5. Poisoned

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I took the water bottle out of my bag and closed my eyes as I chugged the clear liquid.
All of a sudden, something snatched the bottle out of my hand from above.

I opened my eyes to see Amaimon sitting on a tree branch not branch, not far above me.


"Amaimon, what the hell?" I growled in annoyance.
I knew for a fact that he wasn't one of the fake demons by the way acted.
He had one lollipop in his mouth and he wore the same clothes as always.
He chugged the whole bottle down until it was empty just to tease me.
"I'm so gonna-"
"Be quiet, I was thirsty." He crossed his arms and spit out the red candy.
"Well, now I don't have any water for the next long ass hours, you jerk!" I yelled irately.
"Oops." He grinned devilishly.
"Just get the hell out of here and leave me alone, alright? I don't need your crap right now."
I started to amble off angrily, but he caught up on with me.
"But I'm so bored~ I just want to have fun." He complained with a childish huff.
"Well, then go play with your demon friends for all I give a damn." I muttered.
"No. I'm good. Plus, I don't really have any." He paused, now taking a good look around.
"So... What are you doing anyway?" He asked curiously.
"We're all competing against each other. Whoever has the most points from killing demons by exactly 12:00am, gets to move on to the next stage of being an exorcist." I explained.
He gasped melodramatically. "And you're by yourself? Oh, how ungentlemanly that is for Yukio and Rin to leave you alone." He teased, stinking his tongue out for a moment.
"Go look at some pervy magazines, you halfwitted dumbass! I don't need your insults right now." I kicked him in the shin and walked faster, but he didn't seem to be effected by it.
"Pervy magazines aren't my thing, for your information. I'd much rather be spending time having fun annoying someone."
My god. He's such a smart-ass!
"Well, you're doing a great job at it right now." I grumbled.
"Why, thank you. I try."
"For God's sake just–"
All of a sudden, I heard the bushes rustling.
This time, there was definitely something there.
I quickly got out my familiar's paper and summoned him. "Gods of heaven and earth, help me summon my familiar, Isamu, I beg of you to lend me your power to help I and others!"
Right then, Isamu appeared in the air, looking calm as always.

"Nice." Amaimon said. "Of course, my familiar is a lot cooler though–"
"Shut up or you'll draw attention to us!" I hissed.
He relaxed and leaned against a tree.

Come on... I know you're there.
Out of nowhere, an odd looking demon appeared.
It was like a lion... No, an eagle... His face doesn't even make sense!
I flipped through the demon book quickly, to find that this demon was called Anzu. He was lion headed eagle, or something like that.
It was higher ranked, so harder to kill.  "Isamu, now!" I commanded.
My familiar trotted up to the demon slowly, and stared at it.
Please tell me this thing knows how to fight...!
Anzu stared back almost like... They were talking or communicating telepathically.
A while after that, the demon disappeared into thin air and a little holographic screen popped up in front of me saying, "Points: 2."

"Yes!" I cheered giddily. "Thanks Isamu!" I patted him on the head, and he was gone in the blink of an eye.

"That's one familiar you've got there." Amaimon said in his monotone I-don't-give-a-crap voice.
"It sure is." I smiled.


Five hours have passed, and all I get is seven points and a punk-ass tree hugger following me.
All of the demons I've come across were easy, though I felt like something was watching me.
It wasn't Amaimon's presence, either, which was strange.
I should probably ask if he feels the same.
"Hey, Amaimon, do you feel like something is watching us?" I ask cautiously, looking up to the roof of leaves from the trees to see the sunlight making its way through the small spaces reflecting back to the dirt ground.
"No." He said, walking closer to me. "Why do you ask, darling?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Never mind." I retorted in annoyance.

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