9. The Truth For Mephisto

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Yukio cleared his throat.
"Y/N, would you mind leaving me and my perverted brother alone for a second?" Yukio questioned calmly.
I left the room and closed the door behind me, immediately hearing arguments and fighting, so I decided to leave them alone.
Well, that was awkward.
And... There's probably more to come.


"I know, I completely agree. This is totally unfair." Izumo pouted.
The two girls talked about how the boys have to share a shower with the girls since their's won't work.
Shiemi and Izumo complained about a lot of things for a while, while I looked out the school cafe window.
God, I'm so bored.
It's not like I don't like those two, there's just nothing to talk about right now. I wonder what my aunt is doing right now? Actually, I shouldn't be–
"Don't you agree, Y/N?" Shiemi suddenly interrupted my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, uh... Yea–" Before I could finish, my phone rang. "Excuse me."

I walked few yards away from the table and went to a quiet corner in the cafe.
"Hello?" I picked up, realizing who the caller ID belonged to.
"Y/N, I would like you to meet in front of the school right now if you're not busy." Said Yukio.
"Um..." I looked over to the girls and saw them giggle at something funny as I sighed, "Yeah, I can meet up. What is this about?" I asked curiously.
"Please, just come. I'll tell you later," And with that, he hung up.
"Damn it, Yukio." I mumbled, gripping my phone tightly.
I gave Shiemi and Izumo a heads up that I was leaving.
They seemed disappointed, but said it was alright.

I headed out of the academy cafe and eventually got to school grounds. I walked over to the cram school building and waited outside.
I checked my phone: 3:44.
"Y/N." I turned around to find Yukio in his usual white T-Shirt and pants, waving kindly.
"Hey, Yukio. Why'd you want to meet up here?" I asked.
It seemed as if he demoted telling me for a moment.
"I made an arrangement with Mephisto," he said, holding my hand.
  "I think that it's time you tell him."
I stayed silent and gripped his hand tighter.
Did he really go through with that?
"If you explain and show him a picture of her, he'll understand."

I pulled out the cute picture of my mother holding me as a baby and stared at it with a sad expression.
"Thank you for doing this, Yukio. I would have never had the guts to arrange something myself."
I hugged him and he hugged back. It wasn't those awkward guys you give to a guy friend or aquatinted cousin. No—this was something different.
Something that made me feel calm and loved for who I was.

After exchanging a smile, we walked up to Mephisto's office and knocked on the door.
"Enter," I heard him call out.
I ambled slowly into the room, twiddling my thumbs.
He raised an eyebrow and shooed Yukio, for the boy nodded and closed the door behind himself.
"Take a seat." He insisted, writing down something casually on a piece of paper—presumably documents.
I sat down in one of the two leather chairs a few feet away from his desk.
Mephisto folded his hands stiffly and gave me his strange signature grin. "So, what would you like to discuss?"
I looked down at me feet, feeling a little sick.
I really should not be doing this.
"I–I'm sorry for not saying this earlier—and it seems out of the blue—but..." I hesitated.
Was this really worth it?
"I'm your... Your daughter."
His eyes grew wide, but then leaned back in his chair and laughed.
"That's impossible. I don't have any children—quit fooling around. Did Rin Okumora put you up to this?"
I slapped the picture on the desk harshly as I fought back tears, clearly showing my absolute frustration towards the clownish man.
"I'm not fooling around, dammit!" He slid out the picture from under my hand and looked at it in confusion.
"I sure as hell am your daughter." I snapped, feeling the fire in my stomach.
The man seemed confused before, but this new expressions showed something completely different.
Vexation. Irateness.
"I've never been in love before." He hissed. "Now get out and quit wasting my time." He spat, giving me a look that showed he meant what he'd said.
I pounded my fist on the table saying with demand, "Cut the shit, Mephisto!" I pointed to the woman on the picture. "Tell me what her name is."
"Well, I've dated so many women I must have–"
"Tell me!" I yelled.
He glared at me and said, "I haven't the slightest clue."
"Her name was Hana. Hana L/N. You fell in love because you went to school together."
He was silent for a few minutes before holding up the picture once more.
"Don't test me, Y/N." The man mumbled in all seriousness, tapping his finger in the glazed-wood desk.
I slammed my hands on the flat surface, continuing with my story.
"She said that you used to be wonderful. Amazing. Incredible," I clenched my fist. "But something broke in you one day and she left you, didn't she? She left with me: your only child."
Now's my chance. He... He has to own up.
"She loved you, and you threw it all away! She didn't spend one day not thinking about you. She told me everything about you and talked in such a happy tone when she explained who you were to her, but now she's dead!" I shouted, making sure he really felt that anger I threw at him.
Now that made him snap.
"That's it. Get out! Go, or I am revoking your membership here! And never say that woman's name again, I swear the devil's name!" He yelled in choler, swiftly standing up from his desk and gazing me straight into my orbs.
"I am known as the headmaster of this school, not a father. I never will be. Go back to the family you have left!"
I gripped my shirt tightly. So tightly—in fact—my knuckles went white, and my hands hurt from balling my fists.
"I would never go back there. Not if my life depended on it!" I countered back and snatching the picture out of his hand. "Fine, I'll leave," I started to exit the room.
Though, before I could put my hand on the doorknob, I said slowly, "Just know, my mother still loved you after what happened to you. God knows what you did to yourself, Mephisto. I hope you're happy."
I glanced back at him to see his dissatisfied, unmoved expression.

I walked out of the room and closed the door softly, seeing Yukio leaning against the wall, now realizing I came out of the office.
"What did he say? How did he take it?" He questioned eagerly, placing a hand on my back.
I stayed quiet and looked at the ground for a few seconds.
"All there is to say is that he's no father to me. He never was." I mumbled and started to walk off at a somewhat swift pace, placing my hands in my pockets.
"Y/N..." Yukio mumbled, most likely feeling that it was no use to even ask what went wrong.

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