."
He shrugged, looking out into beyond the academy over the bridge.
"There's no need to apologize. You had every right to be angry." He then stepped closer to me and took hold of both of my hands.
"Y/N..." He whispered, taking gentle hold of my jaw—leaning in close smashing his lips onto mine.
For some reason, I couldn't help but melt underneath his sweet kiss.

After I processed what he and I had done, I pulled away quickly, holding my wrist over my lips.
I didn't mean to. I couldn't help but just...
"What? Was that okay? You... You did kiss back." He said quietly, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Rin... I–I can't. I..." I looked down at my feet.
He suddenly snapped, seeming as if something went off in his mind.
"Don't tell me it's because of Four Eyes!" He exclaimed in frustration, running a hand through his hair swiftly.
I stayed silent with my vision getting blurry.
That wasn't it! If only he could understand of how I can't put it into words...!
"N–No, no, no! That's not–"
"You've got to be kidding me..." He grumbled.
"Rin, I–"
"No, I don't want to hear it. He's ruining my life! First we have to go to the academy, he's one of my damn teachers, and now... He stole the girl I love!" He vented in anger, pulling at his hair.
"Rin, please, that's not it..." I tried to calm him down, but he kept pacing.
"God... I hate him so much!" He growled. "What the hell is so good about the prick? Huh? Tell me! I'm waiting!"
Without warning, I suddenly slapped him across the cheek with glassy eyes.
"Shut your damn mouth!" I spat, whisking my hand through the air. "He's worked harder than you ever have before. If anything, he hates you!" I insulted.
Something snapped in him. Something bad.
"Well..." He began, stepping close and towering over me. "Maybe I hate you." He poked me in the chest.
My eyes widened, but I tried to keep my cool. Somehow, at least.
"W–Well... Maybe I hate you, too!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes, because I knew I hadn't met a single word of that sentence.
He scoffed. "Fine then, we both hate each other!"
"You're just like everyone else!" I yelled, balling my fists arounf the hem of my long shirt. "They only care about themselves—a–and when they get sick of something or they can't get what they want, they just toss everything away and throw a tantrum!"
Immediately after that, I realized what I had just said and covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh god... I'm so sorry... I–I didn't mean–"
He put his hand up for me to be quiet. "Bullshit." The boy started to storm off, leaving me with three last words. "Don't follow me."

And with that, he walked along the bridge, probably heading for the academy.
Maybe even the gate.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now