2- 53. A Last Beginning

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RECAP: yotety yote akem the sexy goat

I ambled in as well and shut the door behind me, then touched my cheek softly.

It wasn't on the lips...

But instead of swooning or blushing over it so much, I decided to cherish that moment, for that might be the last time for a while he might kiss me anywhere.

And I who knows what tomorrow will bring.


"Wake up, wake up!" Somebody shouted at the top of their lungs, shaking me.
I groaned and turned on my side.

"Now, now, Y/N..."

Wait, I know that voice.

My eyes shot open to find Bon with a smirk and Shima with a smile hovering over me.
"B-Bon...? I thought you weren't coming? And Shima..." I pointed, but Bon slapped my back.
"I can't believe you actually bought that shit. You know I'd never pass up an opportunity to kick someone's ass," he started, then stood up straight and rested his arm on Shima's shoulder.
    "I just can't do it without my favorite homeboy."
My eyes lit up, and I gripped his shirt eagerly. "You mean you'll help?"
"I'd be an extra asshole if I said no," he ruffled my hair.

Then I noticed something. I was still dark out. I checked the time; 3:19AM.
"... And why are you here so late? Or... Early?"
Shima responded for him. "Yukio and I agreed that fighting while daylight is dangerous for the kids on campus and the campus itself, so we decided to do it while everyone was asleep."
I nodded. "It makes sense..."
"Anyways," Rin added. "Hurry up. I wanna watch that blondie get his ass kicked."
"Rin's right," Shiemi butt in. "We should go—quick."

We all firmly nodded and agreed, hopping into the van and making our way to the academy.

The car ride was quiet, with all of us probably thinking the same thing.
I wonder what's going to happen. It makes me curious to know what our future holds after this.
Will I find love? Will I have a family? I guess only time will tell...

And I guess only time will tell what the hell I'm going to with my demonic disease and that whack-ass locket.


When we pulled up to the academy, instead of using an old parking lot and risk getting caught, we parked in the gravel driveway of Shiemi's old house, since her mom wasn't waking up anytime soon.
    As all of us got out of the car, Kone had glanced up at the top of the main academy building and muttered while pointing his finger up at it, "Guys... Look."

Surely, all of us did, to find that the rooftop seemed to be dimly illuminated, as if... People were up there.
"Y/N was right..." Izumo mumbled, taking the words right out of my mouth.
"Huh?" Bon and Shima hummed at the same time.
"Y/N said that they would be waiting on the academy's main rooftop, and clearly they are." Yukio answered, just as astounded as the others.
But Rin decided to cut in. "Yeah, Y/N was right—but that doesn't matter. We need to get up there and finish this right now."

The seven of us nodded firmly in agreement and entered the building quietly, then snuck up the stairs.

But no—the stairs didn't lead directly to the rooftop. There was a small path to it around the corner first, so we all decided to huddle there and decipher our plan.
"Okay," I began, closing my eyes, then darting them to everyone. "Everyone get in your spots–and try not to get caught. Stay safe."
Since Yukio and Bon knew the entire academy well, they knew the exact spots of the main rooftop of where to hide—or at least couldn't be seen.
As everyone made their way to their places, I fumbled with the locket in my pocket and took a deep breath.
Okay, Y/N. This is it... We'll end this, and finally get answers.
I took one last inhale, and strode up to the entrance confidently, where two knights stood at the sides. I could see Angel's back towards me, and a satanic looking circle around him... With the portal to the other dimension. Tall candles were also lit around the rooftop, along with The Four Sins at almost every corner, just... Looking at me in their human forms.
I could feel Yukio and I think the same thing: how the hell are we going to pull this off.
"Hey!" I yelled, getting Arthur's
immediate attention. "I'm here now. This is what you wanted, right?" I said, gripping the necklace in my pocket and slowly taking steps towards him. "So tell me," I started, stopping when him and I were about six yards away. "What will you do now, asshole?!"
The blonde man slowly turned around and smirked, holding up a finger. I didn't know what he was about to say—but it couldn't have been good. In the back of my mind, I knew that every eye was on me, as if listening wasn't good enough.
"I would like to tell you a story."
I could feel tension from everyone fill the air, and ask themselves the question I was about to ask.
"I don't have time for–"
"On B/D, Mephisto Pheles had a child named Y/N, with a woman named Hana," he began, making me furrow my eyebrows, but I didn't dare interrupt him. "Oh, how beautiful the baby was—but there was something wrong with it. Something it should'nt have been born with..."
     He started to roam around the circle with his hands behind his back. "A demon's power, of course. I mean, it is only natural to have some of the father's genes, right?" He smiled devilishly, still not making eye contact. "Though, that's not all. When Y/N was only a young child, Hana developed cancer, that she... Strangely got, which unfortunately made her pass away only years later. Then, Y/N was sent to an academy, where she had found her two boy-toys that she fell in love with at only age four," he chuckled.
I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. "Don't you dare-"
"Oh, yes, then she got a horrible disease from a demon! Ah—then one of the boys died—and she lost all her memories, then got them back, then the boy came back alive! After that, some unimportant stuff happened, and she realized that she still had this poisoning–"
"Don't you dare say it!" I wailed, slicing the air with my arm in anger.
"And she kept it from everyone!" He laughed, but then his hysterical smile turned into a devious, twisted frown as his eyes stared into my soul. "You can come out now, kids. I know you're all here." He said darkly.
     Everyone had came out of their spots slowly and glanced at each other, then me.
Rin looked fuming, and Yukio looked like he was disappointed in me—or maybe even himself.
"Y/N," Yukio said, walking up to me. "Is it really true that you really... Still have that disease?"
I hung my head with Rin striding up and turning me around to him harshly. "What the hell is wrong with you?! I could have helped you!" He glanced at Yukio, then all of the others. "We could have helped you...!"
I looked away. "I know," I gripped the locket in my pocket. "But it was something I had to handle on my own."
"And Y/N," a voice said, making us all turn our heads. It was him. Him. Akem—the goat demon, but in his ravishingly handsome human form. "Why don't you also mention the dreams you've been having?"
My fists clenched with my eyes getting teary. "I swear to–"
"I have one thing to add, kids," he waved a hand. "Your beloved Y/N here also lied about someone talking to her in her dreams. I will admit it was me—I told her her were going to be here. Oh—and that she only had little time left to live. Give you friend all a big round of applause!" He said teasingly, expanding his arms.
"Ah, yes," someone cut in.


No—I know that voice. There's no way...

We shot our heads to the corner of the fence surrounding the rooftop.

It was him.

No, not Akem.

Someone much, much worse.

My whole world crumbled when I saw that first glance of him.
Satan himself floated above the fence slightly and stared me straight into my eyes. Those orbs of his could kill with one little glance, and that pale skin on him could freeze someone with one touch.
     None of us could even believe our eyes.
Then, he started to clap. Slowly, demonically—teasingly.
"Yes, applaud your darling friend," he hopped of the fence onto the rooftop with no hesitation, and not even a scratch on him.
The man started towards Yukio, Rin, and I, and stopped directly in front of his full-blooded spawn, touching his face lightly.
"My, Son. You have grown much," he mumbled, looking him up and down. Rin didn't seemed confused, though... Almost as if having Satan as a father never left his mind like a scar.
     "I still remember when you were so little—oh, how I watched you both from the sidelines of another world, longing to take my sons from that God-loving idiot!" He suddenly snapped, clenching his fist.

Then, in a second, he was gone.

But... He appeared next to Yukio.
No way this prick has this kind of power...!

He traced Yukio's jawline from behind him and said quietly, "You... The youngest. One who fell in love with that girl—maybe the only thing you have in common with your dearest brother," Yukio's sweat dropped and furrowed his eyebrows.
     "I still cannot believe you fell for... That girl. Out of all people," he snarled, then disappeared a second time, only next, he appeared directly in front of me, cupping my cheeks.

Not to intimidate, but to warn.
I gazed deeply into his troublesome eyes.
    He falsely sighed, "Beautiful, but a liar... What a shame..." Then, appeared floating with one leg crossed over the other one on the fence.
"Bael, now," he commanded nonchalantly, snapping his fingers.

Damn it...! I remember this trick! All of their DNA and nerves are bound to a string... And if he pulls them all too tight and they break...

They'll die.

As Bael tugged on the multicolored strings, everyone had fell to the floor in agony but Rin, Yukio, and I.
    The groans and screams couldn't be heard by the entire academy—but they were heartbreakingly loud.
"Stop it!" I yelled, trying to run to the demon man, but was held back by Yukio.
"Y/N, don't," he whispered. "This is what he wants."
I whipped around and felt the urge to slap him. "What is wrong with you?! They're in pain! Of course I'm going to do something—even if you won't!" I snatched my arm away from him and bolted to Bael, but he disappeared with a laugh before I could even touch him.

Goddammit! What did I use to get a hit on him during the demon game...?
I looked around cautiously, then I felt it almost slap me.
The verses! But... I don't remember them. Though, it didn't kill him. It was a verbal attack. Maybe if...
"Yukio," I called out to him, making him listen in. "Bael has invisibility—but it doesn't last for long until he has to appear again for a few seconds. Take the opportunity to shoot him with your gun!"
His eyes widened. "But, Y/N—!"
"Yukio, I need you to!" I said fiercely back at him, making him nod firmly and take out his gun to aim it.
Though I didn't know what the future held and how the past might have effected it, this was the one fight that would end it.

All of it.

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